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Fight when you feel like flying — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
"Since September." Askan told him, offering the information freely. 

By no means did he have the intention of passing on all their secrets (not that they really had any), but the way he saw it, it was a harmless question that warranted a response. Perhaps Niki would be put off by the fact that the pack hadn't been around long, maybe he was looking for a pack with a more stable and rooted foundation. That was fair, he couldn't be blamed for seeing things that way. But the way Askan saw it, Wild Rye Fields had a lot of potential. They were still in their early days and no doubt their numbers were lower than most of the packs in Relic Lore, but Askan truly believed that with time, hard work and cooperation they could become a great pack, worthy of reverence and respect.

Askan wondered if Niki would be interested in serving such a cause. He wasn't going to outright ask but.... He wasn't against the idea, for sure.

"You're right, in a sense." Askan told him, with dry amusement tinging his voice. He did like to be complimented after all, and whilst the kid had called him grumpy (he wasn't wrong) his other words were enough for him to brush that prod aside.  It felt good for someone to recognise how fitting he was for such a role. It made him feel as though his efforts were worthwhile. 

"It's not official or anything like that, but I spend most of my time watching the borders. Telling people to get lost. Kicking their asses if they don't get the message." He shrugged, he'd gotten quite good at it too, or so he thought. Though he'd yet actually had to do the latter, it was something he looked forward to though.

As he'd thought before, Askan wasn't going to nip at his heels and try and run him off, but he wasn't going to beg him to stay either. The choice was the kids. Then again, he couldn't help but feel as though if he didn't say anything he'd be doing his alphas a disservice. Hard times were ahead and honestly, the Yukon wolf couldn't help but wonder if the six of them could make it through the winter unscathed. Sure, it'd mean they'd have another mouth to feed, but he assumed Niki would be willing to pull his weight. And he had skills they could easily put to use,  unlike another certain white wolf in the pack... 

"Not really. Just on the watch." This hadn't been an entire waste of his time, which couldn't be said for most of his encounters he'd had on the Lowlands. "If you feel like coming back, just find the border and give a call. Someone will come. Mention you spoke with me, that you know about medicine. I'm sure they'll give you an easier time than I did." His lips ticked up ever so slightly than that. Just a little.
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Melorama who has 35 posts.
Neem Archard
Thanks for the wonderful thread @Askan <3 :D

White ears twitched happily as Askan offered up some words that were not crude or gruff, but rather quite interesting. It meant his pack was fairly new, possibly with not many members, which would explain the older male's brusque behaviour. That could just be the way he acted, but Niki found he did not mind the other as much as he had originally. Maybe with time if he chose to join Askan's pack they could be more than just acquaintances as he concluded that a friend was most likely not on the others list. A far cry from himself who would be happy being friends with everyone, but he could not afford to pick and choose who he wanted to be close to. The pieces would fall where they wished and he would just have to accept it.

Niki's tail wagged behind him, tongue lolling just a bit out of his mouth. It seemed he had finally managed to slightly crack Askan's gruff exterior shell as evident by the amusement, however dry, in the others tone. He knew the older male was not all sullen silences and uncouth words, it had just taken a little prodding to get there. "Y'seem t'already b'doin' a good job at keepin' th'border well marked," he said with a large constant grin on his face. Askan just seemed to be made for the guardian role, and the white yearling knew he would definitely feel safe with him always on watch. Then again, having anyone on watch was good enough for him as long as there was a pair of eyes looking out for danger. Being in the healer profession meant he had to concentrate on what he was doing which meant just having another nearby was protection enough for him, and that way he also had company.

The white yearling gazed at Askan as he offered as much of an invitation as possible without actually saying the words, white ears perking up as he bobbed his head enthusiastically. "Migh'jus' do tha'," he beamed. Maybe not to join the pack if he chose another, but to drop off some herbs from the forest that could not be found in a tundra biome for them to use. Who knows, maybe he could create a partnership with their healer and form an alliance between two packs, but that was only if he did not choose to join Askan's pack. The possibilities were endless. Niki ducked his head, noticing the almost-smile from Askan but pretending he had not, and looked over his shoulder in the direction he had been originally travelling in, one ear flicking backwards to face the older male. "I've taken up t'much o'y'time already mister, bes' b'goin' on m'way," he said apologetically but with a grin nonetheless, turning back to face the other. "It was nice meetin' y'though, Askan." The white yearling dipped his head in a respectful goodbye, and with one last amicable wave of his tail, turned heel and padded ever Southward, eager to find out what was beyond the tundra, or if it even ended.

512 words

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
hope to rp with the wonderful Neem again!!!

It felt good to have his efforts acknowledged. It felt great even. And sure, it was just a loner, a yearling who knew next to nothing about the world. But to have all of his hard work recognise was almost enough to put a smile on his face, Askan held his head high and his body language shifted a little to give off a haughty air. He was great at what he did, wasn't he? Of course the Rye King and Queen did a great job at patrolling their borders, but Askan's determination and thoroughness was nothing to sneeze at.

To be honest though, he wasn't really sure what to say to that. Agreeing with a compliment was one thing, but acknowledging it was another. Askan frowned just a little, a feeling of unease and uncertainty bubbled to the surface but he shoved it down with a throaty cough.

"Thanks kid. I do my best."

At his response to his offer (of a sort), Askan nodded, pleased. It wasn't a firm yes, but it wasn't a decisive no either. The yearling wanted time to think about it, which was fair. Joining a pack wasn't a decision to be taken lightly, you couldn't just hop in and out as you pleased. It was for life, or at least that was how the Rye wolf saw it. The wolves of the Rye Fields were his family now, a little rag tag sure but he wouldn't have it any other way. And if Niki wanted to be a part of it, Askan wouldn't protest. He'd welcome him into their fold as best as he could manage. He wouldn't babysit him but he'd look out for him in the same way he did so for everyone else.

"Be seeing you." Askan said, returning Niki's nod with one of his own, before he watched the white wolf lope off into the distance, like a ghost disappearing into the fog.

Once he was out of sight, Askan let out a sigh. He figured the border had been patrolled enough for now and that he might as well and go and see the Rye King, in case he had anything for him to do. If not, perhaps a late morning nap wouldn't go amiss.
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]