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spring swaps leaves for snow — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
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Renier Lyall
Two more posts for demonstarting a role.

Renier Lyall
you can set yourself on fire

The rush of endorphins began to waver, and each breath squeezed him with a mild bout of pain. The Lyall's attention remained on the situation at hand. Eyes locked on the deer, as it continued to fight even now fallen and no room to escape. Already feeling he had pushed his luck, he held back. He did not feel the need to tell either of them how to do their part. But, was glad to see how wisely Sven bid his time till the kicks had slowed, and then finished off the gash he had created. Why Enoki ensured its death by a deadly hold. Swiftly, putting it out of its misery.

 The scent of blood was thick in his nostrils, and his mouth salivated. At last the life of the deer finally huffed out, and he would feel no remorse about the feast they were about to have. The leader's tail forcefully beat the air, and he smirked to the pair. It was a nice victory they had made together.  While the others were not here, he felt it was a good start for the Ridge. Forging bonds, and this would keep the pack fed for a good deal of time. It was not far from their own borders.

As the young Archer gave room to him and Enoki,Renier edged his way to the side of the matriarch, swiftly wolfing down pieces of entrails. Teeth tore further at the stomach, greedy for a thick piece of muscle. He ripped skin away, finding what he was after, and then he mindfully stepped back to a white patch of snow to nimble on. Before he started he gestured to Sven he should eat up as well. Then tipping back his head his voice rose again, calling the others to join them for a well deserved meal.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
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Sven Archer
Ah, success. Even more delicious than the warm blood coating his pale muzzle. He watched the two fill their gullets at a relative distance, casual and relaxed. Content with the day and its events. His salmon colored tongue scraped through his fur, wiping away the crimson stains and whatever other matter had decided to cling to his guard hairs as he waited his turn. His mind mulled over which portion he should cut away from the rest of the carcass to reserve for Attica; hopefully, the alpha pair had left her favorite bits untouched. No doubt she was off wandering around and likely wouldn't be the first to answer Renier's howl.

At his superior's gesture, Sven stepped forward, head mindfully lowered as he allowed Enoki her room, instead picking around her choices. As he'd been considering, he grabbed what he could for Attica before taking a piece for himself and then carried both to a comfortable distance before settling in to chow down. Meat tasted so much better when you had been the one to hunt it yourself.
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Enoki Ashrelle

Warm flesh caked in spilled crimson easily slid down the length of Enoki's throat with each bite that her teeth sliced off from the slain carcass before them, ebony ear tipping back when the sound of approaching footsteps cued the matriarch about Renier's advances before the man widened the fatal wound along the fallen beast's stomach which allowed teeth to tear away at newly exposed muscles. After a few tugs, a sizeable piece was freed and carried off to be enjoyed in a more comfortable position, ever mindful of Sven's approach while she herself began to section off a portion to enjoy while laying ways off. Her body needing the chance to recoup after their victorious battle.

A momentary pause was made when Renier broke out into a howl to summon the remaining members of the pack, quickly resuming her meal afterward while draping a paw over the top of her prize to hold the chunk in place, back teeth set to work chewing off bite after bite. Eventually, a euphoric sense of bloating blanketed the magpie once her belly signaled it had been filled to max capacity, a yawn parting her jaws before salmon tongue slid forth to clean loose bits of flesh and blood from the fur along her scarred muzzle. How wonderful a nap was beginning to sound now that she had acquired a full belly with the help of the men present.

Word Count: 236
Ashbash 2017 - Sebastian Unrau