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not from the same slice as me — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
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Ophelia Macieo
Ophelia gave a rather loud yip, displeased with the way her mother practically shoved her back towards the territory. Her ears lay flat against her head, but her tail lay straight out behind her rather than tucked like her sister's. The indignity! She wasn't doing anything that bad! Just chasing after the stick. Was it such an awful thing? The stubborn pup nearly turned to snap at her mother, to tell her just what she thought in this moment. Unlike what Joan believed, Ophelia didn't always say everything on her mind. She had something of a filter when it came to saving her hide.

Telling her mother in that moment that she hated her, that she loved Papa and Daddy more, would not have ended well. Though peridot green eyes glittered with angry tears, Ophelia turned back and stormed home with purposeful pawsteps that radiated temper, albeit at a different angle from her mother so as not to stomp side by side with her back to Grizzly Hollow.

Ophelia did have the wherewithal to nudge Joan's shoulder in quiet solidarity. Mama's rage felt like nothing compared to his own. She didn't understand what had Joannie so scared of it, but she determined then to be the bad one. She'd be the bad daughter and that way Mama would only ever see Joannie shine. Her sister, for all her rule following, was too soft inside. Ophelia was hard. She'd be her armor.

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