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End of the Dream — Sierra Hills 
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Played by Cadence who has 112 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ember Reinier
I would like to.

She'd been standing so still, eyes so focused on Arion, and only when he said the words did she realize that she'd been holding her breath too. It all came out in a relieved sigh, her muscles relaxing and the ghost of a smile passing over her features for the first time in a very long while. But then he passed the question onto Nalda, and Ember did her best to not let it show on her face how nervous she was that the girl would say, maybe even just to spite her. Would she really? Her buttercup eyes slid over to the other girl, in time to watch that horrid smile spread over her face.

She agreed, but there was a hook, it was clear in that look and her voice. When she finally hissed it out, Ember felt a mixture of relief and trepidation. Simultaneously she thought 'that's all?' and 'what the fuck?'

Nalda had more family? So she wasn't the miserable little orphan she acted, the reason Ember had always taken her shit in stride because what else did Nalda have? It made her angry all over again. Most of all, it upset her that Nalda would have family and not go to them. If Ember had blood left, she would've ran to them in a heartbeat.

But whatever. That was her problem, her life, wasn't it? She couldn't let something so petty get her so riled, she couldn't let Nalda keep getting to her. Her pale gaze filled with resolution before lowering to the dirt at her paws. There was no point in moving on if she clung to habits and hauntings of the past.

Her gaze met R's a final time.

"Then that's settled. I'll meet you both there. There's... something I need to take care of in the meantime."

She had to get her own head under control before this new chapter started.

"Bye," she nodded, and then turned on her paws. It started now.

/Ember exit
(This post was last modified: Dec 30, 2016, 07:26 AM by Ember.)
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[Image: BYPyAlz.png]
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
@Nalda feel free to fade out w/ ur next post & archive! (& pp arion if you need to <3)

For once it appeared they were all in agreeance—something the smudge didn’t know was possible. He did not miss the smugness in Nalda’s voice at the mention of having family in the Bend, but he did not react to it. As much as he would like the two girls to settle their differences Arion did not know if it was possible. They had agreed on where to move, which was a step in the right direction, but it did not mean that it would continue. He sighed quietly, his icy gaze falling back to his pale friend as he waited for her response.

What came next took the smudge by surprise. She would not be joining them? His brows knitted together as he met her gaze, curiosity bubbling on the tip of his tongue, questions daring to be spat into the space between them. No, now was not the time. He would pester her when they were alone, after she found her way to the Bend. As her friend he needed to respect her wishes, even if he did not want to.

“Okay,” he agreed, solemnly, his lips tightening into a thin line as she turned away. “Be safe, 'Em,” he called out to her as her pale form began to disappear into the horizon.

After a brief pause he turned to Nalda, his ears perked and a lazy smile forming onto his dark maw. “Y’wanna get goin?” Truthfully he was a little excited to embark on a new adventure with his friend, even if Ember would not be accompanying them. But she will be joining us, he reminded himself, causing his smile to widen. He took a step forward, his head tipping to the side as he waited for Nalda to make the next move.

Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<3 thanks for the thread guys! (tags fr archive @Arion @Ember)

It was barely a moment, just the blink of an eye, but a startled expression crossed over the pale face and Nalda snickered; Bulls eye! Then, of course, she did her best to act like it didn't happen, looking down and then directing her attention squarely at Ari. The dark girl snorted lowly, only taking more pleasure in the cold shoulder, knowing it meant she'd gotten in a good hit. And just like that it was settled, an agreement had been reached and they were ready to head out. Or, it seemed not, or rather; She's not coming?! Now Nalda was truly intrigued, ears perking as she watched Ember intently, a small twitch to the tip of her russet tail. For some reason the girl had sought out Arion to settle on a destination, but not walk there with him. She had business to attend to. The darker lass had to suppress another snort, rolling her eyes faintly. She couldn't imagine that anything truly important was in need of the air-head's  attention, but if she wanted to go do her own thing, the slate yearling certainly wasn't going to stop her.

In fact it suited her very well, having Arion to herself on their trek south, rather than having to drag along the extra weight. Even as the boy stiffened by her side, calling his exhortations after the pale girl, Nalda smiled to herself, happy to see the silhouette disappear in the distance. Now Ari's attention was all on her and she returned his smile contentedly, her tail taking up a true wag at her hocks; "Sure." What awaited them in Oak Tree Bend, she couldn't say for sure - Ember might be shocked that she hadn't immediately run to this family once her mother disappeared, but the truth was that she didn't really know them, she had no reason to believe they would grant her anything based on their relation; Blood just didn't mean as much to the former Zamora. But for now she was happy, with the one who mattered most, and she decided then that she would draw out that happiness as best she could; Who knows what comes next?

Word count: 363

Thoughts ”Speech”

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