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Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote><i>"Do you want to look inside?"</i> Corinna queried. Fenru stared hard into the depths of the dark tunnel before him and after a couple of minutes, he looked his mother and ecstatically nodded.<b>"Yeah!"</b> he trilled. His tail wriggled and wave behind him before he crawled cautiously forward. The darkness pressed against his eyes as his body momentarily blocked all the light from coming into the den. Once fully inside, he squinted in the dark, trying to see if there was anything of interest for him to investigate. He waited a few seconds to see if she was going to join him, but it wasn't long until his head reemerged in the den entrance with something long, thin, and strangely <i>crinkly</i> - a snakeskin that had been left behind by its owner some time ago.

<b>"Whut's disss?"</b> he asked between his teeth, glancing up at Corinna.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna had somewhat expected her son to plunge straight into the depths of the den at her indication that it would be safe for him to do so, so it surprised her when he paused for a few minutes before doing so. But eventually, he plunged into the dark hole with enthusiasm, young body eagerly wanting to discover the previously unexplored. Green eyes watched him, poised to come to his rescue should the den not be entirely unoccupied, though her own finely tuned nose had not picked up anything currently living and breathing in the old adytum. With some despair, Cori remembered the first time she had come here. Borlla had followed her, and had gone into meltdown mode when the newly empowered Swift River leader had even approached the hollow. But now it seemed that the den had lost its place of significance in the hearts of all except those who had been brought to life in this very place.

It didn't take very long for Fenru's explorations to come to an end, and his gray head popped out of the darkness soon enough. At first, the musing mother missed the skin hanging from her son's mouth, but as he spoke up, green eyes focused on the object. Very clearly, she grimaced - Corinna hated snakes. But her own disgust for the slithering creatures was replaced by a fear that perhaps its owner was still living within the den. Not likely, but one never knew. "Come on out, Fen," she cooed at him, keeping her gaze warily on the dangling skin from his mouth. "That's called a snake skin. Snakes are long, skinny creatures that slither on the ground. They can bite you, and it hurts. Every once in a while, they get new skins and cast off the old ones." She thought for a moment, she trying to decide how to relate a snake shedding its skin to her son. "It's like when you shed, and leave your fur all over my clean den." Playful voice took over and she nipped her son's ears, growling pleasantly at him.

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>His brows rose as he took in the expression on her face. A somewhat high-pitched sound that expressed his fascination rumbled from his throat and he obediently clambered out of the old den, his teeth grinding against his strange discovery. Corinna enlightened him about how the odd, papery thing he had found was a <i>snake skin</i>. Huh. <i>Snake.</i> A long, skinny, thing that "slithered" on the ground. He tried to picture what <i>slithering</i> looked like. The action sounded like the creature moved around by rolling around on the ground and it made a tickled grin curl up on his snout.

She continued to explain that snakes bite and he immediately dropped the skin onto the ground to sniff it. He tried to place the scent to memory. If he ever caught a whiff of something like it, he was sure now to stay clear away from the area. If Rihael and Kisla's playful nips <i>hurt</i> from time to time, then he was somewhat certain he would not like being bitten by a thing that slithered around... and shed its skin.

<b>"Bleghhh,"</b> he sounded, letting his tongue loll over his teeth to emphasize his own disgust. He let out a giggle as she playfully nipped at him and he arched into a play bow. <b>"Heeee,"</b> he half-laughed through a grin. His tail whipped about behind him before slowing into a more gentler wag. <b>"But... but what does a snake <i>look like</i>?"</b> he wrinkled his muzzle curiously. <b>"Have <i>youuuu</i> seen one before? Did it... bite you?"</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 26, 2011, 11:54 PM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

He was all about asking questions and being curious. There was never enough information to satisfy the youngest member of the Tainn family. He was thrilled with life, and every aspect in it was appealing to him in the most interesting ways. Even as she explained to him what a snake was, Corinna's green eyes followed his face and his inner reaction to the idea. What was going on in that brain of his? More than she would ever be able to comprehend, that was for sure.

Laughing as her son bowed in play to her, the leader's tail wagged happily behind her. Flashing her teeth at him, she growled playfully at him and half lunged at him. "No, I've never been bitten by a snake," she told him, looking to the abandoned skin on the ground. "They know better than to mess with a mother." Her flaws would become apparent to her pups sooner rather than later, but she could certainly put on the illusion of being super mom for a little while later, couldn't she?

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<i>Bleh, apologies for the wait... /a month/ of waiting. Wrap up?</i>
<blockquote>His features lit up and his brows rose in awe. Just knowing that Corinna had never been bitten made him grin. Of course, Mum was the most resilient being he knew, but hearing her say that she had defied an enemy made her all the more like a superhero. His eyes went to the triangular scrap of boar hide he had left at the mouth of the den before returning to Corinna. <b>"I'm-a be like you when I grow up,"</b> he declared, still grinning from ear to ear. <b>"Buuuut, I'm gonna be FASTER!"</b> With one half-step, he scooped up his trophy and scampered away before stopping to turn around and beckon to the Swift River leader, <b>"C'mon Mum! Let's go!"</b> Though scary, slithery things were now noted to occupy the old family den, he still certainly wanted to share his find with Dad, Uncle Triell, Rihael, and Kisla, and he couldn't have Mum holding him up. <b>"I don't wanna be a <i>rotted</i> egg!"</b></blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
It's all good. Gonna archive this. <3

Gone Tomorrow

Nipping at the heels of her son, Corinna rose to her feet. She took his gentle teasing in stride and barked back at him. "Oh no you won't!" She cooed, giving him a few seconds head start before she ran forward. Tail wagging eagerly behind her, she nudged his flanks playfully to urge him along. He might not be able to outrun her now, but he would eventually. That particular day was not too far away. So as he raced ahead of her, Corinna slowed her speed and watched him run, heart filling with the kind of pride that only a mother can have. But his taunts got the best of her, and the leader did not remain stagnant for too long and raced after her pied son.