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Winds of Change — Spectral Woods 
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Aponi Donata

While the tears and the slight choke in Latif's voice did not go unnoticed it did slip by uncommented on. Aponi herself was too proud to wear her blubber on her sleeve, it did not annoy her that this male did but it was not something she could empathize with. Instead she just nodded in response and continued their movement through the fog until the small opening of the medicine den came into view. By now she was sure he could smell the dried herbs but the thick snow and earth covering the cache hid away the tantalizing scent of an actual meal.

Gesturing for him to remain where he was the woman dipped inside of opening, scrounging around what she could before reappearing. The den had certainly seen better days, days when they had an actual trained healer rather than the few tricks she knew but it would hopefully get them through the winter. Placing the herbs at his paws Aponi offered a quick explanation before she began to make quick work of unearthing the cache, "The ginger and yarrow should help settle your stomach after not eating for a while, be careful to eat the root in small gulps though." The image of Larkspur sputtering on the spicy taste flashed across her mind, causing a smirk to twitch onto her lips.

Pulling part of a hare from the frozen earth Aponi gave him what she thought was appropriate, a hind leg and a large part of its side. "Start with this once the herbs have a few moments to start on your gut, then I'll show you where the communal den is so you can get some sleep. After you rest you can have the rest of the rabbit, you shouldn't eat too much in one go or you'll make yourself sick." And sometime after that she would have to find Serach and tell him that they had a new member within the Oaks, but Latif could sleep through that part.


[Image: AplcUOC.png]