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When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe — Frog Chirp Creek 
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Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
Tagging @Spieden for mention of what happened to Oula. PM me if you want me to change it :)

As she made her way to the old fox den Yvly kept her pace slow, trudging through the shrubbery so Rook could keep up. He had had a long journey and she did not want to make him hurry the last bit. Even if it took them far longer to reach their destination than she would like, the tawny female would let him take his time, maybe even reacquaint himself with the forest in the meantime. Upon looking over her shoulder to see how he was doing her eyes fell upon his drooping form, body downcast and low to the ground as he followed her. There was the initial concern over his wellbeing, but it was swiftly dismissed. If he could walk he was fine.

Her breathing created clouds of billowing mist as she exhaled, the coldness from the night air reacting with her warm breath as she breathed; another proof that winter was coming ever closer. While there was not currently a chill in the air she could imagine it, her body shuddering in response to the thought. Tawny ears pricked, rotating backwards to catch the words as Rook spoke, welcoming the distraction from the jumbled thoughts in her mind, though the distraction was not as nice to think about either. Oula was strong-willed, and at times Yvly thought her to be particularly stubborn, but she was also genuine. She meant whatever she did; it was admirable. All of that just made her loss that much worse, even if it was for a reason.

"She's... she's gone." The tawny female glanced back at Rook to gauge his reaction. She was unsure as to their relationship with one another, but if he was asking about her it must be somewhat close. "I believe to look for you, actually?" That was what she had understood when it all went down, though it seemed she had not been the one to find him as he was here and she was not. It just made her wonder when she would return... if she would return. As for the pups? Well, they were doing as well as to be expected. Exploring, breaking rules, the normal things pups did at their age. "No more than the usual," she said with a slight grin that fell away after a few moments as she turned her head to face forward. She was just glad she was not the one who had to tell them their mother would not be returning anytime soon. She kept quiet as they finally crossed the pack border.

425 words

Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall

"She's... she's gone." As soon as Crystal had said it, Rook had immediately regretted it. What was worse was that she had initially left to search for him. He had been gone for too long. His nostrils burned and tears threatened to well in his eyes, angry with himself that he had wanted to leave Grizzly Hollow in the first place. Seeing his family - for what could have been the last time - surely had been worth it, but he had not meant for Veho to shoulder pack responsibilities alone. At least, it seemed, the cubs were managing just fine. "No more than the usual," Crystal had said... The Lyall had no choice but to take that at face value and imagine little (or, well, a not-so-little but still roly-poly) Tomen multiplied threefold.

Soon enough, that familiar musk came wafting in with the rest of the forest potpourri and the masked male steeled himself. A moment's hesitation was taken on the territory border before he followed his companion over it. Submissively as he might, he remained low to the ground as they went, remaining quiet now as they advanced. His ears folded back against his head, his eyes focused on the ground and the occasional wave of Crystal's tail in front of him. They would find the fox den soon enough and only then would Rook allow himself to wallow. He would not subject Crystal to any of his guilt.

"I'm glad," he offered, a bit delayed in giving any sort of correspondence to her comment about the cubs. He let the silence take over for another stretch of time before seeking the contours of her face, "Before I forget, I want to thank you for this kindness." As Rook would have it, he still considered himself as some sort of stranger to the pack he had briefly left behind. To be allowed within Grizzly Hollow in this sort of state was more than he had hoped for.

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

Rook's silence at her answer was all she needed to know about it. She would not ask why he wanted to know, that was his business, and she did not mind if he did not divulge any further information. The tawny female was not the prying sort, and was happy with it being left at that, whatever that was. She thought about what would happen the next day as they continued on across the pack border and began to go further into the territory. Would Rook seek out Veho immediately, or stay out of the way for a little. Would she have to go to Veho about it? Maybe it would be better if she left it alone. Rook surely knew he had to talk to her co-leader about his situation, and as they were both grown-ups they could handle themselves. Veho was a fine leader, she even looked up to him, and she was certain they would work something out.

It was only once they reached the fox den that Rook spoke up, and Yvly stopped, turning her body around to fully face him. She offered a gentle smile, head dipping infinitesimally at his thanks. "I'm sure if our situation were reversed you would be just as kind." At least she hoped so. She did not expect a thanks or him to owe her, just that he understand that if he were to do it again she would not repeat this kindness. Once could be forgiven, but twice was too much. "If you need anything, just call out." With that she turned around and began padding back to the main den, sure that Rook would be fine on his own until everything was resolved.

285 words

[Yvly exit. Fade for thread unless @Rook wants to post again]