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how far I'll go — Nightingale Palisade 
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Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

As soon as his nose met her shoulder she moved into a defensive position and he was equally as quick to retract himself. Of course she wouldn’t want him touching her, it had been a stupid idea. She never liked him touching her, why would he think that now of all times would be okay? Get yourself together he scolded himself.

Then, out of nowhere, she was raining down on him with a vengeance and he physically retracted with a sharp inhale, feeling exactly like he’d been slapped in the face. Kino knew that she was sheltered, knew they she would never begin to feel or experience the things he had felt or been though and he never would wish for her to. Losing your home was hard, but losing a home was easier than losing everything you knew and loved. Somewhere out there her father was still alive, she would still have Spieden by her side, and she had siblings and others that cared for her. She could go out and make amends with them, still speak to them and hear their words or feel their embrace. Kino had nothing, he knew for a fact that his parents were dead and his siblings likely hated his guts. He knew he shouldn’t feel bitter toward her for these things, but a part of him always would be. He also knew that right now she was just upset, that she was frustrated at herself for a reason that only she could keep herself feeling. But...he’d been dealt a low blow too.

The boy rose to his paws, a scowl creasing his lips. ”I guess a sense of duty is something that you get when you’ve grown up in a home with both your parents alive and wolves that still care about you,” he snapped out. He was done with this. He didn’t want to get his heart stepped on anymore, didn’t want to feel like he was spiraling hopelessly out of control with one word from her. Kino needed air. He needed time.

A low growl reverberated from his own chest and he was moving forward, stepping over her body and in a flash of silver was racing over the slopes. He knew she wouldn’t be able to keep up with him, her legs were much too short and he was much too furious. With a torn snarl he pushed himself further, long legs eating away at the earth as he did the only thing he knew for certain how to do. Run.

(This post was last modified: Jan 04, 2017, 09:38 PM by Kino.)
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
Sahalie always forgot how much power she carried in every word, enough force to knock a wolf down. Somehow it was always Alastor that she knocked down with her careless words.  A lot of Alastor's past was still a mystery to her, but she especially forgot about the past that did not belong to her—back when he had been Kino instead of Alastor. Dead dad, dead mom, the abusive new leader, the runaway siblings. He had been through so much and always thought the worst of himself for it. For once though, Sahalie's eyes narrowed: she did not want to feel sorry for the things she said. And when Alastor accused her of having some pampered life with two parents her eyes narrowed even further. Who said her mother was alive? At least Alastor's mother had wanted to be with him, his father too. No one had run away from Alastor: he had done all the running.

He stood up and ran out yet again, stepping over her body as if she were just some log in the way. The girl did not flop over to watch him go, and kept her eyes trained on the stone wall of the cave. Sahalie had seen death, too. She reminded herself of all the ghosts of Spectral Woods that she had grown up with, and the sad, lifeless ghosts of all her packmates as they had wandered the woods looking for a purpose. Alastor trusted nothing, and he was always so quick to anger. The girl wondered how much longer she could continue to hurt him, because everything she ever did seemed to cause him pain and dredge up old feelings about a past he half-heartedly tried to escape. She sighed, curling up into a ball, and resolving to go after Alastor in the morning. She was in no shape to go running down the mudslide and, for the first time in awhile, she realized she just wanted to be alone.

At least if she was alone she couldn't hurt anyone.

She hoped with everything she had that she would feel better in the morning.
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