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unalii — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Rachel who has 5 posts.
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Saqui Zyanya

“I am Saqui Zyanya,” she introduced in her lilting voice, her gaze flitting between the nape of either wolf, not daring to glance them more squarely upon the face, even when the male addressed her. They offered notions of what they believed the pack to be – what leader would not speak with such fondness for their home that they looked to build? She would still admit she was impressed, and the girl presented a soft hum as the dark lady questioned her abilities.

“My speciality?” Unfamiliar with the custom of some packs holding significant titles within their ranks, the silver wolf cast them a quizzical glance with her pale eyes, her banner swaying gently behind her. “I do not understand. Does this pack not work as a single unit?” The word slipped form her muzzle before she could truly consider them – and once released, she felt the thrum of her heart, wondering if her question and ignorance would perhaps cause them aggravation or insult. “I have grown within my pack to do many different things – whatever has been required.” Granted, her sparring technique was rather sub-par than her siblings, but she had not concerned herself with such matters until now.

Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
excuse craw as he gets randomly obsessed with the idea of espionage again. silly paranoid woof

Family. He couldn't help the small twist of his lips in condescension of the choice of word - but negative connotations aside, it was true enough. Whitestone was intimate and, for the first time, full of wolves who he trusted. For the most part. It was a better ratio than he had  ever experienced before - and was not keen to sully it.

Saqui, as she introduced herself, seemed confused by @Morganna's question, something which triggered concern until she clarified. A single unit. Just as quickly as pleasure bloomed at the idea that they shared a common view of what a pack should be, so did the smallest seed of paranoia. There was no way that his father could have sent this woman, was there? She had just been watching them silently until approached, and otherwise presented herself in the ideal manner. Respectful, averting her gaze, yet with an undeniable confidence and view of pack life which appealed greatly to the spider. The exotic lilt to her tongue was entirely new to him, so she was not from any part of the north he recognised, and no other aspect of the girl was familiar. That didn't mean much, though.

But, rationally speaking, there had been neither hide nor hair of anyone from his previous life in the entire time since his fall, and she was hardly likely to be the first. Was she? But even as old hatreds and resentments bubbled away deep down, he could not let them win by turning away an innocent woman who was, potentially, an ideal subordinate.

So he would not. Yet as he turned to Saqui, manner as composed as ever despite the tumble of thoughts in his head, he wanted to see if, on the off-chance his suspicions were at all founded, she could be caught out. "My father," he started, watching to see if the mention would spark any reaction in her pale green eyes, "always extolled the virtues of a well-rounded individual. We do work effectively as one - but there are those of us with particular talents." He left further response to Morganna, aware that she would likely notice the casual mention of a wolf he had only ever spoken of with venom before now. Still, he glanced her way to convey his satisfaction at what the loner could offer them - assuming she was nothing more than she appeared.
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
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Morganna Archer-Lyall
The corner of Morganna's mouth lifted as the silver woman answered. A small nod offered as she questioned whether or not the pack worked as a single unit. That she considered herself as an all-rounder was preferable, to be honest, but she would allow @Craw to take his turn in the conversation before she answered in turn. The subtle mention of his father, spoken so casually, not wasted on her. Though with none of the northerners she had met to date sporting any sort of similar accent, she wasn't as concerned as he was.

"Everyone pulls their weight, but if yer have a special interest yer'd be encouraged ter follow it. We've got pups ter teach an' if someone is more suited ter teachin' em trackin' than I am, then don't they deserve th' best I can offer?" she casually threw out the example, not truly believing there was anyone better suited to teaching them tracking than her after her years spent foraging for her mother. "O'course there are those that'd rather avoid 'em all t'gether and that's okay too, as long as they are keepin' busy in other ways..." both @Isuni and Celandine popping into mind, although the latter had probably unintentionally spent more one on one time with them than the other.

Morganna wasn't usually a conversationalist unless she was after something, so with her part spoken she waited to see if @Saqui would have more questions for them.
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Rachel who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Saqui Zyanya

So these wolves held specialities in high regard -- the gentle dove noted this quietly, offering a nod in return as she took in this particular custom. The she-wolf's words made sense - but Saqui's birth pack had simply tried to round out each of their members as best they could.. though it had not been the fate for some. The smaller and thinner of the pack had been poorer for any task that involved physical brutality -- but even the smallest wolf could stump a giant, and while she pondered what her own speciality could be, she failed to notice anything from the ordinary as the silver male spoke of his father.

Instead, she was far more aware of the mention of cubs, and her muzzle canted slightly, her tail giving a casual wave of contentment at the thought. "I enjoy cubs -- though I'm afraid I have very little experience teaching another." The woman before her could not have been much older than herself -- and yet the grey dove couldn't envision having children of her own. Not yet.

"If you would have me, I would... I would very much like to stay within your ranks." She paused partway through the sentence, forming the words in english as carefully as she could -- she was fluent, but by times, when nervous, it was easier to slip in to her native tongue.

Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gonna give the lovely Saqui the regular WM treatment <3 Rach, if you still want her to join, feel free to make another thread describing the gifts or do an OoC join :)

Not one single trace of acknowledgement was to be found in the pretty grey woman's face at the casual mention, not one shred of evidence that it meant anything to her. Craw inhaled, and by the time the breath escaped, he had decided to accept her at face value. She was no more suspicious than any other loner they had encountered or accepted, and Whitestone was thriving.

That left the entirely delightful prospect that she really was just as appealing as she seemed.

Craw waited patiently as Morganna elaborated, watching the subtle change in Saqui as pups were mentioned, the way her tail moved. Her confession of being an inexperienced teacher was not held against her, especially if she was as well-rounded as she suggested. Besides, they had Wraith already for that, who was accomplished when it came to the children.

Her soft plea was offered so politely, so genuinely, that, combined with how pleased he was with this encounter besides, for a moment Craw considered lifting their usual conditions and just sweeping her back up to the monadnock then and there. But that would have gone counter to the test's whole purpose - and out of any of them, this Saqui should have been amongst the most capable of giving a fine demonstration. The grey woman may or may not have come to admire his home on a whim, but this would prove if she was really keen on the idea of being a Whitestone wolf.

"We would be glad to have you," he wheezed gently, confident that he was not misinterpreting @Morganna's thoughts on this loner. "But we require those interested in joining us to prove their commitment before acceptance. Five days, five gifts brought to our borders, that is what we ask - and on the fifth morning, we will talk again. It is an excellent opportunity for you to demonstrate your varied talents."
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
@Saqui this will be Morgs last post unless she's questioned directly/stopped <3

The gauntlet presented by her mate left little for Morganna to add. It was their way, to test those who wished for admittance and it had worked to discourage those not willing to work to pull their weight in the past. It was a big ask on a loner, to present anything to a pack that may turn them away at the eleventh hour, but it was equally as big of an ask for a pack to take in a loner who had only come knocking once the weather turned cold. She had seen it time and time again in the Willows, and she wasn't interested in installing a revolving door in her home.

Once the woman gave her response one way or the other, Morganna would nudge Craw to try and entice him into a roam around the tundra. Perhaps together they would be able to pull down something larger than a hare.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]