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the snow is falling down outside my window — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

OOC! Sounds good! Archived.

The smell of food was taunting and while the scent of coyotes was also in the air Tyne's hunger overruled any animosity towards the smaller canines. "All you kiddo" was the response he got when he inquired about the scent. Golden eyes looked to the dark man as he said that this could be his favor returned - no competition and a free meal. The tawny loner wasn't about to object to that even though part of him didnt think it was an fair trade off but what was it to him? So he nodded at the others offer "Fair enough". The other man turned back the way he came away from the lowlands. His farewell was met with a similar one from the sea wolf. Golden eyes watched the dark form for a moment or two before going off and finding that moose carcass.


[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

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