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Dance like no one is watching — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint

There was a pack nearby, he could tell as much by the strong scents that littered around the border. Not that he cared much about these borders as he danced over them, as if testing the limits of how long he could do it before another wolf showed up to reprimand him about crossing borders. It was pathetic how long he had been traversing over the borders without a hint of some kind of patrol or guard to demand who the hell he thought he was, dancing on their borders like the dark coated male was doing.

A small laugh left him as he thought of his own family, knowing that as soon as the whiff of a newcomer was near their borders, a patrol of wolves would have already been sent there to greet them and ask them what they wanted. This pack either didn't have the numbers or simply just didn't care about their borders, apart from making sure others knew it was there. It mattered little to him, because he was having fun regardless. It wasn't his fault after all, if they were lazy.

With his feet musing up the leaves and branches underneath him as he pranced along, Dread continued on with his zigzagging path over the borders, dancing this way and that as he laughed like the yearling like he was meant to be.
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

It was the laugh that caught her attention. Short but happy... ecstatic, almost. It echoed throughout the cedars, unfamiliar in its jubilant tones to her ears. In response the tawny female lifted her head up, ears perking as her muzzle swung to the side so she could figure out where it came from. She was not far from the borders which could only mean a stranger was close by, close enough to the borders that they could become a problem. Her trust which had already been shaky to begin with was now almost unable to be gotten. So many had left them, and if she brought another into Grizzly Hollow's midst what was to say they would not leave too?

As per her duty as leader, Yvly made off towards the borders at a quick pace. She did not want to leave them waiting for long, whoever they may be. However, when she was within seeing distance her attitude did a complete three-sixty upon spotting the stranger bounding back and forth, zig-zagging to and fro across the pack border, a look of glee upon his maw and laughter spewing forth. Hackles raising at his form crossing back and forth into her homeland she lifted up her head and purposefully strode forward with the intent of chasing him from the border if he did not step back himself, body language rising up into the dominant stance of a leader. She wanted to make sure this wolf knew he was in the wrong and should cease his actions immediately.

"I suggest you step away yourself, or I will have to make you."

270 words

Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint
Dread swung around to look at the woman who approached, a large cheerful grin still on his pace as his front paws dropped and hit the ground, with his front paws over the border as he bounced into than out of a bow, though not out of any sort of respect or playfulness. He knew he was in the wrong, knew and could tell that this woman wasn't happy in the slightest at his antics yet he was going to continue in them. It wasn't his fault if the woman was in an already sour mood, though it was something he would gladly exasperate given the opportunity.

"Oh you'll make me huh?" He taunted with glee, white teeth flashing as he once again laughed, the noise bouncing around the trees. "It took you enough to even notice I was here. What a wonderful leader," Because of course he had noticed the stance she had taken, how could he not, but he wouldn't care. He was having too much fun, his fur bristling with excitement as his tail swayed high above his back. "to grace little ol' me with your presence finally. Were you off playing with the birds instead of doing your duty?" He shook his head, tsking her as he hopped from foot to foot. Energy was high in the boy and he wanted to use it. "It's no wonder there's no patrols that found me first, if you're an example of what this pack stands for."
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

The younger male stopped bounding back and forth at her words, which would have lightened the situation considerably if he was not half over the pack border. What made it worse was that she knew he knew it. In a rapid response her lips lifted up, revealing her teeth in a silent snarl. She would not, simply put, go for him, even though she desperately wanted to. As a leader she needed to show control, and blatantly attacking another, no matter how much they deserved it, was not acceptable in any form. The yearling before her, with his bouncing actions, was certainly not a nudnik, however he was a pest, and one she intended to rid herself of.

The tawny female could feel her temper rising at the yearlings' provoking words, and though she had an inkling it was exactly what he wanted, she was not so far above the law that she would not give him what he deserved. There was the initial consideration to call another, possibly her co-leader, for assistance, but she quickly convinced herself she could handle this lowlife. If she could not protect her packs' borders from a simple menace then she had no right to be leading the pack.

Yvly stopped just a few wolf lengths away from the younger male, and though he was larger than her, she stared directly into his eyes, ears laying back and flat against her skull as she let out a low rumble. Her patience was being severely tested with his insulting quips, though she did have the control to hold back the remarks she wished to lay upon him. She would not stoop down to his level."What does a wolf like you know about duty?" She hissed out between bared teeth, his insult about her pack's patrols hitting a particularly sore spot. It was enough having to deal with losing the members themselves, but then there was the case of covering the duties they would have done if they were still there to do them.

Having had just about enough of the yearlings antics, the tawny female let out a warning snarl, chin tipping down to touch her throat as she bent her legs at the knee to get a more stable stance. She did not have the patience nor the energy to talk through it all in a civilised manner, so she would settle for chasing him off and away from Grizzly Hollow. "Leave!" Yvly let a few moments go by to let him think about his decisions before springing forwards with the intent of either chasing him if he turned tail to flee or ram into his shoulder with the full force of her body to hopefully make him stumble and fall onto his side.

460 words

Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint
Whatever words he had spoken had agitated the woman enough for her to lose her cool and after telling him to leave, lunged at him. Good, he wanted a good scuffle to let out some pent up energy.

Yet Dread yelped as he tried to dodge the woman's attack, only to get slammed in the shoulder with her full wait and make him stumble backwards and trip over. His sides caught the brunt of his fall as he fell, causing his breath to be knocked out of him somewhat. The woman was quicker then she looked but he was sturdy, he could take a hit despite his rattled lungs.

Growling in anger, Dread took a few deep breaths and managed to get back onto his feet, taking a few steps leaping towards Yvly with intent to shoulder charge the woman. But again, she showed her swiftness and maneuvered out of the way, sending Dread scrambling to right himself before he fell but his paws slipped on some loose pine needles and he slammed into the thick trunk of a cedar tree. The force reverberated in him and he winced as his breath was taken from him again. Coupled with his knock before, that would most likely leave his ribs bruised at least.

It might be a good idea to run. Something whispered in his mind. It seemed like luck wasn’t on his side today and as he glanced over to the woman, who still bore a look of anger on her face, Dread figured that would be a good idea.

Before the woman could ready another attack towards him, Dread tucked his trail between his legs and scampered away as fast as his aching side would allow him to.

-this can be his exit post, unless you want me to post again.-
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

Yvly felt her body slam into the younger male's shoulder as he was too slow and heavy to move out of the way, and as she stepped back on light paws she watched as he stumbled and fell. Feeling victorious for just a moment, the tawny female stood back, arching her neck as she lifted her head up again to look down on the male. She could hear his rumbles of anger but payed no heed to them. He could make noises all he wanted, it was the action that she would worry about. However, when he ran at her in a haze of fury she swiftly stepped to the side, easily dodging his attack. Turning around she saw as he slipped on the loose pine needles scattered on the ground from the cedarwood trees and ran into one of the trees with a dull thunk.

The tawny female would not attack a wolf on the ground, and so stood her ground, lips pulled back in a silent snarl as she stared with narrowed eyes at him. Rather than attacking her again, the younger male seemed to get the message and, tail tucked between his legs, scampered off. She followed him a distance behind until she neared the edge of the forest, wanting to make sure he left before returning back to pack territory. Yvly would remember his large frame, fluffy fur and fiery golden eyes just in case he decided to poke his head around Grizzly Hollow territory again. Reaching the border, she glanced over her shoulder, and with a huff set along the border with the intent of refreshing the markers.

273 words