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Spectrum — Leigh Glen 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
:c my turn to be slapped, i am so sorry @Lena <3 ily pls forgive me :c

The grin that was slapped across his pale features did not falter as she responded, her playful demeanour causing his shoulders to fall. It was not often that he was able to let his guard down; wolves were so serious these days, it was rather exhausting. He knew his position in Hearthwood required a little more finesse—something that the ghost hadn’t always been good with. XIX was getting better, mostly because he had to be better. For his family; for Maksim; for the river wolves. He would not lose his home—not again. “You are forgiven, Firefly Queen. This time, he chuckled playfully in response as he gave a sharp nod.

“A pleasure to meet you, Lena Donata,” he beamed, his head tilting to the side as he studied her. His smile only widened as she started naming some of the bugs that flew around them, her face contorted as she struggled to remember all of them. “I’m surprised you remembered that many! I don’t think I have to capacity to remember more than two—sometimes I even forget my own name!” Which was mostly the truth. Although he introduced himself as Lachesis more often these days, his tongue still slipped and his assigned name, Nineteen, would come tumbling out. He did not favour one over the other; it was whatever one rose to the surface first.

“If you’re just Lena, I’m just Lachesis. I’m not very proper myself,” he admitted with a shrug that mirrored hers. While he had been in the leadership position for several weeks, it still felt strange to him. As the days passed he grew more comfortable in his rank—especially after putting Kjors in his place and maintaining his position. “You from around here?” He asked curiously, his head falling to the side as he studied the tawny loner. The scents of Relic Lore were fresh on her pelt and he was curious as to where she hailed from. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Mimi who has 69 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Lena Donata
We both have been slapped.

If wolves could salute, Lena would have lifted her paw to her temple, stood straight legged, and given her own swift nod in response. Instead, all she could do was give her signature grin and bob her head in agreement. “Roger that! Won't happen again.” And she meant it – how could she forget a wolf like him, after such an enchanting first encounter?

With a thoughtful hum, Lena tilted her head as she glanced to the fireflies. They drifted around so lazily, and had already swapped positions so many times, that she was positive she'd not remember a single name she had given one. The gig was up, she'd been rumbled. “Weeeeell,” she said, turning her attention back to Lachesis, “truth be told, I absolutely made 'em up on the spot.” Lena gave a sheepish chuckle. “I can barely remember my name either, so don't you worry about that!” She sure was glad she didn't have to panic about leading a pack of wolves. Remembering each member seemed like it would be a hassle! In fact, she would be eternally grateful if she never, ever got a chance to lead.

That was too much responsibility for a goofball like her.

After all, this was the girl who took infinite pleasure in flinging herself head first into water and dirt and snow.

“Around here? Ahhh, nope. I'm from up north, searchin' for my family. I guess you could call it a quest of some sorts, I dunno. But! The end goal is t'find 'em.” And she'd probably wing it from there. “What about you?”

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“Shhh,” he joked, his brows narrowed in mock-concern, “don’t ruin the illusion!” His words were paired with a soft wink as he studied the mass of fireflies surrounding them, each one meandering through the air as if they did not have a care in the world. Lucky. Lachesis often wondered how he got dumped with so much responsibility—especially since he had been an absolute wreck when he first stumbled into Relic Lore with the blue-eyed china doll at his side. If it had not been for his pale companion the healer would not be in the position he was in—she had introduced him to Maksim and the wolves of Darkwater Rapids. Without her XIX would have either returned to the reserve (somehow), or stumbled upon the reaper. And now, here he was, without his dove and his green-eyed friend, attempting to do a job he had never dreamed of.

But he wouldn’t have it any other way. Hearthwood was his home and he was thankful for the relationships that had led him to this moment. Even if many of them were no longer intact.

“From the north, huh?” His curiosity peaked once more, his ears twitching. “I’m from the north, as well—far north. But I’ve been here for several years.” Sometimes he forgot about his life on the reserve. The Lore had been his home for so long Lachesis often had to remind himself he had been born elsewhere. “Have you found any of your family yet?” Perhaps he could help her—he wasn’t familiar with some of the packs, but he might be able to steer her in the right direction. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Mimi who has 69 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Lena Donata
Shall we wrap this up soon? ♥

Ah—a fellow northerner! Well, actually, it didn't come as that much of a surprise. A lot of wolves hailed from the northern reaches, considering how much colder it grew the further you went. Arctic wolves a plenty, because they thrived in the cold. Thick, snowy white coats, perfect for wintertime ambushes and hide-and-seek sessions. For many reasons, Lena was envious of their ability to just disappear into their stark white surroundings … but that didn't necessarily mean she would trade her own pelt. She was quite fond of her honeyed tawny fur!

Lachesis inquired about her family, and if she had found any of them yet, to which she could only shake her head side to side. “Nah, not yet. But! I've been told they're, ah, south, wasn't it? Oak Tree Bend? Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I should be going south, I know, but I came west because I guess I was hungry and wanted to find some food? Didn't wanna be too close to someone's home. Besides, it won't take me too long to get to where I need to go, though.”

With a reassuring smile, she stood straight before stretching out in an almost feline manner, yawning as she did so. “I should actually, probably get goin' now. Erm, would you mind walkin' a little bit with me? It's dark, and I wouldn't mind a bit of company before I head off on my own, in that wilderness down there!” A sheepish chuckle escaped as she shrugged her shoulders. “I mean, if yer not busy or anythin'. S'alright if you got yer own stuff to do!”

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Lena we can wrap up in ur next post or my next one, whatever works better for you <3

Truthfully he was a little disappointed that Lena was going to be moving on so quickly, but he understood why. If he had discovered some of his family had found their way into the Lore XIX would be desperate to find them. It had been years since he had seen anyone from the reserve and he was beginning to think he would never see his family again. Luckily for him, he had begun to make his own family in Relic Lore—even though some of them had disappeared over the years. To think he had been so afraid of the unknown when he had been confined by the fences of the reserve prior to being bullied into leaving… and now… now he thrived. XIX could not imagine living anywhere but but the Lore; more specifically, Hearthwood.

She mentioned going south, to the Bend, a pack he only knew by name. Kisla was more familiar with the wolves of the Bend—were Lena and the Baranski widow related, perhaps? Or knew of each other’s families? His curiosity peaked, but he kept his questions to himself—for now. He did not want to pester her anymore than he already had.

As words threatened to spill off the tip of his tongue, the girl spoke once more, announcing that it was time she was on her way. He frowned, slightly. It quickly dissipated, however, as Lena asked the ghost to accompany her. She would be passing below Kingsfall in order to make her way south… “I suppose I could,” he answered with a cheeky grin, his chartreuse gaze focused on the yellow-eyed sparrow. “Oak Tree Bend is south of my pack; I can point you in the right direction once we get close?” With murmurs of wolves in these hills it was not wise for a loner to be travelling alone under the cover of moonlight… and he wouldn’t mind spending more time with the quirky yearling. She was a breath of fresh air; a more welcoming presence than the wolves he typically encountered. “The only thing I have to do is accompany you,” he responded as he took a step forward, his tail wagging slowly behind him. “It’s on my way home, anyway,” he added with a shrug as he motioned for the girl to follow him with a flick of his nose. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Mimi who has 69 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Lena Donata
@Lachesis figured I'd post a short fade with this one! ♥

Lena was thoroughly delighted when Lachesis agreed to accompany her; discovering that he had to head east in order to get to his own home (meaning she wasn't infringing on his time) was a further treat! “Well, milord,” she teased with another playful wink, “yer company and knowledge will be most appreciated!” She beamed at him, tail wagging behind her as she gestured for him to walk at his side.
