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Impressive Operation — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Craw’s question stirred some uncertainty in the agouti male, causing him to question his immediately judgement. He remained silent for a moment, mentally he searched through all his previous thoughts and observations of the girl’s injury which had led him to make the prognosis, carefully reconsidering them before adjusting his original statement. His golden eyes glanced over to the girl’s swollen limb as he responded back to his superior.

“The sprain looks pretty bad, sir. There is a lot of swelling; the journey here most certainly made the injury worse.” He replied, attempting to clarify why he had originally decided on it taking at least a month to heal. “But, if she were to avoid walking on it completely and allowed sufficient rest, it may take a week off the recovery time.” He glanced back to Craw then, hoping to put a little more positivity on the situation. After all, three weeks was better than four.

Lorcan then moved to stand beside Odin, detaching himself from his potential patient whilst he waited for Craw’s verdict. The agouti male desperately wanted to help the arctic stranger, but the decision was ultimately not his to make. Silently, he waited with anticipation, curious for the outcome of the unexpected gathering.
(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2016, 06:36 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian
Saradathia listened quietly to Anaia’s story, frowning a little as she tried to downplay it. Even being caught in the end of an avalanche and escaping alive was a feat. But she wasn’t going to but in on it, If Anaia wanted to play it off, let her. The arctic wolf blinked a little in surprise as she felt a bushy tail run along her chin. Silvery eyes following Lorcan as he past. She was bumped out of her thoughts though as Craw suddenly rubbed her cheek with his own, whispering praise about keeping Odin safe. The small wolf shrugged it off, any sane or loyal packmate should have done the same thing, Odin was one wolf that held the future of the pack within him.

Her one good ear perked slightly as she listened to the conversation. All of it did make sense, if the winters down here were even half as harsh as they had been in her home, then the pack couldn’t afford an extra mouth to feed...but if they could help her recover before the harshest part hit, then she would be indebted to them and that could prove useful from a survivalist standpoint. Though Saradathia had another motive, it’d be nice to hang with a wolf that had been close to her home, even if it was just for a couple weeks. Though she kept quiet for now, she didn’t have anything to add to the conversation that wasn’t already repeated or spoken in a different form. All that was left , really was Craw's verdict.
Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer

@Craw's praises made the young wolf's chest swell with pride, but his motives weren't entirely driven by what was best for the pack. He had avoided calling his mother because she would be less likely to hear him out or see the woman's worth beyond her current state, he had dragged her all this way because he was a jealous child that didn't like Rye wolves touching things that could be his, and when he saw her limp, he saw an opportunity. He watched the rest of the encounter play out silently, cogs silently turning to place some of the plants with their properties that his mother had covered off on their journey south.

He paid little heed to the pretty words the woman spoke, instead listening to the medic make his prognosis. It looked like he was trying to put a positive spin on the situation, his own soft heart showing through. The boy did well to cover his smirk. "Hey dad," Odin piped in when a lull in the coversation allowed, "I'd like ter help @Lorcan," he cringed a little at slipping into his mothers way of speaking, correcting himself swiftly, "to learn... If you think it'd be okay?" After all his grandmother had made a wonderful medic, one people travelled across the Lore to see when they were in need. It was in his blood to take an interest, surely?

[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]
Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcan's attempt to soften the blow changed nothing about Craw's decision, which had already been made. It didn't stop him from continuing to play hardball, making it look as though he were weighing the pros and cons of the situation, just to keep the avalanche-survivor on her toes. Couldn't make it look too easy, as though Whitestone were some walk-in-walk-out public hospital.

But with Odin and Lorcan watching, and aware of their respective vested interests, Craw was reluctant to be too harsh.

Her predictable promises were offered with sugar and apparent sincerity, but he didn't know her, none of them did, and he could not be sure that deception was not one of her talents. Even if she was lying, though, there were benefits to accepting her; it denied their neighbours the opportunity for another member (though on that note, perhaps if he thought the risk too great, making her a drain on their resources was not a bad idea...) and it would give Lorcan another opportunity to hone his skills -

- and as Odin spoke up, one of Craw's ears twisting backwards to listen even as his eyes never left the white loner's face, his lingering indecisions were cast aside.

Craw glanced to Lorcan, brows raised just enough to convey the question of whether or not the medic consented. While he hadn't imagined a life of healing and plants for Odin, it was fair to let the boy explore all avenues before making any decisions about his future. "If Lorcan agrees," was his response to his son, leaving the rest in the medic's capable paws. Craw trusted Lorcan completely, there were no issues there.

The matter of the woman's fate was still yet to be verbally resolved, and so Craw sighed as his yellow gaze returned to her own gold one, his only concern now being whether or not her fur colour was going to be a problem. "My mate is welcome to overrule this decision," he said at length, the tone of his voice and body language indicating which way he was going to swing, "but you may shelter with us as you heal, and then we will see how good your word is. Until then, consider yourself a Whitestone wolf - but as Lowest, until you're able to pull your weight. If you have a problem with that, you know how to leave. What is your name?"

Once her name was obtained, he would turn away, verdict given, and paused only to speak softly to Lorcan; "Use the old coyote den partway up the track to shelter her; I don't want her on top with the rest of us unless Morganna consents to it." With that, he would make his way back to the monadnock, and let the woman's rescue party either continue to help her up or follow him as they chose. Nipping at Odin's cheek on the way past, Craw made a note to find her again later and learn more about the wolf who was going to be living on the rock with them. First things first, he needed to warn his mate that they had just acquired a parasite - though he was playing his cards in the hope that she would not remain that way for long. If she was true to her word, she'd climb out of the Lowest spot very quickly.

exit, unless spoken to! I recommend still ignoring post order so we can wrap this up <3 @Lorcan @Anaia @Saradathia @Odin
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris
Anaia sat quietly, waiting for Craw's verdict.  She glanced at Sara to try to determine what might happen from her, but the small white wolf found no answers there. 

Then Odin spoke.  Anaia's heart leaped as he offered to help Lorcan, though she wasn't entirely sure why.  She returned her hopeful gaze to the alpha, heart pounding as she waited his verdict.

He finally addressed the healer, then her again.  She felt her tension melt away as relief swept through her.  He said yes!  She wagged her tail, though she had to remind herself his mate may decide to send her on her way.  Even just a day of rest would help, though.  "Thank you, thank you so much." She said, almost breathless with gratitude.  "My name is Anaia."

She didn't hear what else he said to Lorcan; she was too involved in thinking what she might be able to do to help her new pack should the alpha female accept her.  She owed them a lot; she knew they'd not only helped her, but saved her life.  There was no where else she could have gone, and she likely would have died out in the snow without assistance.  She silently prayed to the universe to help her heal quickly so she could begin proving she was an asset.

exit, unless someone speaks directly to her. @Lorcan @Odin @Saradathia
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Russet ears perked up as he heard Odin pipe up, mentioning something to Craw about helping him with his medicinal duties. For a moment he wondered why the boy was taking an interest, as he never had done before, but he soon brushed it off as a learning experience. It was good to explore all your options. Lorcan smiled, as Craw explained the decision would be up to him. “You’d be more than welcome to help me, Odin.” He responded, moving to stand beside the younger male, nudging him affectionately with his muzzle.

Then all the attention turned towards the injured female, who was still waiting for a verdict from Craw. A little surprised by his superior’s decision, the agouti male wagged his black tipped tail vigorously with delight. Catching Craw quiet words, Lorcan leaned in closely to listen carefully to the instructions. Nodding his head in understanding, the subordinate then moved back to approach the newest member of their pack, who introduced herself as Anaia.

“Come with me, I’ll get you settled.” He smiled, pausing to allow the new member to use him as a support to stand and walk should she require it. Leading Anaia back towards the goat track which led up to the monadnock, a glance and nod was directed towards Odin, silently inviting the boy the follow.

-Lorcan exits-
Last post from me!
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian

The small white wolf breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Whatever Craw may have been planning, for now he had relented and allowed Anaia time to prove her worth after healing. The coyote den wasn’t that hard of a trek to get to. Her silvery gaze flicked toward Lorcan as he offered support to the injured wolf and she stepped away, allowing the larger wolf her spot. She was a little touchy about leaving Anaia’s side, something about the wolf reminded her of herself, but she wouldn’t be much support getting her up the trek when her talents could be spent else where at the moment.

“I’ll go see if I can find something fresh for her to eat.” after all, fresh meat would be best for the starved female. Glancing between Odin and the others, she gave a small nod of farewell before wondering off. Intent to try and catch something fresh, though worst case, she’d collect something from the caches. A true last act of desperation for the aspiring hunter to commit to. Saradathia prided herself on her small frame and her ability to hunt with seemingly fine ease in this prey abundance land, prey abundance by her odd standards.

Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer

@Craw's answer was met with a wave of the dark boys tail and a questioning glance thrown @Lorcan's way. That his mother was welcome to overrule the decision was no surprise, even had his father not said as much he would expect his mother to do as she pleased (because that was her right as a leader). He paused for a moment to wonder what she might think, but instead another face spung to his mind and he chuckled. He should be more worried about what @Kara would think.

He was familiar with the old coyote den, half way up the track, in fact, he had very nearly almost been born in it. It had served for a time as the marker that limited how far down the goat track the children were allowed to go and with the destination decided he moved to lead the way of their little precession, with Lorcan supporting @Anaia and @Saradathia out looking for something to feed her. For a moment he puzzled over the similarities between them then shrugged it off as coincidence. There would be work to do once they reached the coyote den and he would need to warn @Kara that one of their scheming places was occupied. He could only hope his mother would be quick about letting the woman join the rest of the pack on the top of the monadnock.

[Image: sigodincheeb_by_becuffin-dahhpv8.png]