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Death by the devil's growl — The Wildwood 
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Played by MONSTER who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hope Maria Conan
Stealth. That is what she needed, to slip from the borders of the watchful alpha, for a year she was bound to call him father. For a year she was meant to be under his reign to rid the world of those who dare tussle with them. For a year she was bound in a tight prison. But not any longer. Cinderella had escaped from the two guarded by her evil step father and his loyal disciples, she took to the woods until the coast was clear. There she hid in full confidence that all would be well, but poor Cinderella had last to calculate her entire escape plan. The king furious with her disappearance sent his knights to bring her back home. A crooked smiled seeped across her lips at the delectable thought casually striding the red viper from his cage to clean the golden lips. Oh Hope had fooled them all one by one the nights falling into her trap, sent to spiral in a pit of ash. The devil would redeem his souls granting her life above beyond the fiery pits but he as well would become greedy demanding his prized creation to come home, though his whines would go to no avail. She was bound his right hand women.

No clock tower would ring for Cinderella to come home, no knight would knock on the wooden door asking for her hand, no monster could guard her until said knight came. The princesses had grown tired of waiting for her fairy tale; it was time she wrote her own chapter. But be warned she chapter is not for those with a weak feeble heart. She has tasted the apple of evil, disregarded the cookie of delight. She wants more she desire the sweet slavery taste of the apple again. Hope will get this before hell freezes over if it is the last thing she does. Barreling through the thickets the greedy creatures capturing her pelt pulling it as a nature brush to comb the long thick hair. Moonlight cascades down like a white vial shinning through the thick vegetation, while darkness consumes the light in a never ending battle. For those on lookers with their beady eyes watching the princess danced in synchronized steps with the light. A soft creepy hum ejecting from her half parted lips. Tail flicking idly behind her brushing across the thick sturdy trees, placing another trap for a member of the crowd to slink down into her clutches.

Heaven could not save them now!

code by Debain, image by Snizz
(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2011, 03:29 AM by Wolf.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
His bright eyes glanced wearily up at the moon, if only for a stolen moment of quiet and solitude. It was late, though the winter offered the veil of darkness much swifter than the summer. Flakes of snow danced against the night sky, though the clouds did not cloak the entire evening. It was decent weather, and the tawny regal had been prowling for a hunt since afternoon. His temptation to call Ranger for her company had been hard to resist, but Ruiko had decided that he would be more productive with less distractions, for it was not his intention to hunt large game at that moment.

Giving a quick shake of his pelt to rid the powdered white from flecking his golden frame, the hefty beast unfurled a sigh, ringlets of his breath crisp among the cool air. He moved along a familiar path toward the direction of home, knowing his hunt had come to an end the moment the land become lit by no more than the moon. Borlla and Kinis might have been hungry that night, but it was Ruiko’s hope that one of the others had success in finding a meal for their youth.

He tread at a quickened pace, his long limbs striding with confidence when a flash of pale ivory was noticed from the peripheral vision of the male. Hesitating slightly, Ruiko’s hackles bristled lightly at the sudden intrusion of his solitude, and he regarded the ghostly figure as it glided gracefully through the brush.. not once offering to make his presence known.
Played by MONSTER who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hope Maria Conan
She moved in soft fluid movement, her body dancing with the wind, twisting in turning like a delicate leaf, so easy to shatter. Though her fame was short lived as the wind brought the smell of a male, someone close lurking in the shadows, watching the delicate rose sway in her movements. A charming smile flashed across her lips as her feet barely touched the ground. Ears pricked forward as the black dipped nose began to twitch, attempting to find the one who was lurking in the shadows. Watching her with interest, silenced leaked out pretending to be eerie stranger dressed in dark clothing. Hope was rarely interested in the prospects of someone lurking and watching her, though this time it had spike her interest. For a little while she would play along. Closing her eyes, counting to ten and then overturning everything until she found the one in hiding. This game would be most intriguing. His smell was most alluring the way it danced in defiance just above her nose, as if she was not early good enough to breathe it in. opening her eyes followed by a soft chuckle the female was on the hunt those soft painted feet gliding across the dirt ground a soft hum rumbling in her throat.

"Normally a gentleman announces his presence in front of a lady.” " She chimed in a soft innocent voice, her eyes hungrily scanning him over. Did he posses the thing that she most desired in the whole world? Would she find within him the comfort of the drug she needed? Doubt lingered around Hope like a thick heavy coat. For now she would play the angle her father always saw her to be. A porcelain doll among the shattered pieces of this world and life. Keeping a fair distance away from the male not wanting to intrude too much in his personal space yet not giving him the option of ignoring her, grinding those teeth against one another ignore anything standard of manners for a lady. It was never once said that Hope had been a proper lady rather she ignored the fine toned words spoken from a delicate mouth of how she act. One that lives to please no one has nothing to learn. And that was her stubborn belief. It would never abide her a mate or a picture perfect family, rather a reckless life douched with sorrow and for Hope Conan that was alright. In her eyes that was the picture perfect life.


(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2011, 08:27 PM by Hope.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
His eyes lingered upon her one second more, and just as he was about to drift in the opposing direction and let his presence remain a secret, the china doll figure seemed to suddenly catch the scent that drifted in the wind. Ruiko refrained from rolling his eyes, though his lip curled in disgust momentarily. He was not interested in meeting yet another lone wolf, especially a female. Already the disappearance of Ranger had left a bitter taste in his mouth, and his possession over her had proven to be false. It mattered little – if she was the kind to simply leave without saying so, then it was simply for the best that the tawny beats had kept his interests to himself. It only proved how bewitching and fickle a she-wolf could truly be.

There was no time to slip silently back in to the shadows and be on his way. The ivory stranger had found him, and her eyes seemed to light with mischief. Stoically, his own deep amber gaze swept over her, repressing a snort of disdain to her comment. “I see no gentleman here,” he answered with a light drawl, his tail giving an idle flick behind him. It would seem his return to Swift River would be postponed a moment or two, for the girl seemed to want to play games. “I can’t say I see any ladies here either.” He hid the smugness he felt then – the water was back within the lands of Relic Lore and the Tainn’s were slowly trickling back to the pack. Ruiko Tainn was back to his own disinterested tricks towards lone wolves, and while he could have remained where he was and conversed with a creature who in truth was of little worry to him as she did not belong to his pack, he instead chose to leave. With a small nod of his muzzle, the male swiftly cut from the she-wolf's presence, his figure trailing the way he had initially intended to travel.
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2011, 01:45 PM by Ruiko.)