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terrified zombies — The Wildwood 
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
@Cottongrass Do you want a split off thread back at the den?

The stutters had stopped. Kerberos felt freaked out, could Cottongrass read minds? Had he tapped into the Rigel's mind and heard how he felt about the stuttering? He really thought if that had been the case things would already be way different.

"Victoria and Avery."

Such simple little names. A small smile formed on Kerb's lips. They seemed regal too. Like names you would hear belong to a grand king and queen. He wondered if they were royals. Kerberos truly had begun to wonder a lot of things the moment he met the previously wobbly Cottongrass. Everything had almost seemed so wobbly about this interaction. Perhaps none of this was real. Merely a dream and he were still sleeping by Mae in the old den. He'd soon awake to her telling him it was time to rise.

Rising to his feet, Kerb's pale eyes looked to Cottongrass. "Do you think you can walk better now? If not," He looked down at his paws momentarily. Wondering if he should leave the strange or offer support. Of course, guilt led him to the latter. "you can just lean against me. The walk isn't too far." The tawny male's tail swung behind him softly. His moods felt about as fleeting as Cottongrass's mind seemed to be.

have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
I would! If you could start it that would be great <3

Whatever energy he had felt early was gone, flushed away with every word he had spoken. There was nothing left inside of him. Every piece of emotion had been drained from his system, and all he could do was sulk. Sulk with a moody frown and his ears held low atop his head, refusing to meet Rigel's eyes because even that felt like too much. The whole entire world felt like it was too much. Like it was all bearing down upon him, and maybe he really was tired.

Because usually when the world pressed down on him, he got nervous and over-talkative as he proved moments before. Except he just wanted everything to stop. There was no obsessive, compulsive need inside of him to fix it or change the mood. His head was silent, nothing but a faint buzzing that he didn't even bother to sort through. He had fixed everything, somehow, but at what cost?

It didn't feel like a good victory. Nothing like when he had earlier made Rigel stop creeping, crouching away like he might attack. But he stood up all the same when the other wolf did, shuffling to his paws and getting ready to follow. And there was a moment where he considered being childish, taking the emptiness he felt and throwing it right back at Rigel. Oh so tempted to remain silent and resolute until they had to do something to get him to move. Except just because he felt like a scorned puppy didn't mean he had to act like one.

"No." He mumbled, the word soft on his tongue. "I can, uh, I can walk." And as if to prove his point - he ambled after Rigel. Following the male's form away, to whatever den they had set up. His tail dangled limply between his hind legs, and there was nothing but the sound of breathing and crunching snow.