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Heartfelt — Pitch Pine Trail 
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Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
She had him floored. Completely and utterly floored because while he watched her get ready to pounce him - she instead knocked her dainty haunch into his larger one. How was he even supposed to react to that? He didn't know! And he found his big paws stumbling in the dirt below, his once bouncing strides faltering mid-step. He couldn't help the look of blind amazement that crept its way across his face. Because this girl (this Neha Vuesain, his brain chimed) was good. The kind of good that had him giddy and acting like a fool.

"And I'm Cottongrass." His breathing stuttered in his chest and he wasn't entirely sure he actually just made a functional sentence, but he was pleased with himself all the same. That wasn't a mess of disjointed adjectives and stuttering, right? It was better than him blurting out his thoughts, the ones that went something along the lines of 'I — you — good.' He bounded forward, strides obnoxious and bouncing as he caught back up to the girl's side. There was too much energy in his veins and he let himself lean right into her personal space as they walked. Together they headed towards the mountains the girl had spoke about, and the mountains he suddenly adored.

(But if only he didn't get himself lost along the way...)