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upwards than downwards — Round Stone Crest 
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Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
Morganna ceased her search for hellebore and watched as @Lorcan limped towards the old timer who had taken his offering and seemingly rather promptly drifted off to sleep. Her eyes narrowed as he seemed to hold his position, she hadn't been gone so long as to have forgotten his regular gait, but she would wait until they were well clear of the dozing old timer before she questioned him outright. Clearing her throat with a tilt of her head she gestured for him to fall in with her, she would be grateful for the company to assist her in escorting the pups across the final stretch of tundra.

She was very much looking forward to finally clearing the trees and setting her sights on the Monadnock again after all this time. "So what happened to yer leg?" She finally questioned the medic bluntly. Weeks of traveling with over-excitable pups had left her short on words and patience. He would answer her in the end whether he wanted to or not, her tone more than enough to convey that she wouldn't accept some pussy-footed half truth meant to simply placate her curiosity. Was Craw aware of the medic's injury? and if he was then why would he allow the younger wolf to travel so far? She waited for her response, eyes still set ahead, searching for an end to these fucking hills and trees.
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
@Morganna Last exit post from you? :3
Lorcan watched silently as the old male eyed up the goldenrod with suspicion before eventually picked it up between his teeth. Quietly the male chewed it and Lorcan could tell from his expression that he was less than pleased with the taste of it. The plant seemed to do its job though as the male become more relaxed and subdued. As the young trainee medic bid his farewell to the elderly stranger, he turned back to see that the man had now settled his head comfortably on his paws and seemed to be drifting off to sleep. Lorcan smiled, contented that the old man was now no longer in as much pain as he had been before after such a traumatic tumble.

As his attention turned back to focus solely on Morganna, happy to leave the old man to snooze in peace, the dark haired woman gestured for him to join her. Making his way briskly to her side, doing his best to hide the limp to his hind leg and the wound which still plagued it, Lorcan moved to stroll by his superior’s side. Morganna’s keen eye spotted his ailment though and as his golden eyes flickered hesitantly to settle on her face, his russet ears fell back against his head ashamedly. He could tell by her voice that she was in no mood for games and Lorcan was still unsure if the woman could be as forgiving as Craw when it came to his meek attitude.

“Askan—” He paused, releasing a deep breath. Why was it that every time something bad happened, that swarthy brute was always somehow involved? “—attacked me, he thought I hurt his pup. S-she was drowning in the river, that one along the edge of the l-lowlands, so I pulled her out. He must’ve seen me standing over her…” He sighed. “H-he just attacked!!” Golden eyes widened as he remembered the horror of the incident. “I tried to tell him, to explain – but, he wouldn’t listen.” Pale brows furrowed, as he diverted his gaze to the ground, feeling his top lip twitch in frustration.
(This post was last modified: Dec 10, 2016, 10:16 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
Askan. Peach eyes narrowed as she committed the name to memory, waiting to hear the rest of his tale out before she offered an unamused snort with a shake of her head. She had learned at a very young age that vermin were a bane on hard working herbalists and hunters alike, they could chew their way through a cache in days, multiplying over and over until everywhere you stepped moved underfoot. Knowing the medic to be a sensitive creature she ran her nose along @Lorcan's cheek to silently convey it wasn't him that her ire was directed at.

"Then 'e owe's us a large debt. We'll hav'ter make sure it gets paid." She spoke with certainty as her children came into view, her serious demeanor failing to fade in the presence of her offspring. A no-nonsense chuff was all that left her lips after that, steps not even ceasing to allow the children to catch up. They had quickly grown used to her hasty pace and had done well to keep up for the weeks that they had been gone. She wasn't about to go easy on them now when they were so close to home. Finally, the trees began to thin out and the ground grew level underfoot. There was a whole lot of catching up to be done with @Craw.
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]