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this time maybe i'll be bulletproof — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva

Lorcan had spotted Odin’s mistake and used it to his own advantage, dipping down low and lunging for his throat. Had the younger male gone for another tactic, he possibly would have won, for even at his young age he possessed a larger frame than the agouti subordinate. For now though, the dark boy would have to back down. As Lorcan gripped his jaws threateningly around the boy’s throat, Odin’s eyes widened in realisation. As Odin’s tail curled beneath him to submit, Lorcan’s black-tipped tail moved in the opposite direction to curl dominantly above the arch of his spine. The posture felt wrong, foreign for the medic, but in such circumstances it was de rigueur.

A low growl rumbled through his throat and his russet ears perked up at the sound of the boy’s submissive whine. Satisfied that he had made his point, Lorcan slowly let his jaws part open to release his captive. Golden eyes followed the boy, watching as he slinked down to lay belly-up in the snow beneath him. Silently Lorcan stepped to the side to distance himself from Odin a little and allow the younger male to recompose himself. Readily accepting the submissive lick to his chin, Lorcan’s tail wagged and he then proceeded to bury his muzzle into the boy’s scruff affectionately. No hard feelings. Tail still wagging, Lorcan glanced back across to Craw, wondering what he made of it all as he approached him with his head dipped down respectfully.
(This post was last modified: Dec 27, 2016, 07:03 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fade? :)

Had Lorcan proved as meek in combat as his gentle manner implied, Craw would have hedged his bets on the more eager and vicious @Odin. Since the medic had shown he had some hidden reserves of aggression, though, the odds swung in his favour, as the older and more experienced wolf. Odin was used to the tactics and similarly immature styles of his sister, not a savvier and more intelligent older opponent.

But as Craw hung back and watched the brief scuffle reach a swift and decisive end, he was pleased with how Odin quickly realised he had lost. Grunting in approval as the younger boy submitted to Lorcan and offered a submissive lick to the victor's chin, Craw considered the pair of them with a rising pride. They would do nicely, the both of them. Very nicely. Though he could see Odin's embarrassment, Craw sought to snuff it out, moving towards the now-still pair at the signal of Lorcan's searching look. "Good show," he rasped, bumping Lorcan's cheek with his nose and planting an affectionate lick on his son's crown, before nudging Odin's shoulder to encourage him to get up with little subtlety.

"Now, what did you learn?" he rumbled, talking to Odin as he looked towards Lorcan, tail wagging in contentment, willing the medic to catch his intentions without needing it spelled out. "And what are you going to do differently?"

He stepped back to give the boy space to stand again, to clear the arena of unnecessary bodies. This worked very nicely indeed.

[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]