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The world was wide enough — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
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Namid Vuesain
As Namid’s voice rose in the air, so did the voices of Kajika, her husband, and her son, and eventually Moonshadow joined in as well. A wag settled pleasantly into her tail, pleased by their voices mimicking praise and happiness for her. Her song faded to a close and her head returning to normal level, her smile bright and vivacious. Mismatched gaze turned into to the dark woman, seeing her stepping back and allowing the creamy silver matriarch to take the lead again and leave first. Like slipping on a glove her posture changed, chin lifting to stand tall but body remaining relaxed and friendly. This was how it was supposed to be, how it was always supposed to be until it was time for her children to take the lead. And even when that time came she would make sure to be there to help them along the way, to provide comfort and an experienced view. It wasn't an easy task, but it was a task that they were literally born into. They were certain to take the mantel up with a naturalness that only belonged to the true rulers. Turning she left to travel up the banks and start a patrol, marking the borders as officially hers once more.

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