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Burning an eternal flame — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I'll be the bright, and black, that's making you run

Eyes continued to search for the white of her pelt,but he did not find it. He kept waiting for her to stop, trail back and get the best of him. Suddenly he halted, holding his breath, ears straining. Was she even running still? Damn, she was quick. But as he listened he could not tell if the crumpled leaves danced from the breeze or her. Head jerked at the sudden call of the raven. He wondered what it said, if it was perhaps a clue, or laughing at his predicament. Muscles tensed beneath his dark coat, waiting.  When nothing else happened, he proceeded to rely on his nose, and her intoxicating aroma to continue the chase.

The Tainn was running now, and more urgently, wondering if he would find her. Or if she had disappeared, and that was that. The unknown was one of life's cruelest things, and he would not give up. Not yet. As the cool air broke in his lungs, he could still pick up a trace of her. "Where are you going," he murmured to himself. What would he do if he caught her?

He continued running till his sides began to hurt. He figured he would go another couple feet before he would surrender, and admit defeat. When wait a minute....she had veered off, and was now. Brows pressed together as he paused, more uncertain. No closer to knowing what she was capable of nor planning on doing than when he had laid eyes upon her. "Enoki?" He tested, a hint of fear to his deep tone.

Triell Tainn
(This post was last modified: Sep 08, 2016, 02:13 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Like clockwork the silence soon fell away to the sound of approaching footsteps and equally ragged breathing from the dark coated male, her moniker painted by his voice in a light layer of fear filling her eardrums. For a split second in time the points of her ears pressed back against her skull hearing such a tone leave his mouth, a part of her almost regretting that she had evoked such an emotion in her game of chase. Just as silently as wind passing over an owl's feathers the magpie painted woman emerged from her hiding spot to settle her smoldering gaze on the similar tinted pair he owned, breathing more controlled now.

"I'm here." She spoke softly, the hint of a smile once more gracing her marred face as her paws carried her closer to the point where @Triell stood. "Did I scare you?" Enoki questioned in the same soft spoken tone as moments before, the corner of her smile pulling back further when her ears picked up on the faint sound of his racing heart within the confines of his white splashed chest. Ever so lightly the woman pressed the tip of her cool nose to his right cheek before taking a couple steps back to lower her rear haunches to the ground. A soft chuckle escaping her lips. "I think I almost gave you a heart attack." She jested, the playful atmosphere once more surfacing.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I'll be the bright, and black, that's making you run

It was as if the Tainn had summoned spirit instead of flesh. Bright eyes pulled from the shadow, and his head jerked downward to shield his throat out  body going into a crouch to flee or fight as she revealed herself. Once the rest of himself caught up a sheepish smile crumpled against his lips. Large ears dipped side-ways, unable to hide what he felt was a moment of weakness. Why he was aware of his vulnerabilities, he didn't need them so exposed.

The smile she carried after that question seemed nothing small. In a way it may have heightened his embarrassment. But, his eyes were upon the expression, wondering if she smiled like that often. He become even more frozen when she touched his cheek. It took him a couple tries to blink, give an off shake of his head. A bit in disagreement.

"Almost?" He  huffed, his brows raised in disbelief. Though it was all in fun. Then he paused, a tip of an ear if checking himself on the condition of his heart. "I suppose its still in working order." Then, his smart grin was back. "But, you did give me fair warning. Guess I should heed it better next time...." Though as those words came out, he wasn't sure how true they were. If he would see her again. Morning would come, and he would return to the other side of the mountain. It became evident in his dark mask his sudden uncertainty. Thoughts else where.

Triell Tainn
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Amber eyes watched closely as the dark hued man before her shifted in posture to one of a wolf on the defense, head lowering to protect his neck as his body crouched down. For a moment a glimpse of a frown met her lips watching him adjust to such a position, that he had thought her capable of causing him ill will, but the moment was quick to fade and soon a sheepish smile adorned his inky lips realizing it was only her sharing the shadows and moonlight with Triell and not another whom would have harmed the man as he had formerly thought.

Rounded ears pressed forward once his initial shock had dissipated, listening to the sound of his voice as it broke the silence that had began to linger between them since the last of her words filled the Sacred Grove. There was no holding back the smirk that slowly crept onto the corner of her lips hearing him admit she had almost scared the poor man into a heart attack, ivory dipped tail beginning to thump against the fallen foliage that surrounded her rump when that smart grin of his resurfaced only to falter slightly at the mentioning of a next time. "Perhaps I could go easier on you next time." A glint of mischief in her eyes. Would there truly be a next time, though?  Uncertainty soon became an emotion worn evidently upon both dark masks as the magpie's thoughts drifted off course as well, the grin that was on her lips shrinking in size slightly.

What were the chances of them actually meeting again though? She had duties to attend to in the willows and in the back of her mind she knew; or so she thought she did, that it was most likely just the intoxicating curse of her heat cycle that brought their paths together for the night and soon morning would arrive to disperse whatever fantasies coursed through their minds during the midnight hours. But that didn't mean the idea of meeting again didn't entice her and speaking of morning her gaze wandering skyward and the smile upon her lips shrunk tremendously as her eyes were met with the first hints of dawn beginning to come forth. The once navy blue blanket of the night sky now steadily growing lighter in shade. The sand in their hourglass was about to run out.
(This post was last modified: Oct 03, 2016, 04:27 PM by Enoki.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I'll be the bright, and black, that's making you run

In another time, another place, things may have ended differently.  The spark of another game evident in her gaze he didn't wish to turn down.  It would have been nice to hear more of her mountain, what she did now. Where she called home. Go on another midnight run without care. Part of him may have wished he had met her sooner. Who would she return home too? Was there another gentleman? Or two? Had she lost a mate? He found it strange, he had even gotten the time he had with her. If only for that he smiled, a sigh tugging from his chest. At a standstill.  It did not seem to hit her until she spoke in turn.

"Perhaps," he agreed. He could not talk sweetly about how they would, and he would see to it. No, cruel empty promises would leave his lips. He wished he could know, and yet tried not to let his mind get that far ahead. The Bend, his children, his pack was not something to leave behind. He didn't know, but he felt she was also as dedicated to hers.

Eyes lingered on her smile, not about to forget it. But, like the dark it began to slip. Morning was upon them, and he gently cleared his throat. There was no point prolonging the inevitable.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Enoki Ashrelle, and steal a dance. Till we meet again," he faintly brushed his nose to her cheek. A half grin there, when he met her bright eyes, holding onto them for a moment longer. Swiftly, he dipped his head in both respect, and good bye before turning back, ready for the journey over the mountain.

Triell Tainn
(This post was last modified: Oct 18, 2016, 03:16 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]