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he lives his act — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote> Acquiring the fact that the male had been an old friend of Alexander’s, Borden held his tongue, deciding to trust his words and not cause any more ruckus by questioning how and why and any other nonsense. Weldering had, after all, brought up the alpha by name without any prompt other than the scout’s mention of the Mountain. Borden’s ability to hold back was rewarded almost instantaneously and he listened as the silver-and-black wolf mentioned the drought and the previous alpha’s name, Honijo. He had no choice now but to trust him, to share that much information and reiterate the facts that Borden knew already, was enough to wash away any traces of doubt. His posture relaxed just slightly when he took in his companion’s names. Weldering… and, Atiris...

Ceasing all telltale signs of unease, Borden’s ears settled atop his skull, no longer pointing directly forward in an aggressive display; his tail, in turn, gently swayed behind him as though it were a flag, signaling that he was willing to talk openly with the duo now. “Borden,” he said in a genial tone, giving Weldering and Atiris a polite smile. “A pleasure to meet you both.” He wondered what else to say… What Alexander would say next… However, she eliminated his need to extend the conversation and offered him the one question he thought he would never hear. Are you accepting new members? The question alone echoed and spun in his mind; he blinked for a few moments, speechless.

To strengthen Midnight Plateau’s numbers, Borden knew, was one of Alexander’s top priorities now that the middle of winter had arrived. With the season crawling along, he knew that eventually roving individuals would start eyeing the mountain, interested in what it had to offer when prey on the forest floor became sparse. Having more eyes and bodies to keep the territory safe was a necessity that the Alpha and Beta absolutely needed more than ever. He glanced to the male as though attempting to see if he mirrored her interest before looking to Atiris. “Actually, yes,” he smiled, now hoping that she had asked because she wanted to be an asset to the small pack.

Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
Conversations were not Welderings strong points either. His forepaws seemed to knead impatiently at the ground in an uncomfortable way. Always unsure what to say next since normally he spoke first then thought about what he had aid afterward - it was the main reason why he talked himself into most of his problems. The whole feud with the Tainn brothers for example. A single ear twitched lightly as he listened to Borden the Beta Male. Nodding faintly as he acknowledged his name and also the pleasantries that quickly followed. The silence did not last long as his attention turned to the she-wolf, to Atiris.

'Are you accepting new members?' Well wasn't she quick to just dive straight in there with the question. The black masked male smirked lightly to himself remembering how he had quizzed Honijo a little first. He had never been entirely sure about joining Midnight Plateau seeing as he had previously been screwed over by his pack before where he had been Beta and also a warrior. Though after realising at the pack meeting that half of the members were already friends or acquaintances he settled down nicely. While he did enjoy the freedom of being a lone wolf he was growing tired of it. He was a hopeless hunter, clumsy with his large build whilst running or trying to stalk prey. His muscular build mainly sustained by fishing - which was why he suffered a lot when the rivers ran dry. But being in a pack took off the strain of not being all round good at everything to survive comfortably. Instead he could help the pack with what he was good at and in return receive help in the areas that he was not - over all a far more comfortable lifestyle. So when it came down to packs there was only two choices - it was a no brainer of a decision. Mainly because there was not a hope in hell that Ruiko or Indru would let him anywhere near Swift River let alone join it. Not that he ever would. Then of course there was the fact that he trusted Alexander and knew he would make a fine Alpha, one that he could trust.

Weldering shook his maw, he had to snap himself back to reality, tearing away from his blissful daydreams. She was being accepted and this caused his brow to furrow mildly turning to face Borden with another question. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"And old members?" He then asked, wondering if Borden was accepting old members as well as the new. Weldering wished to re join Midnight Plateau.
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atiris Heavenstar
<blockquote>Borden. Atiris' cinnamon ears flicked at the sound of his name which she committed to memory. Borden of Midnight Plateau, the place he called home with his alpha, Alexander, which had formerly been the home of the stranger, Weldering. She was interested in pack life again, and her ears flicked forward when the beta said that they were accepting new members. While he didn't go far enough to extend the welcome to her in particular, it was nice to know that they weren't turning away those who came in search of a home. Still, Atiris couldn't be sure that this was the place she wanted to live.

There would be only four of them, provided that Weldering was permitted to re-join and Atiris doubted that he'd be turned away. He had a link to the alpha, afterall, and while Borden seemed somewhat cautious of him- of both of them- he seemed to relax visibly when both of them showed an interest in joining the pack. It would be small and from what Atiris could see, she would be the only female. She smiled despite herself at this thought, not daunted by it at all. While she'd only had one brother and three sisters growing up, Atiris had spent much of her time playing with the boys and playing less with the other girls.

Thus, the wiry cinnamon female nodded, ears relaxed. <b>"Well,"</b> She quipped, <b>"I'm just as good as any other,"</b> She said, and, after sneaking a wry glance at the silver and black male she cackled <b>"Or better."</b> Atiris was the competitive sort, though no malice laced her comment. <b>"I can hunt, patrol, pupsit- the lot of it."</b> She said idly, having been trained to do such things early on in life. While she might have seemed cocksure, she did know what she was doing, and felt no need to hold back her good qualities and skills. <b>"And I'm just as tough as any man you'll ever meet,"</b> She commented with a grin. </blockquote>
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote> The inquiry of whether Borden would take Weldering in as an old member made him smile even more. “Of course,” he nodded. “Alexander would probably be more than glad to see you again.” The idea of the alpha returning and finding that the scout had recruited two members would probably set his soul alight. Midnight Plateau, even with just four of them, would thrive once again. Looking over the silver-backed male, Borden had no doubt that he would be more than enough help about the vast territory.

In turn, realizing that Borden was rather undecided about the duo, Atiris made sure to mention her strengths. The beta listened, still smiling as he fully waved his tail about his haunches now. She had spunk. He liked it; even her mention of taking care of pups sparked his interest. For a brief moment, his mind flickered to the other prospective pair he had been keeping tabs on for the past week or so. Maybe Raigo would have not three mentors but five. He glanced to the pair, rather awed to say the least.

Eating alone or wondering how to make use of leftover and slowly rotting carcasses would no long be a problem now; and he would not have to push himself so hard when there were two other sets of eyes and ears to ensure the pack’s safety. “Very impressive,” he complimented Atiris. “Midnight Plateau could make use of anything you two have to offer,” he stated, absolutely brimming with delight. “I… just maintain boundaries here and help Alexander in any way I can, so, it really means a lot to see you both express interest… in us, in the pack.” He bowed to them, careful to not forget his manners, “Please make yourselves at home. The mountain may not look like much, but I assure you it has plenty to offer as long as you don’t mind the wind.” He offered another smile, newfound happiness written all over his face and pelt. “And, welcome back, Weldering,” he said with a dip of his muzzle. Taking a step backwards, he glanced to the pair, rather unsure of what to do next. In all honesty, while he was ecstatic that the pack would grow by two, he had no idea how to go about fully extending his gratitude. Weldering had occupied these parts before; perhaps he could take Atiris up the mountain or give her a tour? He’d love to escort them throughout the territory, but his patrol had not even started for the day.

(This post was last modified: Jan 25, 2011, 01:52 AM by Borden.)
Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
Acceptance, it was an odd feeling despite being felt a couple of times in the past. This now was his third. It almost sent a nervous shudder down his spine. The towering brute trying to yet again hide his odd shy side. So far so good, he had not said anything slip from his muzzle to get himself into trouble. Better still he had a home now. While he had only been living in Cedarwood Forest for a couple of weeks once again he realised he would have to move, make a new den here within the pack territory of Midnight Plateau. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Thankyou." He murred softly showing his gratitude with a welcoming nod of his own. A pleased grin sweeping over his handsome ebony maw.

Atiris was accepted also, two new members at once meant that this Beta Male had doubled the packs numbers in a single conversation. His twilight blue gaze setting upon the she-wolf as her competitiveness flared. His own blackened ears cupped around her sound of her voice as she explained her strengths promptly causing him to also offer a little bit of background knowledge about himself. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"I'm more of a guardian or warrior myself. Though I can also fish and watch the borders." Rolling back his silver pelted shoulders in a shrug. Yet idly grinning as Atiris proclaimed she was just as tough as any male. His well built figure gliding to the side where Weldering attempted to playfully shunt the smaller lass, still smirking of course. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Is that so?" He sniggered, tail waving happily behind him a couple of times before sending his attention back toward Borden with a hint of seriousness. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"I better go find myself a new den." He explained, taking a couple of paces forward before looking back toward them again, were any of them planning on returning to the packlands with him right now? Or were they planning on continuing their chat at the borders?
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atiris Heavenstar
<blockquote>For Atiris, it didn't feel like a defining moment in her life. Being accepted to the pack was not something she'd absolutely depended upon, and her asking to join had been done on somewhat of a whim. Still, she was grateful and looked forward to exploring the packlands and considering herself to be a part of a group again. Borden seemed alright, and Weldering seemed to have a sense of humour, which she appreciated. She lowered her centre of gravity quickly and shunted out one shoulder to brace herself against his quick move, snapping at the air close to one of his knees to get a point across. She smiled the whole time, though, and considered asking Weldering at some point to be a sparring partner.<p>

Borden left it open to the two of them to do what they saw fit to do. Weldering decided to look for a den and Atiris, who hadn't come with any plans or hopes, flicked her ears forward and licked her lips. <b>"I think I'll give this place a look-around,"</b> She said, sniffing the air. She could likely find something productive to do once she knew her way around the packland, and might have felt foolish offering to join Borden on the patrol if she had no idea where they were going. <p>

Weldering moved forward and Atiris cackled softly. <b>"Don't get lost!"</b> She called, before she turned her attention to Borden. The smirk on her face was gentled and she dipped her head to him then, to express her gratitude. <b>"Thank you, Borden. I'll be useful,"</b> She said as her tail began to wave. She had a home again, and comrades, finally. </blockquote>
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote> Seeing the two interact with one another amused him and he let out a light chuckle. At least they would get along just fine. His muzzle still sporting an amiable smile, he listened as they each thanked him and informed him of their next plan of actions. Smart, really… The first thing Borden considered doing was familiarizing himself with the territory borders rather than finding a personal place to sleep – his perch that overlooked a good portion of the Sacred Grove and a little bit of Bramble Falls was hardly a good spot to rest, and he mainly used the ledge to hold his night watches – and familiarizing himself with his new home.

Ending their conversation on a good note was ideal and Borden simply hoped they would find satisfaction in living on the mountain. He glanced to Weldering and smiled as though to signal that he was excused, absolutely free to roam about and explore. “Try searching near the foot of the mountain first,” he suggested. “Might have better luck finding an abandoned burrow; or a cave or something higher up.” His tail wagged slowly as he glanced to Atiris, laughing quietly as she called out to Weldering about not losing his way.

Always a pleasure,” he replied, acknowledging her appreciation. “If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask; I’ll just be patrolling around the borders for the next few hours, so just let me know.” He paused for a moment, “If you’ll excuse me though, I’m going to continue my rounds and leave you to your own agenda.”

Turning slightly towards the landmark, he glanced over his shoulder at his new pack mates, wanting to see them off before he left.

Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
Being in a place with a view was a nice touch but not something that Weldering was primarily looking for in a home. He knew the lands of Relic Lore well enough so even with a scenic view it would not have made any difference. Just a cosy, safe and warm place that he could keep himself and his things. Just like the other two he was content that he was getting along with his new packmates. He already knew Alex as well so this meant that he was now friends with his entire pack. Grinning at the thought of this he found the she-wolf's banter amusing as she shunted him back. A lady who could hold her own and potentially a sparring partner? When he found out about that he was going to be even more delighted.

Borden gave a few suggestions of where to look for a den, while last time he had a burrow he fancied something closer to the borders near to the waterfall this time and if he managed to find a small cave, well that would end up being perfect. Nodding in thanks yet again to the Beta Male his gaze turned to Atiris who declared that she was going to explore first. Yet joking reminder the black masked brute not to get lost. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"I'll try not to." He grinned, tail flipping by his heels a few times before looking back a final time. He was sure he would bump into them soon again anyway but for now he had a new den to find.
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>