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every word i said is what i meant — Hidden Tree 
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

There were probably a million and one things she wanted to do in that moment. Her heart was racing, even after his response came flying off his tongue with what seemed to be without a second thought. She wasn’t soft, or weak… not to anyone else. No one else could do this to her and she didn’t know how to explain why he could do this to her. His nose brushed against her ear and into her scruff, her tongue gently running across his cheek near his neck before she was seeking to do the same with her own maw and his scruff. The more time that passed since she’d said those words, the more relaxed she felt, like a load of bricks had been lifted off of her chest.

How long had she been holding that pent up? She wasn’t entirely sure… part of her worried that things were moving too fast, that this was just some kind of contact buzz and she was drunk on him. For now, she forced herself to let those emotions go, and focus on the moment. “I just… I’m not good with emotions… I never know how to express them and they eat away at me on the inside.” More things got to her than she let on, but then again she had two years of practice.

“I don’t even know how long I’ve been holding onto that.” At least a week, possibly two… probably since their adventure at the Wash they discovered… a long time to her. This was dangerous. They were lone wolves… and this was dangerous, but honestly? She didn’t care… and even if she did, there was no way she could take back a feeling. “You can’t mess anything up, Kerb.” She promised softly… she had faith in him, even if he himself did not.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
They embraced each other in a mirroring fashion. Her kiss was met with a happy growl and quick wave of his tail. Though he silenced himself to listen to her soft voice, muffled by his pelt. "That's completely okay, Mae. I just hope in time you can feel like you could confess anything to me. I don't want any feelings to eat away at you, I want them to be expressed and dealt with in the healthiest way possible." He realized he rambled a bit and the flesh on his cheeks grew warm. The tawny male was saved by his own fur and @Maera's fur covering his face.

Kerberos gently nibbled at her neck before licking over any messed fur, just like he had cleaned the rabbit moments ago that was forgotten about. "Well, I'm extremely glad it's out there now." His voice was gentle and smooth, just what you'd expect to hear from him. "And I don't know about that, we all make mistakes and some things are out of our control." This was usually the part where he told a tale about something his elders told him but this wasn't the time for that. Right now was a moment between him and his Mae. Kerberos would be damned if he let the advice of some possibly loony old wolves ruin it.
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

She couldn’t help the light chuckle on her features when he started to ramble, though for the most part she was able to suppress it. There was heat in her cheeks, but thankfully his warmth managed to mask that too as she softly nuzzled at his neck. She needed to take just a couple moments to breathe everything in, her eyes softly closing. “As long as you know that you can come to me for the same… no matter what happened or what it is.” She murmured softly back into his pelt. It felt so different, this feeling being aired out around them.

Part of her was scared, but she was burying that part of herself, the doubtful part, as far down as she could. And I don’t know about that, we all make mistakes and some things are out of our control. While those words rang true, she simply responded with a gentle lick just behind his ear. “Yes, but we both will make mistakes… and we alone control if we let those mistakes tear us apart…” She reminded him gently. She wasn’t too fond of that idea in and of itself. “I think I know what those stars were trying to tell us.” She mused again.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
"no matter what happened or what it is."

"I promise, I will. Always."

He took a deep breath, her scent hugging his lungs with ease. He let out a long breath that ruffled the tiny stray hairs on her scruff. The tawny male knew he was the smaller one between them but in the moment she felt tiny underneath the weight of his head. It was like he was constantly scared that if he moved the wrong way that she'd break, disappear, become nothing but snow and be blown away. He didn't want her to go and he certainly did not want her to be something his lonesome imagination had made up.

But her scent. It was as real as himself. It was the reminder that he had been spending time with her since the moment he stumbled into these destroyed woods. The way her scent lingered on his coat was soothing on nights where one of them came home late. Maera was his northern star and Kerberos was ready to follow her home. And her voice was like a river the way it ran through his brain. "We'll be able to face anything together." He hoped. "And I think I know too." He buried his nose deeper into her scruff. The Rigel was more than content to lay like this for the rest of the night, or until @Maera wished to move from his embrace.
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