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Rabbits, Rabbits Everywhere but None in Sight — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
As the smile expanded across her face and she welcomed his proposition with audible glee, he couldn't help that his own tail began to wave back and forth behind him. She was a more calm kind of happy than Sahalie usually was, a more soothing than inspiring presence. While of course, he had learned by now not to let his thoughts wander too far past the present lest he end up with dashed hopes, he was content to entertain the possibility that they might even become friends if time and circumstance allowed. As much as Sven yearned to cut himself off from such a vulnerability since the little Tainn's disappearance, he knew that he could not. There was a reason wolves lived in packs, and Sven was not yet numbed completely. Indeed still, at times, he felt far too deeply.

"So," his paw dug at the snow idly. This was starting to feel more like a getting-to-know-you conversation than a formal extraction of information now, and while it helped him relax in someways, others had him a bit more tensed. He couldn't recall the last time he'd spoken so long to a stranger, and Sahalie had really been the only friend he had ever made outside of the Ridge. Well, ever, actually, because family didn't really count.

"What brings you out here? Why're you... roving, instead of part of a pack already?"

It was a curious way to live, but maybe it just worked for them.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

A hunt with Sven was something the agouti woman couldn't pass up, the chance to hunt with someone from another pack. It could certainly spark up a pack friendship but more than that she felt like she was making a friend outside of the bend and even her own little group. While she would never leave her group she also felt that it was important to have friends outside of it too. For too long the only friends she’d had were inside the bend and now there was Kerb and Maera. Leotie had felt a little isolated inside the bend and she wanted this to be different. A smile did form as she noticed his tail waving back and forth behind him which she took to mean he was just as pleased with her answer as she was with his offer.

Her head tilted a little to the side as he dug at the snow with his paw, she was curious about the sudden change in him. It seemed he was a little at a loss for words, ”So…?” She repeated but more of a question. It seemed to her the conversation had changed and as he continued she was sure that it had. Sven was nice and if she wanted him to be her friend she knew she would have to open up a little to him. A trust had to be built, right? The offer had been the first step, she felt but at this point she felt it was up to her to take the next.

“I came here with the former leader of my last pack, he decided it was his time to leave and offered for me to come along?” She explained, “We are roving because it hasn't been too long since we left so I'm not sure where everyone is on the idea of a pack yet. Have you Lasts been a part of your pack?” She wondered if he was like Reiko and Treyha who had been born in or like herself who had joined when she was older.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2017, 03:43 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
Leave. That was such a horrible word for him to hear anymore. His ears leaned back as he listened to her vague story, struggling to stop his mind from filling in the blanks with unfavorable options. He shouldn't judge, especially so quickly; he'd learned that with Cas. It was hard, though, especially when it was so possible that their splintering had caused an immense amount of pain. Had they been responsible, considerate? Was that even possible when ultimately you were shrugging off responsibility and walking away from those who had depended on you?

If only he knew the whole of it; that this was actually Sahalie's former pack mate. That might be a full story he would never hear, however, as the facets of it were too numerous.

She then turned a question onto him, the curiosity in her voice bonzerly genuine.

"Yeah," he answered, tone hinting at his steadfast awe that so few wolves could claim this same fact about their lives.

"I mean, I was born there. I'm proud of that. Of the place, of my name... all of it."

His tail swept the snow nervously behind him. He wanted to ask her more personal questions, figure out how someone could drift so easily. Had she never felt the same way about her birthplace? Why not? But that was all too much, Cas had gotten so defensive (granted his tone had been much harsher), and... he was so scared she wouldn't have a good reason at all and he'd have to lump her in with the rest of the deserters he knew. He didn't want to judge and feel disgust, for once he just wanted to be able to get on with someone without crowding questions and fears.

"I should go. My sister is probably wondering where I snuck off to."

He pressed an earnest smile onto his face, or at least one as genuine as he could manage with the rain clouds threatening to overtake his mind. It felt good enough to pass to him. His paws had pedaled him backwards a few strides before he turned, angled to take his leave.

"Don't forget; I'll be back for that hunt."
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

When asked about her reason for being in Sacred Grove she didn't want to lie to Sven but she also didn't want to tell him too much having just met him. With her band not even being an official pack she wasn't sure what she could share just then. She liked him and wanted to tell him more but for the time being she thought it best to keep some things to herself. Until she knew exactly what was going on within her group and where they were going to make their home. Keeping it vague while telling as much of the truth as she could was best for now in case things changed. Perhaps by the time he came back for their hunt she would be able to tell him more. If he came back she would know he stayed true to his word, that would certainly mean something to the agouti woman.

Leotie was curious about him and his pack being that she hadn't been in Oak Tree Bend for a long time. It seemed to her like it had been and in her time she'd seen other come and go and she had seen pups be born there and grow up there. The agouti woman wondered was he like her and had joined his pack maybe out of necessity of had he always been there, grown up there like Treyah and Reiko.

She smiled as he answered her question in the affirmative, and also stated he was proud of that fact. “I think those are all good things to be proud of I would like to think if I had those things I would be too.” She couldn't say for sure but she felt strongly that she would. Since she didn't even know if she had a birth pack or land and didn't know anything about her name she was unable to be sure. A small frown crossed her features for a moment before it was gone as she thought about that. “I’m glad you are able to know where you're born and know your family,” she added her smile returning. She did not so she knew how that could have an affect on one's life, she considered Sven lucky like Treyah and Reiko.

She frowned a little when he said he should go, “I wouldn't want her to worry because I kept you too long,” she said as he turned to go. She was disappointed their talk had ended so abruptly but if he had to go she understood.

A smile did grace her maw once more as he turned and stated that he would return for their hunt, “I will be looking forward to your visit and the hunt.”

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2017, 04:42 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
He almost stayed. His eyes had lifted, scanning the features of her face as her words hinted at the curious notion that she did have a homeland. But he'd already decided to leave, and she ushered him on amiably. With a nod, he took off, disappearing from the grove. Sven Archer was a man of his word, but it was more than that which would bring him back to Leotie.