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i'm gonna wing it — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Reyes fell back into silence, ears swiveling forward and back as he watched the younger wolf carefully. There was no judgement in his expression, perhaps a cool interest, but otherwise blank, unreadable. His stomach churned uselessly at the thought of food, but the loner was careful not to say a word – the boy stunk like pack, and the older male wasn’t keen on making himself look useless. So he watched and was rewarded for his patience, Draven demonstrating in no short order how to smash the tough shell open without breaking a tooth or cutting the inside of his mouth.

“Nice work,” he rumbled, high praise from a man of few words. He stepped forward to sniff at the pieces, and once his curiosity was sated, he moved back to the pool of water where the freshwater shellfish had been found.

Unfortunately, Reyes never got the chance to dive in and try his new technique. Behind him, the yearling had gone eerily still; the man’s hackles began to prickle as he raised his head and scented the air. Another wolf. He might have asked if they’d known each other, but no sooner had he spotted the pup had his first companion bolted back from wherever he’d come. Ears flattened against his skull, and he snorted, eyes narrowing at the second wolf as his coat puffed, increasing his size.

“The hell was that, kid? Bad blood between you two?”

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 46 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lucia Lieris

What the hell was he looking at her like that for? Curiosity had already dominated Lucia's features, but now confusion set in as well, one brow ducking down as the other raised. That look in his eyes was unsettling, but she would be damned if she was gonna back down. Her tongue turned between her jaws as the silence pressed in, ready to bark out a demand of what's your problem when all at once, and without a word of his own, the stranger turned on his heels and marched away. The breath she had saved for words now fell uselessly from her mouth in a scoff.

That was incredibly rude.

The other one's voice entered the air, attracting her gold gaze. Immediately, she didn't like what she saw, all those not-so subtle cues of impending aggression. Were she older and more experienced, it would've meant less to her. As it was, she only knew an oncoming brawl when she saw one. It was the same rolling transformation that took over @Aleris' body when she'd had enough of Lucia's mouth.

"I don't even know that guy," she gruffed back, cheeks puffing out in indignation. Whatever his problem was, it hadn't been her fault. All she did was ask a simple question!

"I just wanted to know what you guys were doin' so close to my home."

[Image: 6lnzS4M.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Thankfully, perhaps for both of them, the pup showed no outward signs of aggression. The year’s broods were getting big by this time of year; while Reyes had no doubt he could hold his own against even the burliest of cubs, part of him was wary another wolf must be about. His mother might not have always accompanied him, but how often did he let his sisters out of his sight before they’d turned a year old themselves?

Ears flipped back forward and the swarthy male’s hackles settled back upon his shoulders, pale eyes blinking once as he studied the girl. At least, he reasoned, he hadn’t stepped in the middle of something he’d rather not have. No fast talking required.

After a moment, Reyes rolled a shoulder in a shrug. “Dunno what his deal was, then--” If they ever met again, maybe he’d ask. Until then… The wolf turned, moving back into water with every intention of putting Draven’s lessons to good use. Kid or no kid, he was still fucking hungry, though-- Even as his belly growled, the wolf glanced back up, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

“…your home? Your pack the one that’s around here, or some shit?”

[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 46 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lucia Lieris

The stranger's body language began to calm as the moments passed by, and this relieved Lucia more than she would ever admit. In a lot of ways, he even began to seem familiar. Just a few clicks of her brain, and the connection was recognized; he reminded her of Merys. That asshat. Her tail weaved through the air behind her as the man confirmed how weird the other one's departure had been, and she decided that it was whatever. Maybe some wolves just didn't know how to behave properly. No skin off her nose.

Her eyebrow quirked as his question came, specifically at the cuss that rolled effortlessly off his tongue, like her claim was no big deal.

"Yeah, some shit like four strides that way," she jerked her muzzle to indicate behind her, "which is a bit close for strangers to be hunting around."

It didn't occur to her that even so close to her pack's domain, and with her father undoubtedly on his way, she was still setting herself up to get her shit knocked in by any wolf that didn't care to tolerate sass from a child (basically because she did not see herself as lesser than anyone outside of White Fir Notch). Whether or not that was a lesson she would learn today really depended on Reyes' mood and her father's speed.

[Image: 6lnzS4M.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris

If she was outside of the territory, or assisting him in his responsibilities, it was rare that Lucia was away from her father's watchful eye for long. The moment he picked up on the presence of others so close not only to his territory but his daughter as well, the shade king was on his way. His nostrils flared as he trotted, taking in all the information he could about the two males before they were in his sights. Something nagged at him about the smell of them, a familiarity that he couldn't place. By the time he arrived, however, it was that one which was gone. His pale eyes swept as he approached from behind his daughter, ears flicking forward to catch her words while his gaze searched for the missing piece. Dammit. Who was it?

Lucia's words distracted him. It took only one stern utterance of her name to reel the monthling back in, the girl retreating to her father's side. She showed him reverence by curling her tail and licking his chin, and his own tongue passed over her crown a single time before his attention locked onto the stranger still present. He inhaled the scent of shellfish, and the story was told.

She'd had a point, despite her rudeness.

"Either give me a reason to tolerate this, or move along," were the simple options Gent laid out for the man.

(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2016, 06:39 PM by Gent.)
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“You can cool your ass, chacha, Reyes grunted softly, eyed both the girl and the singular shellfish his short-term companion had pulled from the water. At least Draven had cracked it open before he disappeared. The loner had half a mind to continue the work of tugging the critters out and cracking their shells when she was suddenly joined by what he could only assume was the girl’s father, given the way she crooned at him. And hell, if that beast had sired that other little beast--


The loner grumbled softly under his breath, making quick work to snatch up the single mussel out of water. He slurped the sweet flesh down, and that it was it. It was gone. No time to enjoy the mansuetude of its flavor. Barely enough to feel, let alone quiet the rumbling of his belly.

Swinging around, the burly wolf flattened his ears, hackles laid low as he took a few steps back. Pale eyes never left the other adult. One wolf? Sure, he might be able to take that, when he wasn’t so hungry and so fucking cold. But one wolf who had a pack only a howl away? Fuck that, man. He was hungry, not stupid. Not suicidal. So he said nothing else and turned away, long strides and an easy lope carrying him quickly from the borders of White Fir Notch.


[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]