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Dragon Bones — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Everything went terribly wrong so very quickly when Kyrios appeared, the boy shouldn't have followed them. Whatever she did to try and stop her brother from dragging the young Stark from the grave had failed. It had gone from her and Aleksei preparing to bury Kjors body again, a truly merciful action despite what the dragon had done to her family and her pack. Then it was a struggle between her brother and the pup and all she do was watch. She hadn't ever seen her brother as worked up as he was then and while she didn't completely disagree she also didn't think he was entirely right either.

She was angry with him for wanting to send her home even if she knew why and understood, they couldn't let Kyrios go home alone. There was another reason though why she wouldn't do what he had told her. If the pup though he could brave the world and come out to the mountain alone then he could see the remains of the Dragon. The world wasn't full of rainbows and butterflies but instead of hard truths and the hard truth Kyrios needed to see was where Kjors had gotten himself. Had the dragon not tried to challenge Lachesis so soon after her father and Naira’s deaths he might still be alive in Hearthwood with Karina and Bennet. The dragons ambitions had gotten himself killed and put her sister and niece in danger and what she was supposed to feel badly for the dead man laying under the stones, body ravaged by scavengers.

The words the pup spoke about Lachesis only fueled her anger toward him as it was very clear that Kyrios did not know his father. Had been poisoned against the dark healer by the dragon for him to say he didn't care about Lachesis’ feelings. Her heart ached for the man who she'd become closer to since her father's passing, who had been there for her and her family for so long.

Her words however had not helped the situation but made it worse which soon became clear when she could see the anger rising in her brother. She hadn't ever seen this side of him and it scared her a little as she worried that she was going to get the brunt of it. She was wrong, his rage was turned on the boy who she thought should hear the things Aleksei was saying. So wrapped up in himself that he failed to realize the seriousness of the situation. Inna knew Kjors would have protected Karina and Bennet but now that he was dead who was protecting them?

She did not say anything to stop Aleksei in his angry lecture and instead let him get it out whether it was on Kyrios or her didn't matter. He needed to do this, she believed it with her whole heart that he couldn't heal without spilling everything out. However she felt that could have been the wrong thing because when he had finished he ran leaving her with Kyrios. “ALEKSEI BARANSKI DON'T YOU BREAK YOUR PROMISE TO ME,” she yelled after him.

Then she turned on Kyrios because she had something to say to him too and despite the anger she held for the boy in that moment she spoke calmly to him, “Your father is a good man and if you keep on the path of hating him you will not only break his heart but when you need him most he may not be there. Everything Aleksei said about your father is the truth and if you would give him half the chance I know he would show home much he cares about you. Kjors is dead so you have a decision to make Kyrios, are you going to follow the path he set you on or are you going to go back to your father and show him that he does matter to you and that you do love him. I can tell you you're his world and if something happened to you it would kill him.”

She paused a moment to let that sink in before she spoke once more. “I'm going after him you can come if you want or not. Frankly if you don't care about our feelings that's fine but you should probably think about who really matters. If you choose to come along I will try and speak with Aleksei for you but I can't make you any promises. We may still get sent home or left but you need to make up your mind fast. I’m sorry I must go.”

With that she ran after her brother following his scent mixed with Karina's as it became stronger the further she went from Kjors body. She stopped when she found Aleksei crumpled on the ground. Slowly she walked toward him until she stood over him his words reaching her ears.

Lowering herself until she was laying next to him she later her head across his shoulders. “I’m sorry I hurt you Aleksei but we will find her but I won't let you do it alone. I want to help you do what you need to do and I want to keep my promise to you as I hope you want to keep yours to me. I love you Aleksei and I don't want to lose you.”

(This post was last modified: Jan 20, 2017, 12:05 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark
figure we can wrap up with the next round, find out where they're all going? :3

Whether because of his, very feeble, blow, or simply because the Baranski needed his mouth for speaking, Kyrios was suddenly free. His ruff hurt from all the pulling and thrashing, but there was no broken skin, unlike Aleksei's lip, where a thin strip of blood slowly trickled down his muzzle. The boy felt a little bad, or he would have if he hadn't been so focus on the more pressing problem; Alone. They're alone! It was only the brute's teeth right in his face, his angry hot breath against his face, that kept Ky rooted to the spot, eyes still wide with concern as they looked up at the other. Then began the shouting, first directed at Inna, though the words stung the younger boy as well, and then the full force was turned in his direction. How ironic, for the lout to scold the tantrum by throwing one of his own, shouting and spitting even fiercer than the pup had moments before.

Kyrios kept staring with those big, round goldenrods, ears falling back against his head, but face otherwise motionless. That wasn't to say he didn't feel anything though. In fact the accusations and slander send flare's of rage through him, trailing white-hot along his spine, making the hairs prickle. But he was no dragon, nor would he ever dare think himself one. Without wings or flame of his own, all he could do was listen. Ironic indeed. The prince barked of loyalty, screamed about all the good Lachesis had done to him in his youth; You're one to talk! And where had this self proclaimed knight been for half of the Aegina's life? How much had he taken for granted when he ran off? But Kyrios didn't speak any of those thoughts. Instead he stayed quiet, he took it, even when the shouter turned his bile to Kjors' remains, the vile words making the pup feel, well, probably about how Aleksei had felt at his words about XIX. But arguing would only waist time, so it was only when the large wolf took off that Ky finally reacted, an eerie calm over his features. "You don't understand," He spoke into the void left behind by the fleer, voice quiet, almost sad.

The comment was easily drowned out by Inna's protest, all this shouting was starting to hurt his ears. At least she kept her tone reasonable while berating him, but it was clear that she didn't understand either. It was true, his words about Lachesis had been harsh, hell, he was angry! He'd lost so much, now he had lost Kjors too, yet his father had seemed to think so little of it, figure he could send away the dragon, and let Karina and Bennet go after him, without any effect on the children. Kyrios frowned, shaking his head lightly; They don't see! Nobody did, just like he had said; They care too much about themselves to think about me! It was right there in her words, who really matters, a smack in his face. Then she too was gone, run after the big baby like she was the older sibling needing to look after him. Ky stood alone back, an icy feeling filling his body, like the anger had flared so hard through him that all his feelings had been burned. There was no use in fury anyway, all it had done was waste their time with arguments. no more. He was numb.

One last glance was cast back at the desecrated body, a dragon deserved better, but there was no time. Who was to say what his killer might have done to the rest of his family. So, with long, steady strides, Kyrios followed the others through the snow, stopping where he found them, crumbled in together. "You don't understand," He said again, voice harder now, colder, but no less controlled; No more yelling. The pup's teeth flashed briefly in a fierce grimace, eyes flicking between the two Baranski's, taking each other as for granted as they accused him of. "Remember why we're here! It has fuck all to do with you or me." But he would waste no more time with long explanations and feelings; "They're out there all alone! So you shout and cry all you fucking want, but I'm finding my family!" The words fell as stonily as everything before, low and clear. Like those at home, Aleksei and Inna had disregarded the reality: Lachesis and Atropos were safe at home in Hearthwood, they had the pack to protect them. But the other half of his family was unprotected; They need me more! Bennet needed him more! So he started off, not caring if his guides followed or not. Even with his untrained nose, he would find them eventually, alone if he had to; I'm coming!

Word count: 803

”Speech” Thoughts

Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Kyrios was a mouthy little shit. How could such a snot nosed brat be related in any way, shape or form to Lachesis and Naia, much less be their son? Aleksei wondered if there had been a case of kidnap-and-replace—some wolf had stolen their birth son and replaced it with something that must have fallen out of Satan's arse. And then he remembered just what they were dealing with here; a child that Kjors had be allowed free access to.

Yes, the man who liked to turn children against their parents and to fit his own agenda, his own ideals. That was the kind of wolf Kjors could be, and it all made sense when Aleksei's thoughts on Kyrios swapped from “instigator” to “victim”. He'd been poisoned with words. A scrap that the “dragon” had sunk his claws into for further gain, to rip the rug out from beneath Hearthwood River. And yet Aleksei was still left bitter.

But what use was there dwelling on Kjors, a wolf not worth pissing on if he were on fire. Aleksei could only wrinkle his muzzle and clench his jaw as he attempted to swallow back the sobs, hiccuping as he did, blinking hard to squeeze the tears out so that he could think clear, be the guide he had to be for Inna. Thankfully, she had seemed to be able to keep her cool, if only barely. Aleksei's anger eased somewhat as he felt her lay her head across his shoulders, the heat beneath his skin receding slowly, as if retreating back into the depths. “I know,” he whispered, eyes closed as he took a shaky breath. “I just. I wish we didn't have to deal with …”

“Remember why we're here!”

Well. Speak of the devil.

“It has fuck all to do with you or me.”

The fire rose back up in Aleksei's belly. He thought it had burned everything it could to a crisp already, but apparently that wasn't so. It had found some new kindling, and Kyrios had been polite enough to play the role of the spark.

It was enough. Aleksei wasn't going to tolerate any more disrespect aimed at two superiors. Go easy on the kid, his brain cried. Fuck the kid, came his heart's retort. Kyrios needed a proper lesson in just where shitty behaviour would get you. It was just common knowledge, when Aleksei was growing up, to know how to treat wolves who outrank you in age and wisdom and strength. It was as if Kyrios had a sick streak, as if he liked pretending he was tougher than he really was. But the pup was still a pup—his tongue was not yet sharp enough to do damage. Instead, all he could do was poke the bear. And poke he did.

“I'm finding my family!”

His family? His fucking family? What claim did Kyrios have to the Baranski wolves? None. He was a deluded child who clung to a reality that wasn't real. A perfect little imaginary world, where his mother was meek and pliable to anyone's whims, and his false father was a dragon who could do no wrong. Oh, but the evidence against that claim was clear in the corpse, was it not? There was no fire. No wings. No scales beneath the fur now picked apart and falling away from dead skin. Kjors had only ever been a wolf. An insanely egotistical one at that. After all, weren't dragons supposed to be impressive?

Slowly, Aleksei peeled himself from Inna. Inhale. Up he rose, legs trembling, tail curling up over his back. “You're so blind, you know that? Blind, because you want to be like a man who killed the girl Karina used to be. Besides.” Hold it. Wild eyes were cast behind him to catch the backside of Kyrios facing them. Let it out. Now. Release.

“It has. EVERYTHING. To do with me!”

There was a flurry of movement, a cacophony of snarls and spittle in the air, as Aleksei turned and threw himself forward, lips peeled back to reveal yellowed teeth. A full sixty-five kilogrammes of wolf flung itself at a pup, with every intention to knock him down, to wind him, to make him feel pain and fear and hurt and regret. Aleksei's jaws snapped wildly, intent on grabbing hold of any body part he could catch between his teeth. He would make Kyrios hear him. Aleksei shifted his weight, pressing the pup down into the ground.

“Listen closely. And let me make this clear: I'm not requesting you do, I'm telling you to, because you have no choice in the matter.”

Aleksei relinquished his biting grip, but stayed firmly planted on top of his quarry.

“Know your place. You think you can get away with saying whatever you want? Why? Because you're a child? No one would dare put you back where you should be standing, right? At the bottom? Or is it because you're a leader's son? No, it can't be, can it, because how can you use such words and spit on your father in the same breath? That wouldn't make sense? Maybe you're just crazy, because you think a dragon helped raise you? Tell me, did you see a dragon's body there? Or just. Another. Wolf.”

Eyes narrowed, focused squarely on Kyrios. Aleksei's muzzle was still wrinkled, a line of fangs on display to show that he wasn't messing around; this was serious.

“Would you maybe like to hear a story?” Do you want to see what happens when you lose yourself to your delusions? Do you want to see how worthless Karina was to Kjors? “There was this princess. And she was beautiful. She was frail, yes, but she could be so brave when she wanted to be. And there was a prince. He was her keeper, he did everything he could to make her laugh and smile. But this prince, he left, without a word, and the princess was so hurt. To make matters worse! A liar came creeping, because the princess was vulnerable without her brother.”

“He whispered little things in her ears, manipulated the princess because she was young and needed protecting. I'm a dragon, he said. You're a gem. You're mine. And he tricked that princess, used her royalty to get what he wanted, and no one knew.” Was Kyrios starting to pick up on the similarities? For his sake, Aleksei hoped he wasn't as stupid as he was tempermental. “So, when the prince came back, imagine his horror when he discovered that the dragon had stolen his sister. Hurt her, but not physically. Oh, no, the wounds were all in her heart and her head. She had grown sick from the liar's words.”

Understand me yet?”

Aleksei didn't move, he wouldn't budge, wouldn't dare give Kyrios an escape route, not until he understood just what Kjors had done. He had to know that now, because of his recklessness, it was little Atropos playing the part of the princess.

“I have a chance to find my sister. I can help her, because I can remind her of who she was when she was young and wasn't sick. And I'll be damned if I let you shit on me when I'm doing my best to do right by her and make up for my mistakes. Because I know I've done wrong. I pay for it every day. But I still have a chance.”

His piece well and truly said, Aleksei finally stood. He stepped away from his position over Kyrios, casting one last look, icy and careless, before he focused on the white mountain above. The fire was gone. It had choked out, satisfied with its job now done. “So if you stay with us, you do as we say. And if you go alone? It doesn't matter to me, I won't care. Someone who respects a man like Kjors so blindly doesn't deserve my time or respect. Regardless, you wouldn't be helping Karina with that mindset. You'd be dragging her down to your level, returning her to a place that suffocates her—guilt.”

“So hurry up. Choose.”
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

She wanted to make the kid see how much his father really cared for him and what it would do to Lachesis if something happened to him. Having known the man her whole life and knowing how much he cared for children that weren't his. Inna refused to believe that he didn't care about Kyrios but she couldn't make him see with words. It was something that Lachesis had to show the boy himself and if given half the chance she knew he would but would Kyrios give him that chance. She didn't know, had her words and the words of her brother sunk into the thick skull enough it might make a difference? Again she couldn't answer it but she had hope if not for Kyrios sake for Lachesis.

After her father had passed she felt like he had stepped in the best he could to help her on her path. He did the things that she felt if her father had been there he would have done. Lachesis couldn't ever replace her father for he held his own place in her heart he was the best she could ask for if she couldn't have Maksim.

It angered her that the pup couldn't see what a great man he had as a father and like she had been gifted with hers Kyrios needed to recognize how gifted he was to have a man like Lachesis as his father. She unfortunately couldn't force the boy to see what she saw, not with her words and not with her actions so she had to focus on who she could help, at least she hoped so.

Finding her brother crumpled in the snow was heartbreaking for the ebony Baranski and she worried that she wouldn't be able to help him, that she would fail him. She had not lived the life he had and she did not know the things that ate at him every single day. For now she hoped that her presence would be enough, that he would know she was there for him through thick and thin. No matter what she wasn't leaving his side here on the mountain or back at home in Hearthwood.

Curling up next to him with her head across his shoulders she told him what he meant to her so that he would know and have at least that. She hoped it might give him some small shred of strength to keep going for her, Karina, and little Bennet. They needed to find them and soon, they needed to know what had happened to them because Inna feared the worst and she didn't want to find out without her brother.

Then those two words came from his mouth, only a whisper but they were the hope she needed to have in that moment when she feared she would lose her brother the most. His next words she sympathized with and was just about to agree but add that it might be good for him to come along, they maybe could undo what Kjors had done to the boy. All of that went over the rapids when Kyrios voice reached them spitting his words and it was over.

Aleksei was like a land mine waiting for someone to step on it and Kyrios had done just that, imma could at least be thankful that when he went after the pup this time he didn't dump her into the snow and instead gave her the chance to stand on her own.

The ferocity that he went for Kyrios this time was worse and she felt she should stop it, seeing her brother like this did scare her. Still could she blame him really? Could she blame Aleksei really when the pup seemed to fail at every turn to see the bigger picture. He failed to listen to the words that were spoken to him and only consider his own feelings. Inna made the choice to stay back this time though poised to step in if need be. It would be over her dead body if Alek did something he would regret when he already had so much.

As her brother spoke telling the story of Karina and Kjors to the boy in an effort to make him see she learned a little more. All of this has to have been happening when she was still a pup and didn't understand what was happening. She wondered if it was because of Kjors she hadn't been able to have a good relationship with her sister. It was certainly clear he had messed with her mind so much that she cared more for the dragon than she did her own family. Inna was given even more reason to hate the dragon and any feelings of confusion she might have had on the subject were starting to clear up.

It was however not lost on Inna what Alek was doing, letting Kyrios know where he stood in the scheme of things. He needed to accept it and learn to respect those higher than him it was how it was meant to be and it was how it would always be. After telling Kyrios exactly why he'd come on this mission to find Karina he backed off.

Inna stepped forward to speak to Kyrios, “Look Aleksei and I care a lot about Karina and all we want to do is find her. She’s my sister too and because of what was done to her I was never given the chance to have her as my sister. I would really like the chance to show her how much I care about her and have a relationship with her. I have to agree with Aleksei on this though you must do what we say because regardless of what has happened here I do care what happens to you. I hope do hope you choose to come for Karina and Bennet and for yourself for so many reasons.” That said she went to stand with Aleksei to give Kyrios the time he needed to choose what he would do.

(This post was last modified: Jan 24, 2017, 05:22 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark

He'd thought they might try to stop him, as caught up as they were in their hysterics, they still seemed to care about him and what he had said; Typical! As if words meant anything at this point. But he could never have been prepared for the force that suddenly slammed into him, knocking him over into the snow head first. Gasping in surprise, the boy twisted to free his head, only to have his cheek pressed back into the powder as the weight was thrown on top of him, jaws locking around his nape, effectively holding him in place. Golden eyes pushed to the corners to look up at the grey brute, widening at the sight of his wild expression, mouth gaping slightly. To say he wasn't frightened would be an outright lie. Aleksei looked crazed, green eyes flashing like lightning, his voice raw as he snarled his demand. The pup nodded as best he could, not stupid or brave enough to defy the beast when its jaws were so close to snapping his neck.

Kyrios' ears were flat against his skull, face frozen in a mask of dread. But his fear of what the savage man might do did not lend any potency to his words. From the very first statement, his victim's mind was reeling, taking in the tale from his own angle, every word making the truth that much clearer to him. The Baranski wolf was mad! Ky had come here thinking their interests were aligned, that they might help each other in achieving a common goal. Boy, was he wrong! Aleksei's motivations were selfish! He wasn't out here to protect his sister and reunite his family, he had come to mend his own guilty conscience. His quest was to somehow make up for the time he'd been away, to restore the world to what it had been before he left, before he was replaced. The younger lad wanted to spit, to tell this idiot exactly where he could shove his prince; YOU left! How could the lout claim any right on his side? How could he speak such vie words of someone he'd never known? The dragon that had been there for his sister when he went away; Even dead, Kjors is worth ten of you!

But he said nothing. He closed his gaping mouth, narrowing his eyes and letting the beast roar until he was out of breath. There was no reasoning with this moron, any more words would just get him another lashing, waste more time. So he stayed silent, scrabbling to his feet as soon as Aleksei released him. Shaking the snow from his lush winter coat, Kyrios gaze turned to the siblings now standing side by side, his glare cold and steely. As the grey brute laid out his ultimatum, Ky had to suppress a snort, keeping his face carefully blank while his mind spun. What a hypocrite this guy was, talking about being trapped by guilt when his own actions were so clearly dictated by the same. And who was more blind? The wolf who had never known the dragon, judging him for imagined slights to fit into his own twisted narrative; Or the one who had been raised under his cared, knowing how much he loved his family? Oh yes, Aleksei liked to spread venom about Kjors, even with Inna there by his side, following him as blindly as he accused Karina of doing the dragon.

The girl spoke kinder than her brother sure, but her words meant little. They might be meant to soothe, but all Kyrios heard was meekness, she would do whatever Aleksei said because, despite what she said, she too was here for her own sake, to prove herself to this brother she revered so highly. The pup didn't dislike Inna, but she was no use to him in this, compliantly following in her brother's paw steps; Even if he leads them over a ledge! And it had become glaringly obvious that their interests did not align with his own, making sure his sister was safe was his top priority, and the Baranskis' selfish quest would only slow him down. Looking straight at the brute, Ky spoke coldly: "Yes sir, I won't bother you no more." He bowed his head in salute, intend on continuing his search on his own, though he wouldn't be turning his back on the beast another time, before he was sure he wouldn't be attacked again.

Word count: 746

”Speech” Thoughts

Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Oh, but Aleksei had known the dragon. He had been the first Baranski to lay eyes on Kjors, and it was thanks to a strange twist of fate that he would be the last one, too.

Aware of Inna giving her own speech—scolding was too harsh a word to use for how she spoke to the young boy—Aleksei gave a snort and lifted his chin at Kyrios' response. He would rather damn himself to starvation out in the wild than work beneath another wolf? So be it. “Go then,” came his reply, gruff and empty of any kind of emotion; Aleksei couldn't even muster pity for the struggle the pup would face. Kyrios was choosing this path for himself, a stubborn little shit that lacked the empathy to understand just how he was making his family feel.


Turning away and giving a dismissive flick of his tail, Aleksei nudged Inna gently. “We should bury the body before scavengers return—he doesn't deserve that poor an end. Kyrios,” a judgemental glance was thrown over his shoulder before he continued, “won't be joining us, willingly or not.” Because Aleksei could be cruel, and he would chase the pup away before he could even think about arguing the toss. And so, he began to walk towards the defiled tomb, gaze fixed on the pile of shifted rocks. “He has made his choice. He wants to be a grown up, so I will treat him like one.” The way Aleksei believed he deserved to be treated for his own childish stupidity. Ultimately, it would not be the Baranski prince that Kyrios would have to beg forgiveness from. No, it would be his father and his sister instead.

Wordlessly, he set about his task at shifting earth and ice, gravel rolling between his toes—the ground was warmer now, not as frozen as it had been when Karina had tried to desperately give her child's father a grave. I'm doing this for you, came Aleksei's bitter thoughts. For you alone. It would be Karina's wish to protect Kjors from a hungry beastie or two, and it was through sibling love that he would grant it.
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The whole situation with Aleksei and Kyrios saddened the ebony Baranski because she didn't know when things had turned to this with the young Aegina. She remembered the little pup she had played in the mud with and now he was spitting venom at them. Threatening to go off on his own to find Karina no care for how Lachesis or his sister would feel about it. She worried that because of Kjors he would be lost to them forever and she was left at a loss for what she could say or do to change his mind, make him see what he was doing. Would she have to clump him with the ones she'd lost too?

It was also clear as he brother told the pup to go that he'd had his fill of Kyrios attitude and was ready to move on from it. He was done trying to make the kid see where he was wrong in his thinking. Inna didn't want to fall in with him, agree that maybe it was too late for the boy to realize the mistakes he was making. She wasn't sure she had much of a choice in the matter, she too had tried to talk some sense into him in a more gentler way and that had not worked. She did not want to admit defeat and she didn't want to give up on him but she didn't see any other choice while he was so angry.

The nudge that Aleksei gave her brought her from her attention back to him as he spoke about covering Kjors body. He also made it clear that Kyrios wouldn't be joining them before turning toward the open grave. “I'm sorry it turned out this way I wish it could have gone differently. I miss the young pup that played in the mud with me but I guess you aren't that anymore. I hope one day you will realize what we were trying to do for you here.” With that she followed her brother because he was right Kjors body did need recovered before the scavengers returned. Kyrios had also made his choice and they had tried aggressively as well as kindly but none of it had worked and now it was up to the Aegina to figure out what he wanted to do.

With tail and head low she joined Aleksei as he began the task of burying the dragon once more. She did not say a word as she worked pushing snow covered dirt and rocks back onto the scavenger picked body. For Karina because she wouldn't want her sister to return to this place and find the man she'd loved in such a state. It was a horrific sight for Inna and she couldn't imagine what it would be for her sister.

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2017, 10:56 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark
Eehp! Sorry guys, I didn't realize you'd posted. Think we're good to archive now though?

They were idiots. Not only that, but they were so selfish and stubborn and dense that they wouldn't even begin to think beyond their own perspective. An outsider might have seen the irony in the two male's similar thoughts about the other, but being in the middle of the mess, Kyrios could only judge from his side, and he saw not just hypocrisy, but apathy. Aleksei seemed to care more about rank and order than the pressure of time; The fact that they had just found Kjors dead and who knew what had happened to Bennet and Karina. The bloody Baranski yelled about bringing his sister back, to the past self he remembered and thought was better than what she had grown to become. And yet, at the same time, he showed no understanding for the Aegina's need to find his own sister. Because the prince cared only about himself, he could not see beyond his failings in the past, and somehow thought that if he could find Karina and turn her back to a little girl, he could start it all over; Well A LOT of shit went down while you were gone, you Berk!

It didn't matter though, let the brute go on his demented mission and drag Inna along if she was meek enough to let him, Kyrios would go on his own. At least they seemed to finally have deemed him a lost cause, Aleksei dismissing him with cold arrogance before turning to Inna. The pup just shrugged his shoulders, mentally rolling her eyes at the display, he would be happy to get away from this pompous prick. He'd already half-turned when he caught his name spoken again, ear flicking backwards at the final comment; Took you long enough! It was only Inna's voice that got him to actually look back, face neutral as he listened. He almost felt bad for her, almost, but she was choosing for herself, just like him. Clearly they saw this very differently, and her remarks only made him shake his head lightly; No, I'm not. That pup had lost too much to just go on pretending. So he turned, waving his tail lightly in salute before heading off. What they were trying to do for him, seemed to be forcefully making him think and feel as they did, about who had been and still were his family, and he was not interested in that. I'll find you Bean, don't worry!

Word count: 410

”Speech” Thoughts

Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Aleksei didn't bother turning to look at Kyrios again. He instead focused on the task at hand—grave digging—and pushed back the dirt. It was a grim job, but he wasted no energy complaining. Over time, the hole grew deep enough for the body of Kjors to be nudged inside. That was most certainly going to be the worst part of the job.

Holding his breath, Aleksei gently shifted the corpse with Inna's help, and watched without feeling as it slid in place. For a moment, he only stared, not sure what he should say or feel. He felt justified with his anger and resentment for Kjors. The man had stolen his sister and broken her (or so he believed)! But he had also protected Karina to the best of his ability, and Aleksei could only assume that had been the case 'til the dragon's bitter end, which was respectable enough. The one-eyed wolf wouldn't have died easily. He had been wise to the wilderness, after all.

That had been clear the first time he and Aleksei had met.

The sun had shifted in the sky above, peeking through breaks in the grey clouds to cast beams of brilliant light across the mountain. It might have been somewhat humbling if Aleksei had paid attention to the shift in weather, but right now he was staring at a gathering of rocks that marked a grave and all he could feel was nothing. He had spent time burying a man he wasn't particularly fond of in silence, with his sister. It was strange how things had ended up this way.

“Kjors,” he spoke slowly, and finally, brows knitting together. He felt obligated to say something, to honour the man somehow, but he couldn't find the right words. He had been raised to respect the dead, yet this was difficult—different. “Thank you, in some ways, for watching over Karina when I had been too scared to be there. I hope the All Mother looks … ugh, no. No, I don't know jack shit about you and Karina's messed up religion.” He shook his head, scowling. That was wrong, it felt wrong. “You were a … hm.” Another pause, one that stretched out until Aleksei couldn't help but let out a flat chuckle. How stupid was this? “Heh. I don't really know what I can say about you, or if I should say anything at all. I suppose I'll be frank. You hurt my mother a lot, doing what you did. I don't think she'll ever be able to forgive you—I don't blame her. But, I hope your god or whatever can. I guess that's all you need.”

Aleksei finally turned away from the humble, secluded grave, mumbling softly, quietly, as he began to trek away.

Rest well.”

Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying