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Round Two — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

Again she had missed. Now she was fully infuriated with herself. Self hate creeping its way back into her and the sound of her mouth shutting over nothing again filled her ears. Standing up out of the snow drift the dark woman watched her teacher pass her slowly getting closer. He spoke of not letting ones emotions overrule them in such a situation but it was too late for that. Her anger had overrode her decision making a while ago. The student would try to keep that in mind for next time but right now wasn't gonna happen. Silver eyes watched him carefully waiting for him to make his move. When he did she was unable to move fast enough and he got a hold of her scruff. A growl erupted from the female as more frustration overtook her. With a tight grip he forced her to the ground and stood over her. Part of her wanted to keep fighting, to try to get back up but the other part knew it was over and there was no use.

Her legs buckled for a moment instinctively before they gave and allowed him to pin her. He growled and she gave a quite whine in submission. Okay okay she said in her head more for herself. He told her that emotions will keep her from doing well and just because she didnt do well this time that didnt mean she was incapable. She wanted to believe him but the negative side of her said otherwise. She nodded at him before his dark jaws finally released her. She stayed in the snow as her mentor began to speak once again. She knew he cared for her and wanted her to do well but she also knew she had failed him today. The tears stung her mercury eyes as they began to well up. She closed them to keep Kajika from seeing but she felt utterly defeated.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

When she missed the last time Kajika tried to speak the words he felt she needed to hear, words that could save her life on a real fight. The teacher knew his student well enough to know what was going through her head just as it had when they had spoken about her being I'm Namid's shoes. He did not like that the spar had put her back in that place but perhaps it was good, the more she drug herself out of it the more she would realize she was a capable wolf that could do whatever she put her mind to. The moment he'd grabbed her scruff and pulled her to her back a growl of frustration left her. It was them he knew just how irritated with herself she truly was. He accepted that his words may not have sunk in just yet but once she'd had some time to chew on them a bit they might just have an effect, that was the hope anyway.

She didn't fight him this time as if she too recognized this spar was over with him as the victor. He wasn't as proud as others might be about the win, having brought her to this point, the whine vibrating her vocal chords. Once he released her from the grip his jaws had on her scruff he stepped back to give her room. More words of what wisdom he had on the matter were given, more for her to chew on. Lastly and most importantly he needed to know that regardless of how she had performed in this sparred didn't matter and he only wanted her safe. She still had not risen from her place where he had left her in the snow. Taking the steps needed he closed the distance between them and brushed his nose along her cheek, “You shouldn't beat yourself up,” he told her, “Everyone has bad days and instead of looking at this as a failure you should see it as an important learning experience,” he said trying bring her some comfort from what had happened.


(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2017, 03:48 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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