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Trying to Keep Saying I Feel Okay — Bowed Maple Bend 
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Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
It seemed that the pack idea had been the one to make more sense to the younger wolf. It was a train of thought that made the most sense to Solas but the way that they had gone about it left a bitter taste in his mouth. If you wanted to create a pack you wanted members that would stay willingly not ones that wanted to up and leave because they felt like they were causing trouble. Unless they liked to keep strange wolves as scapegoats for everyone else. But that could eventually lead to someone gathering a rebellion of sorts and that wasn't good if you wanted a stable pack. So even though he had been the one to bring up the pack idea it was one that he didn't believe. Of course if it soothed the kid's hurt then Solas wouldn't say anything else.

Rigel. So that was the name of the wolf who had tried to keep a hold onto the kid. Almost seemed like Regal but nothing was regal about the situation to Solas. He would have to keep an eye out for this wolf and if they ever met Solas hoped their encounter would be brief. He hoped that they wouldn't try to pull the same stunt with him though because if he did then blood would be spilled.

Solas almost missed it when the kid introduced himself as Cottongrass before staring at the darker male. Solas stared back not letting his gaze drop as he spoke. I'm Solas and do you feel better now? Or, do you need to vent more He asked hoping that the kid was done and that they could both be on their own merry way. He also doubted that he would see this particular wolf ever again.
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
@Solas - Wanna fade and archive with your next post?

"I feel better now." He chirped, and the words weren't a lie. His tail thumped in the snow behind him and he perked up, because hey - he didn't have to go into hiding from guilt! All he needed to do was find Victoria and Avery again, but it might have just been Victoria now since Avery didn't feel so good about anything... But he'd survive, he had to now since he had to make things better with Rigel. Like hell was he going to go down without Rigel being his friend, or maybe even best friend. Who knew how well things would go down between them.

In his mind things could only get better, and he stood up on his paws. He really, really had to see if Victoria was back and then they could hunt down Rigel and maybe they'd even find Rook or that pack she talked about along the way. In his haste he made to step away, towards the pond or river thing he was originally going to cross. Because there was no time like the present to fix every single thing he did wrong in his life. Except his manners kicked in and he slowed. He couldn't forget Solas, the wolf that was the reason behind his good mood.

With one or two strides he bounded back towards the male, tail wagging like crazy behind him. "It was nice meeting you, Solas." He chirped, and without missing a beat reached out to give them a gentle boop with his nose if they let him. It was his overexcited and overeager way of saying goodbye and thank you without using words. And with that over with - he turned and went to trot away, deeper into the cold fog and closer towards what he was sure was a world of nothing wrong. His steps had an undeniable prance to them.

Fade Cottongrass unless interrupted.

Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
It seemed that now that the kid had gotten the problem off his chest he was in a much better mood. Which was a good thing and Solas felt a sigh of relief slip past his lips. Good now that this little therapy session was over the two of them could part ways. He waited though watching as the kid became lost in thought. Then as if forgetting that Solas was even there he began to bound away. The kid seemed to have already forgotten that he had just done a faceplant going done that particular path but Solas simply watched to see if he was going to get a repeat performance.

Suddenly @Cottongrass turned around and came back towards him and Solas raised a brow. What had made him come back? Apparently to be polite and say thanks and then to lean forward to press his nose against Solas before turning around again and this time vanishing into the fog. Solas could only sit there watching the kid go in stunned surprise. Baffled he shook his head and stood up. What had given the kid the idea that it was alright to touch him? He tried to figure it out and could only shake his head. That kid was an off one that was for sure.

With a brief glance in the direction, Cottongrass had gone Solas set off heading for the mountains once more. He still had his father to find after all.

-Exit Solas-
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]