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Nutbush City Limits — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

It was intriguing to hear two wolves, she assumed alphas given what she did know of pack structure and the fact that this girl was their daughter, being so relaxed about authority… wasn’t it their job to reign over subordinates. Perhaps that was why they weren’t a pack anymore. Either way, she actually enjoyed her present company and would be interested in meeting her father, if only to get a scope of the situation. She went on to explain everything, about her sister and how she’d challenged and things sort of fell apart it sounded like. A frown fitted her features. Didn’t that sound familiar as her brain temporarily flashed back to her mother and her aunt.

She smiled softly at the girl, a pang of sympathy for the desire to be nothing but safe in all aspects of life. “I’m sure you will be soon. That must be why your dad brought you over the mountain, right?” She was trying to encourage her, but also probing for what information the girl still might have. Then that question came… it was only fair. “I’ve been a loner my whole life… only because my aunt drove my parents out after they breeded to have pups… two of my siblings didn't make it through the winter, and I’ve had an issue with others telling me what I could and couldn’t do ever since.” She shrugged, not entirely sure if this girl had gotten that talk yet… she guessed she was about to find out.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn

She listened to the other woman's words, a frown growing on her face as she tried to put the pieces together. "Hmm, Mum and Dad weren't leaders, either was Lila's mum until she challenged. But Mako and Marina's mum was..." Of course, she knew her dad had been a leader at some point, but it had never been during her lifetime and her mum told her stories of the mountain and the creepy woods (and warned her of the Yeth Hound that lived there) but the way she had always spoken made it sound like it was a lifetime ago. "We all made it though, well, this far at least." The way her stomach was clenching and growling she wasn't quite convinced it would stay that way.

"I can show you where we're staying if you like? There's plenty of room if you want to join us, I think it used to be where the pack we left lived before they moved." She offered with a hopeful smile. If things went well when she met her dad maybe they'd stay with them, and maybe that would be enough to get them all through the winter and beyond. It was hard to keep the glint of begging clear from her golden eyes.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

From what Maera could understand from the girl’s words, their pack had been incredibly laid back. She knew most packs weren’t like that, and she found the idea that there was one like that to be intriguing in and of itself. “Most packs have laws against it… less pups to feed during the winter, the safer it is for the leading pair to raise their children successfully.” She felt like this was a lesson she should have gotten from her mother, but the girl had opened that line of discussion, so Maera justified it as not withholding information from the youngster.

The girl made her an offer to see where her and her family was saying… while intrigued, it wasn’t just her that she had to think about anymore. Kerberos ran across her mind and she gave the girl a soft smile. “I have to be getting back to my friend, he must be worried because I’ve been out for a while… but I can find you guys later? I’ll even bring him along!” She suggested in return. More importantly, she needed to talk to him about this, and figure out if this was the right move for them. “And you should be getting back to your parents, they must be worried.” Her tail wagged softly. “I promise, I won’t be too long. I just have to talk to Kerberos about this.” She called out as she turned herself around to leave. She really wasn’t the best in a social situation, and her exit was quite awkward to most because of it.


[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]