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Paladin — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

His job in the pack was to be a teacher and advisor to the pups and other members but he did not think that was what Lunette needed. She needed a friend, someone to encourage her and show her the world was not a big scary place. That venturing out could be a good thing to do but more than that she needed someone she could count on. He could and would be happy to be that wolf for her, it didn't matter that she was the daughter of his alphas. Kajika cared about the young Vuesain and would do anything for her to see her feel better not just in general but about herself as well.

She wasn't like the other pups, Neha, Cernan, and even Ismena, they were more confident with their own dreams. He didn't know her dreams but he hoped to one day and he would help her to reach them. Lunette was special to him and he would protect her from the world if that was what she wanted him to do. He didn't know if he had yet convinced her that he did not mind taking the time away from his duties to spend time with her but he hoped to one day.

As she looked at him he wondered what thoughts were going on behind her chocolate eyes, so different from her mother. He hoped they were happy thoughts as someone so young should not have sad thoughts. Talking to her this day led him to believe they were anything but happy and it saddened him to think anything bad went through her mind. Her nod encouraged him that taking her on an adventure was the best thing for her. “No need to worry Lunette, I will be with you the entire time,” he told her giving her cheek a soft nudge with his muzzle. Though the wag of her tail was small it was enough to bring a smile to the dark man's maw. She may not be eager to go on the adventure but he took it as a small sign that she wanted to go with him, “You will always be safe with me,” he reassured her.

His smile widened as she took the first steps on their adventure, he quickly joined her giving her a soft bump on the shoulder, “You can lead the way of you want.”


(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2017, 12:25 PM by Kajika.)
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