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unveiling — Dragonveil Fold 
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Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
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Karina Baranski
Long overdue thread; it’s past time for the trio to reunite @Bennet  @Kjors . This is set at some point when liquid time makes sense for all of us and all our threads and.. stuff.  
RE: There sky is lighting up with an early aurora borealis! Reds and green lights dance across the nighttime sky for hours.
Karina’s heart soared as Mother and daughter finally, finally arrived at Dragonveil Fold.  The sun was visible only as a faint glow below the horizon, but Karina knew that Bennet’s sight was not hampered by the gathering darkness. The girl was a dragon in a wolf’s body, and wolves thrived in the dark. “Welcome home, Bennet. This is Dragonveil Fold.”  Karina said, caught up in the awe of the moment. Of course Bennet would already know that they had arrived... a dragon certainly knows how to recognize her own lair, after all!  
Karina allowed Bennet to soak up the sight of their new homeland for a few moments before she spoke again. “You will always be safe here, love.”  Karina pressed her forehead into her daughter’s side, sighing with boundless relief that she was able to speak those words.  Neither she nor Bennet had been truly safe, not since Bennet was born. Karina doubted her daughter even understood was it was like to feel safe… to not have to constantly monitor her own actions, speech, and even thoughts.  To not have to live surrounded by secrets.
“There is so much I haven’t told you, because it wasn’t safe.”  How she had longed to confide in her daughter; to explain everything that Bennet didn’t—and couldn’t—understand.  A family should not hide things from one another, and yet this was exactly what the Sorensons had been forced to do. Karina wanted to tell her everything at one. You have an inheritance, and you have a kingdom! You have a purpose. You have a last name. But first and foremost would have to be: you have a father—you always have—and he loves you very much. “We will discuss it all in time. But first, let’s find him.”  As usual in conversation between the mother and daughter, Karina didn’t have to explain who the him was. There was only one man who was important.
“Kjors,” Karina called, raising her voice to emit an echoing bark of summons.  The Sorenson scent clung tantalizingly to this place; if Kjors wasn’t in Dragonveil, he had been here recently. The Mother would guide him to his mate and child. As the pair waited for his arrival, the last glimmers of sunlight disappeared from the horizon. Stars began to emerge, and the inky sky rippled with color.  “See, my dragon?” Karina breathed, directing her daughter’s attention to the aurora borealis. “The Mother welcomes us to Her land. She is celebrating!”  Karina’s spirit was as bright as the sky, and she nuzzled her daughter in a small act of joy that no words could express. 
Played by Ace who has 84 posts.
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Bennet Kjorsdottir
Right now because of the fall festival it says 'The girl was a dragon in a pumpkin’s body'. Such vivid imagery!

She felt as though she were full of air. Ever since the words Kjors is gone had sunk in, this impending moment had been the only one which mattered. Everything in between was just a transition between her existence in Hearthwood and her new existence here, where dragons lived. She had asked so many questions about Dragonveil on the way that Bennet believed she could imagine it with perfect clarity, could walk through it in her mind, could feel it. After all, this was all the Mother's bidding - and every step that they took towards it just felt right. It didn't matter that her earthly eyes hadn't laid upon the place yet, for her bodily senses were flawed and limited, but the All-Mother had filled her up with what Dragonveil was really like as she slept, and so with every inch of the journey, Bennet was going home.

Home to @Kjors.

Karina was right; before her mother said a word, the moment that the snug little foothill came into sight, Bennet felt a swell in her chest, a sense of peace, and then the words were said and the girl couldn't help the grin which spread across her dark face. (Perhaps she had just been subconsciously feeding off of her mother's building and excited anticipation as they grew closer to the Fold, of course.) The distant setting sun cast enough light over the boulders and stream as to make the entire place otherworldly, as if caught between this world and the next, and instinctively Bennet cast her eyes upward to catch a glimpse of any dragons soaring overhead - but the sky was too dark to spot any. Perhaps in the morning.

Always safe here. She nodded, absently, still caught up in awe, but with mind enough to press back against her mother's touch in solidarity and agreement. It was so moving that the girl almost didn't really catch on that her mother was telling her that there were secrets yet untold - secrets to be told very soon, but the mere hint of him snapped her mind back into clarity, and she glanced at her mother, now filled with even more questions - but there was only one of any importance at that moment.

And she could smell him. For the first time since he had gone, his scent was fresh in her nose and the prospect of the reunion with her dragon was almost too much to bear. Taking a breathless step forwards as her mother called out for the man, she had already spotted the growing lights but the notion of them representing the Mother's joy was enough to collapse the rest of her self-control.

"KJORS!" the dragon child cried, caring not who heard, as she leapt forward to dash wildly towards Dragonveil Fold and find the man they had left everything behind for.