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march to the sea — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

She certainly felt stupid, but.  It was certainly nice of Greer to assuage some of her worries.  The girl held her tongue for a moment, instead choosing to nuzzle into that warm, familiar ruff.  Somewhere, she knew that trekking across the mountain this time of year would be incredibly dangerous by herself.  Even if she made it to the site of her former home, then what?  She’d sit on a cold rock all by herself?  Distressed as she was, even the young Argyris could realize a poor plan when she thought of one.

“I don’t know what I should do…”

She said it before, but Kyna felt like it deserved reiterating.  She had always been the one with the plan before.  It felt so – it felt so wrong, like someone had set her adrift upon an ice float.  Ears tipped forward and back, and she finally glanced back up, seeking out this familiar silver eyes.  “What--  What do you think?  Should I go back there?”

But if she didn’t, what else was there to do?  Find Sahalie maybe, but Kyna still didn’t feel like explaining herself.  “What else is there to even do?”

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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
when u realize greer is jughead??????

He blinked, dumbly, at her comment. Greer did not know what she should do either, and he certainly did not want to steer her in the wrong direction. And now she was asking him. His throat clenched and he avoided her golden gaze. All he wanted to do was tell her how badly he wanted her to come back to Whitestone with him, but he couldn’t. She had to be the one that wanted to follow him to the rock. His frown remained as he chewed, nervously, on his lower lip. Nervous—the Archer was actually nervous. His mind scoffed at him but he could not shake the feeling. It tightened around his chest, causing his heart and lungs to ache.

“If Ky want,” he responded after a brief pause, his brows knitted together.   “Not have to.” Just because her mother was there did not mean she had to return. Kyna had left for a reason—her instincts had fuelled her flight response. She was not wrong in her choice to leave the Bend behind. “Greer left willow-family. Feel better.” Another shrug, his favourite method of responding. Greer did not miss the life he had left behind. While he had abandoned some of his family in his move to the lowlands, he felt as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. The air was thinner, easier to breathe, and his head was no longer clouded with miserable thoughts. Maybe the lowlands would help Kyna breathe, as well...

(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2017, 02:32 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

But I don’t feel better, Kyna wanted to wail, but she kept her mouth firmly shut.  Her friend was clearly doing the best he could – no one had all the answers.  If they did, they’d be the most wanted wolf in Relic Lore, wouldn’t they?  Her jaw ached as her teeth ground together, but no more tears fell from her face.  Perhaps there were none left.  She simply didn’t want to feel like this, but nothing seemed to make it any better, not leaving Oak Tree Bend, not parting ways with the former other members of the pack, nothing.  There were options, of course, joining Whitestone Monadnock, but she had no interest in throwing her lot in.  She could return, but would her mother forgive her?  Did she even want that?

Kyna gave a withering sigh, tail dropped against the ground, and she finally drew away, orange eyes seeking out liquid mercury.  For a moment, she simply studied the man’s face.  Her tongue felt heavy in her jawline, but she could not live in silence, she could not solve her problems this way (even if Greer could).

“Would you come with me?  Do you want to see the mountain again?”

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Drops the bomb on Greer...
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
@Kyna screams

His life had gotten immensely better with the scarlet wolf in it. Even though they did not see each other as often as he would have liked, the shadow cherished the time they spent together. He longed for the moment he would see her again as soon as they parted ways. While he enjoyed the way she made him feel, and was absolutely over the moon whenever he got to spend time with her, Greer also did not know how to handle it. The raven was used to distancing himself from others and isolating himself—something he did so well. She was the only exception… she always had been. Since the day that he had stumbled upon her, cowering beneath rock, Greer had wanted to know more about her.

It would be so much easier if they were together. In the same pack. Where he could see her whenever he pleased.

But, as the words rolled off his tongue, the shadow tensed. His brow furrowed, a frown falling onto his dark lips as he studied his little flame. Could he leave the monadnock behind just as he had left the willows? His throat tightened at the thought. The forest south of the tundra had felt like home, until one day, it didn’t. The branches overhead became daunting and suffocating as hostility rose between the Archers. Back then he had toyed around with the idea of joining the Bend, but Craw and his sister had come to him before he had mustered up the courage. Their offer had been the out he had been desperately searching for and it was a way to help his family. Greer had planned to help the group with their move to the tundra and then, once everyone was settled, he would leave. Pursue something else. Something different. Like Kyna… and wherever it was she called home.

But something had happened.

He had grown comfortable in this new home.

Whitestone was much different than his former home. Finally the shadow felt useful. His sister and the silver spider had shown him that his skills were needed—that he was needed. Could he abandon them now?

Kyna was worth it, and he knew that. He cared for the scarlet wolf more than he had ever cared for another living creature (perhaps even more than himself) but he did not know if he could leave. Not yet.

His expression crumbled as his mercury gaze fell away from her flames. “Greer come,” he started, voice low as he avoided her eyes. “Not stay… not yet.” He feared for the worst. He could help his closest and dearest friend find the mountains she craved, but he could not stay with her. Not while he was needed in Whitestone. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer


What else was she supposed to say?  ‘No, that’s not good enough?’  ‘No, I want your company now.’  ‘No, I want to keep you for the rest of forever?’  At best, it sounded horribly desperate, and at worse…at worst, she sounded like some sort of controlling tyrant.  At the end of the day, they were still only friends, no matter what she had confessed to when she thought Greer was going to die that day with the apple trees.  They were friends, and even if her feelings hadn’t changed at all, it gave no guarantee of how the shadow felt.  Given the recent fallout back at Oak Tree Bend—

The wolf sighed softly, shaking the morbid thoughts from her mind.  She would not be like her mother.  She would not be greedy.  That Greer was willing to come and explore the mountain with her would have to do for now. “We can go soon.  I have to…take care of a few things.”  If she could even call it that.  Still, Kyna had to make sure her own affairs were in order before dragging her friends across the forest.  <b.“And then I will come back, and we can go.”</b>


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Archiving this since we have a new one.  <3