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Step, Ow — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho
Spieden's words might as well have been a spear to the young Donata's heart. Immediately the girl changed before her eyes, the bubbly jokester vanished, leaving behind a husk of her former self. She knew this would have happened, but it hit much harder to see it. Spieden felt utterly, truly vile, her ears crumpling back against her head. 

'A long way home.' It broke her heart. Spieden desperately wished she could stop her, tell her that no, her family was here. Whatever little of it was left. And even then, who was she to turn away one seeking a place to belong? She desperately wanted to say something, anything. However her tongue sat like heavy lead at the bottom of her mouth, unable to conjure up the words that would end the girl's search. The tawny figure grew smaller, finally disappearing through the trees, leaving behind only her scent on the wind.

Spieden stood frozen for a while, in disbelief of herself, wondering if it was really worth it, and if it might come back to bite her in the ass later. Finally she willed herself to move, shuffling in the opposite direction the yearling had gone, towards home.