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Road to Ruin — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
he comes, he comes; judge so severe

Whether intended or not, even a soft rumble from a man Ash's size could be construed as menacing, and that was proven as the sound chased Gent's own words and Drestig's demeanor transformed drastically. His body language and facial expressions spoke volumes of the displeasure all of the shade king's words had inspired within him, and the other man quickly opened his mouth to voice it as well. From the start of it, Gent was put off, one of his own brows quirking as Drestig snapped out his piece.

One question was an interrogation? How had Gent been anything less than civil, or unfair about what was exchanged? Bitterly, the leviathan was reminded of Kisla and how that situation had been so swiftly twisted and turned upon him. It would not happen again, no matter how similar this man had suddenly proven to be to that spited woman.

"No one's interrogating you," he replied, his voice mindfully calm, before taking a guess (accounting Drestig's expression when Gent had given the answer) at what exactly this orange eyed wolf thought had been blockading his exchange.

"When it comes to my family, I guard what comes out of my mouth. If you've any semblance of one, I would hope you do the same." Whether it was a connubial arrangement or not, there was someone else mixed in with this rogue's scent. Gent hoped whoever it was meant enough to the man that he would understand. If not, however, he wasn't about to beg him to. While he didn't mind clarifying, for surely this man was misreading, he would not be made to feel as though he owed anyone an explanation for his choices.

"As for Nina, she's a close friend of mine," an olive branch, in keeping with the goal of balancing the trade of knowledge. Respectfully, he would let Ash determine what was to be divulged about his own relationship with the Woodlands matriarch. "Just the natural flow of conversation that I would ask once you'd mentioned her."

His tail had instinctively begun to curl upward, Drestig raising his own a challenge that his more basic nature demanded he meet. This certainly wasn't an occasion worth such a battle, however; it really wasn't even worth this turn of conversation in his eyes, and if the other man refused to be satisfied then Gent hoped he would follow through with his threat and simply leave.

seven trumpets speak, oh they speak him near
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

Just as Gent noticed the transformation in Drestig, so did Ash. Had this been an interrogation, it would have made the Guardian extremely suspicious but for the time being it just caused him unease. His small eyes narrowed into slits. There was no need for them to give him any information concerning Nina. As it was, the man was acting as if he had gotten pissed on for no reason. If he only met Nina once, then perhaps there was no reason for them to be so defensive. The other black man spoke up once again and the Hervok had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. So much to say...always so much to say. It had not been that long ago that he had come to him within his own borders to make it clear that it was not welcome for him to kill others. It seemed as though his sister was only bringing in even more moral compasses to guide him along his way.

He nodded his head in agreement, finally speaking, "Indeed, as Gent said. Family is important. I am protective over mine and Nina is my sister." His face was more relaxed now, as was his body. He eyed the other man, licking his teeth before speaking, his voice clipped, "I wouldn't be so confident out here. Gent and I may have our differences but when it comes to Nina we have the same state of mind." It wasn't a threat but a warning for the future. Nina was well-known in the north and with her declining health anyone within Secret Woodlands might be protective over how anyone asked of her, especially if they didn't know her. It would be Drestig's mistake if he didn't listen.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

This was no longer a fun situation. All attention had turned to Drestig, and though he normally did not mind the spotlight, the particularly piercing eyes of these two brutes was making his hackles prickle. Gent, at least, attempted to explained, though it was clear that he was none too happy about the elder man's reaction. His tone was mild, but it gave the words an almost condescending ring, and served little to sweeten Drestig's mood. The notion of family especially, chipped at the graying man's mind. But he forced down a comeback, resolving to hear out blue-boy and his excuses for being a cold ass lout. He was unimpressed.

Ash though found it necessary to add to the explanation, his words sending and angry chill racing down Drestig's spine; Same state of mind, ha? He wondered what exactly that was. A breath was pushed out through his nose, making a half-snorting sound, head shaking lightly. Keeping his eyes on the reddish man, he countered: "Yet, all I did was say her name and you seemed more than ready to jump my throat! Am I a threat to your sister by simply knowing who she is?" His voice was gruff but controlled, not yelling at the other but signaling his displeasure none the less. It was not fair to demand answers when you were unwilling to give any yourself, and he especially did not enjoy being treated like this o, what was supposed to be, neutral lands.

Turning back to the ebony man, Drestig noted the change in his posture, what almost seemed like a challenge to his thoughts. He quirked a silvered brow, entirely unimpressed by the display. His own tail had come to rest just below back-level, completely still as he spoke to the younger wolf; "And my family ties are none of your business, just like I never asked about yours. Again I fail to see how simply mentioning them, or the location of your pack would bring them in any danger. Now I can appreciate that your question might not have been meant as an interrogation, but this conversation still feels exasperatingly one-sided. If you are not interested in speaking with me, in front of one another or at all, then I will take my leave and let you two sort your shit out alone." He glanced between the two at the end, his voice firm and quiet. This was not a fit of hysterics, it was an honest opinion, he could not stand these high-up types who were unwilling to play the game of information, and watching their displays of superiority was boring him to death.

Word count: 441

”Speech” Thoughts

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
he comes, he comes; judge so severe

Just like any good gargoyle at the door, @Ash remained unmoved, stoic and undecorated in his position as he rumbled out his piece. It was easy to see how the man could make so many enemies, and by now the alpha had to wonder what percentage of them were actually deserved. The more he was around the russet wolf and observed him, as he did more closely than he would others given the circumstances that surrounded him, the more he was learning that what may seem to most as aggression was simply this man's way of being. While his words could have been taken as threatening, it was worthy to note that his posture had relaxed, at least as much as a beast like him could, and that his tone, while curt, held none of the growl it had before.

He didn't expect this to be noticed or appreciated by Drestig, however. The greying wolf had many less reasons to know of Ash or take such subtle transformations into consideration. Gent would have understood and had no qualms with such a misunderstanding, was certain he'd probably made some of the same ilk plenty of times before in his own life. The problem, the reason that every time he grew more and more disappointed when this third party opened his mouth, was not just his similarity to Kisla but the fact that he was, in Gent's opinion, acting like a petulant child about it all.

The man did not hesitate to get his say in, continuing to argue the point instead of moving on, even though he again emphasized that he was willing to participate in a civil conversation. Simply saying it did not make it so, and Gent no longer believed such a thing possible. At least, not without more effort on his part than he felt worthwhile. There was plenty he could pick at and bicker with, but that was a rabbit hole he didn't have time for and really, he did not care enough past that first attempt to continue to clear the air between them.

And so, without a word further to Drestig, Gent gave Ash a nod of his head in farewell.

"I'll see you around, Ash," he bid, "Raela and I will be visiting the Thicket soon."

Whether or not Ash passed that information on was up to him; Gent was not yet comfortable enough to ask favors of the man. With that, and without so much as a glance toward the greying wolf, the alpha departed South.

seven trumpets speak, oh they speak him near
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Blaaargh sorry for leaving this hanging, gonna wrap up an archive since Ash is inactive @Gent

He was done with these threats and self-righteous airs, whether these buffoons' posturing was in honor of him or each other, he didn't care, he'd had enough. The same seemed to be evident of the other two, as Gent turned to Ash, offering a curt farewell. Drestig snorted; What a piece of work! There was something utterly ridiculous about the childish act of ignoring him in the midst of this hyper-masculine standoff, yet another poof that neither of these men were worth his time.

Not bothering to hang around a second more, the elder wolf turned sharply on his heels, continuing north as blue-boy went south; So is his pack down there? Or, more likely, his paranoia made him take a detour, to protect his family. Drestig shook his head, forcing all thought of both the bastards from his mind to focus on the road ahead; Onwards! If there was one thing he had learned, it was that these fields were no place to settle, though the territory might be neutral, it was clear that way too much competition already surrounded it; And I'd prefer to be quite a distance from both those morons..! There had to be better suited lands out there.

Word count: 203

”Speech” Thoughts
