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uncover your eyes — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
@Lachesis Since we have a gap that's a few days more than two months, to claim LP we might need one more reply from you.. ;-; I'm sorry, I suck. <3

Kisla held every bit of faith in Lachesis' ability to maintain his rank. The ivory wolf had proven a couple of times now that not only was he talented in the art of medicine and healing, but that he could hold his own in a fight -- it was simply the mere thought of the one-eyed advisor trying to usurp her co-lead so closely to her mate's untimely demise-- the mate the dark wolf had never once pretended t even respect.

So as they made their way toward the  borders, where they would summon the wolf in question, the she-wolf cast a concerned glance to her ivory companion. They had not discussed the dynamics of where either of them fell now -- her a recent widow to the wolf who had built this pack, and he, the one who had inherited Maksim's claim. She held no doubt they would make it work -- but with the need to rebuild Hearthwood River to its former glory, she found herself apprehensive about how it would all work.. even if she held nothing but respect for the companion at her side now.

Respect, after all, was a far different feeling than the love and devotion she had to the man who had once held the title as the River King. "Some will be upset by this. But it's for the best," she reassured her pale co-lead, her eyes training once more to their destination before she fell silent. This was a new rising for the River wolves, and those that did not prove themselves as trustworthy or family were no longer welcome to their ranks.

(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2017, 01:54 PM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Kisla no worries beb! <3 archiving this now c:

They were an unlikely duo, thrown together by a series of unfortunate events. Since the beginning Lachesis had never felt animosity toward the tawny widow. She had been the perfect ying to Maksim’s yang; the smooth side of his rough edges. During their days in Cut Rock she had proved herself worthy of holding the spot next to Maksim and not once had her position been challenged. Although their relationship was not like the only he had formed with her mate, Lachesis both trusted and respected her just the same. He could not imagine Hearthwood without her.

For the most part their walk to the borders was a silent one, but he didn’t mind. He always preferred silence over noise, and he could tell the wolf at his side was deep in thought (just as he was). While he was elated with what was about to happen, the ghost was also worried… worried that this move would cause a rift among the river wolves. A frown cut across his maw. The rift was inevitable, especially given his relationship with the Baranski's daughter.

It seemed Kisla shared similar thoughts. Her voice pulled him away from the dark corners of his mind as she reassured him that the decision they were making was a good one. He nodded softly, his chartreuse gaze falling to her for a moment. “This will make us stronger.” The shock would be temporary and if wolves left, so be it. They would continue to grow together regardless of the outcome. They would thrive.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
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