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quiet is violent — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
s cREAM IN G @Kyna

Even though she said he wasn't bad he still felt bad. Greer had upset her and friends did not upset friends. And that’s what they were — right? — friends? His nose twitched at the word as he struggled to focus his thoughts. Whatever the apples had done to him was wearing off, but there was a dull ache from somewhere in the back of his skull. He frowned, even as Kyna nestled into his side.

The sound of her voice was comforting, causing his tense shoulders to drop and relax. Whenever he was with her it was as though time stopped, as cliché as it sounded. Nothing else mattered but her and, sometimes, he would even forget about where they hailed from until it was time for them to part ways. There was nothing he despised more than when they had to return to their packs. Greer would rather sit through forced small-talk than leave the redhead, but the option never arose. Instead, he was forced to leave the comfort of her presence and sulk back to the monadnock. He never thought that Kyna would feel the same; surely there were far more interesting wolves back in the Bend…

His ears quivered as she mentioned that she, too, thought of him, wondering how he was doing. A faint smile attempted to work it's way onto his inky maw, his silver gaze focusing on her golden irises as she spoke. He did not interject as she continued, the words dancing off her tongue and filling the space between them. Once she finished he swallowed, hard, before giving his head a slow shake. “Not weird,” he started, quietly, his voice growing more firm as the spell of the apples ebbed away. “Greer… Greer feel same.” Another pause, his throat tight. “Want Ky with him. Always.” He exhaled the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Greer not know what want either. Just know Greer want Ky.” 

(This post was last modified: Nov 08, 2016, 02:22 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer
Perhaps we can start wrapping up for the contest?  And obviously have another thread asap~

At least, Kyna thought, at the very least, Greer did not think her weird, or her feelings odd.  While she realized it was likely his own opinion was a bit biased in the matter, it was his assessment of the situation that mattered more than anyone else’s (even if she would certainly have to consult Sahalie once she decided to return to Oak Tree Bend).

For the time being, the young woman decided to let the comfortable silence blanket them, turning the shadow’s words over and over again in her mind.  She tucked up against his side (even if they were exactly the same in size) and exhaled, closing her eyes as she let the peace shared between them conquer the moment.  It was okay.  Greer was okay, he’d only eaten the applies – perhaps more importantly, he felt the same, he would not be going anywhere anytime soon.  She would be okay, too.

Eventually, thought, she was forced to move, burying her face against the older wolf’s ruff with a small noise.  “We will figure something out.  Not in the trees.  I do not much like the trees, either.  Somewhere else.  And then we can be together.”  Kyna glanced at her friend--  Were they still just friends?

Despite the question, her expression was still hopeful.  “Does that sound alright?”

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
sounds good to me @Kyna! sorry for the wait on this, i picked up a shift today and went shopping after work ;___;

Greer was conflicted. He cared about the redhead — more than he had ever cared for another living creature, family included — but he did not want to. He did not want to care about anyone. He liked  being the cold, stoic statue. Hard to read and indifferent to those he encountered. It had worked so well for him. But then there was Kyna, the ray of light in his world of shadows, and he cared about her so frickin’ much. Sure, he liked himself more when he did not care about anyone, or anything, but he liked himself even more when he cared for Kyna. He could still be the impassive Archer he’d always been and lovelike her, right?


The silence was warmly received by the shadow as he pressed his cheek into her scruff, enjoying the serenity of the moment. He truly cherished the time they spent together, for they never knew when the next visit would be. And that was okay. It gave Greer something to look forward to, because he did not look forward to much.

Her voice disturbed the silence once more, but it did not bother him; it was like a cold drink after a long scouting mission. He nodded in agreement, a soft smile unfolding against his lips. No trees — he could certainly work with that. At first, the openness and vulnerability of the tundra had frightened him, but now he could not imagine living anywhere else. But would Kyna leave the Bend behind and join him on the monadnock? The shadow did not want to force her to leave her home; however, he was willing to follow her wherever she wanted to go. He nodded again at her question before nipping affectionately at her ear. “Very alright,” he responded softly, tail wagging behind him.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

Very alright.

Two simple words was all it took to ignite the flame in Kyna’s heart once more, the embers glowing in her sunstone eyes.  There was no language in all the world that could describe her happiness – so instead, she pressed up against her friend…  Friend?  Was he still a friend?  Oh, he was a friend, at the very least, and she would worry about semantics at a later date.

For now, she could relish that Greer was fine, not sick and not hurt, and that her weird feelings really weren’t that weird at all.  And if they were in someone else’s eyes, the shadow shared them – in the end, that was all that really mattered.

The rest, they would figure out later.  The places, the being together, the labels that applied to these feelings and this thing growing between them.  Relationship.  But this was later, like she said.

For now…for now, she would be content to enjoy Greer’s company while she could, until she would have to return to the wolves of Oak Tree Bend.


YEEEEE.  More Kreer?  Also, I will claim this for the event!