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the good things about plastic flowers — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

It wasn't right what Kerbs adoptive father did to him just to get him away from his mother. They were family and should have been able to stay together. Leotie felt strongly about this since she didn't even know who her birth family was but she felt like she had a family. Though she wasn't related to them by blood she did care about them like she thought a family should. It was because of this she felt like their new pack was so much different than Oak Tree Bend had been to her.

Leotie shared some of her story with Kerb though she was still hesitant to share the part about where she had lived before the bend. That she felt could come in time but it was something she didn't want to hide from them forever. She just needed sometime to get used to the idea of sharing. She tilted her head slightly in curiosity as he led into his next question before shaking her head in response. “It was an unhealthy blind of comfortable,” she told though it didn't seem to make as much sense out loud. “What I mean is I always stayed within the borders and did the same things everyday. I didn't feel that I was learning anything new or even getting better at my skills. Living there was a safe haven and I wasn't facing the things that I needed to. Coming with Triell and Naira has allowed me to face my fears more and improve the skills I've been needing to. Oak Tree Bend was the home I needed when I joined but I feel like this is where I belong.” She hoped that answered his question, she had no plans to leave Charred Ash Draw if she could help it.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2017, 01:47 AM by Leotie.)
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel
He listened to her explanation and his frown began to fade a bit. Perhaps he felt he could understand what she was saying. He had always been safe in the valley of the Clan back home. Never did more than he needed to and left his skills where his mother was content with them. Perhaps that was why his adoptive father had pushed him out.

"I guess I can understand." He spoke softly and nodded his head as his mind still wrapped around her words. "I hope that Charred Ash Draw gives you everything you want and more." The tawny male smiled as his tail wagged ever so slightly. "Do you still think about Oak Tree Bend?" He couldn't help himself from asking. His curiosity usually got the best of him. He knew had he ever done this with the elders his mother would've given him a paw to the back of the head (or vice versa).

"Sorry," He apologized quickly so that perhaps his guilt wouldn't eat away at him. "my curiosity usually gets the best of me." He offered an apologetic smile. "You don't have to answer anything that you don't want to." He wanted to make that obvious in case it wasn't already.
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Having given her decision to leave Oak Tree Bend a lot of thought before and after leaving had made it a little easier to explain. The problem. She ran into was having her thoughts come out in a way that would make sense to Kerb since he didn't know where she had come from and what had happened to her before leaving the bend. She did her best thought and he seemed to understand so she felt she had done a well enough job. Later when she was ready to share more she felt it would make more sense to him.

She smiled as he told her he understood though the he did seem a little uncertain. “I'm sure it will,” she stated cheerfully, “I feel like here I have a chance to become better than I was in Oak Tree Bend.” For one she held a new rank that would take some getting used to but she intended to do well in that position. She had already started becoming more comfortable with all the things that had troubled her before. She also had a chance to become a bigger part of the pack which she hadn't felt before.

He asked her about whether she still thought about the bend but made it clear she didn't have to answer. Leotie smiled, “I don't mind answering at all,” she reassured him, “I used to think about it all of the time when we first left. I was sad at how things had ended there but realized I can't change it right now but maybe someday. The longer I'm here helping to take care of the children and build the pack I think about it less and less.” She did hope that one day she could go and speak to Serach again and maybe mend things between them.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2017, 12:51 AM by Leotie.)
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
He wondered how she came to be so polite. While Kerberos hadn't encountered any completely sickening wolves (except for Kobe) he also hadn't encountered anyone who almost matched his own positive energy. The tawny male was also surprised by how open she was with her responses. Let alone a female. He didn't have bad thoughts on the specific gender by Mae had always been a little more closed on some topics. Even that Crystal (Yvly) woman had been closed about her problems. Kerberos had just figured that the females in these lands were tight-lipped for some reason.

"I'm really glad to hear that! Do you have a goal or something in mind?" He inquired with a soft smile. She seemed like the kind of girl to have those things. You know dreams, hopes, and goals. He had a few but nothing that he considered to be rather glorious.

There she went again with that stunningly polite answer. He couldn't stop his tail from beating against the ground out of eagerness to learn more. "You're pretty brave for just leaving your comfort zone, you know." Kerberos offered one of his usual grins. "I think if I had had an option I would have stayed back home and some days I really do miss the valley and the Clan. I also realize that had I never left I would've never met Maera or bettered my skills or even meet any of you guys here. I have to agree, the more I'm here helping out the less I think about the Clan."
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

His worry about her leaving Charred Ash Draw once she felt more comfortable was one she could understand. After leaving Oak Tree Bend when she'd only been there a year but that had been different. She had come to her first pack with very little knowledge of how to survive on her own. Leaving with Triell, she had a lot more knowledge and now she wanted to build on what she knew. She wanted to make a real life for herself and not just exist within the pack but help in whatever way she could to build the pack up.

She couldn't help the smile that crossed her features at his happiness that she had no plans to leave. His question however, had her stopping to think for a moment before answering. “I haven't really had much time to give it any thought,” she admitted, “I think though I would like to seek a role, maybe?” It was something she felt she should consider to help the pack in more ways them hunting and border patrols.

His compliment had her looking at her paws, she had never considered herself especially brave. “I suppose I didn't want to feel I couldn't ever leave,” she knew what that was like from her humans den, “The more I learned in the bend I think made me want to know more about the lore.” She'd met other wolves before and during her time in the bend, they had to come from somewhere and she wouldn't be able to find out if she remained too scared to leave the borders. “I was still nervous about it but felt safe with Triell and when I was time I had no choice.” While she'd had a choice to leave when Triell had offered after her talk with Serach she couldn't stay. “Once something is comfortable it does get hard to leave it and a push is needed but once you have made a new life that becomes more important and the old starts to become memories.” It was the same thing that had happened after joining the bend with her human pack.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 03, 2017, 01:43 PM by Leotie.)
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
"What kind of role? I'm still kind of deciding what I'd like to be but I really think I wanna be some kind of peacemaker or advice giver." He smiled at the idea of being able to have a job doing something he genuinely enjoyed. It wasn't like he didn't like the more typical roles but he felt like he could do better with his mind and speech than he could his actual body. Maera was a guardian, Reiko seemed to be a good hunter, Treyah was adventurous, Triell and Naira were leaders and well Leotie? He had no idea about her. She seemed to be content doing what needed to be done. Maybe she'd be a teacher or take up something more specific like guardian or hunter. Kerberos figured with so many bases already covered why not try to be an adviser of sorts? Sure he was young but Maera always told him he had good talking skills. Not to mention so far he'd only run into trouble once in Relic Lore. It was also for a very valid reason.

He listed with a kind smile on his face. His head nodded sometimes to let her know he was indeed listening and following along. "That makes sense. I know some of the wolves from the Clan left because they didn't wanna be stuck there forever." He quickly silenced himself to hear what else the blue-eyed girl was gonna say. She had a lot of valid points. Perhaps she'd become an advice giver too. While that meant competition he didn't exactly mind. The more the merrier. "I guess having and making memories is better than being stuck in one place for the rest of your life." His brows briefly furrowed as his mind still drifted to his mother but he was quick to wash that face away and replace it with a much kinder looking one.
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

“I'm not sure, I suppose it would depend on what suits me best but I was thinking that perhaps scouting might be a good role for me.” With her fear of getting lost becoming less of a hindrance to her she had grown to love exploring. She enjoyed it so much so she wanted to see more of the lore. Keeping herself confined to pack lands as she had in Oak Tree Bend wasn't an option anymore, she needed to get out and face her fear and become more confident. Scouting of course wasn't the only option for her but she felt having a role in the pack was important especially for it to work smoothly amongst the members. It also would give her a specific job to do which would give her a sense of accomplishment.

Explaining her reasons for making the choice she had was easy, it was something she had followed through with no matter the consequences. She felt it was something to be proud of since it wasn't something she was especially good at. Making decisions had been hard for her since before the lore she'd always had them made for her. “I think there are a lot of wolves out there who don't want to be and I don't think feeling like you can't leave is any way to live. I felt that eventually it would get to that point and I don't think I would have liked that life.” She had loved Oak Tree Bend but what it had become to her wasn't helping her to better herself. She did what was best for herself and possibly for them as well and she hoped one day she could help Serach to see that too.

Leotie smiled at his words, “I think so, I mean you can still make memories while being stuck but what kind would they be?” She felt they might be rather boring but now she had good memories like the way it had felt to her to reach the top of the mountain on their way to the Wildwood. She knew there were plenty more to be made and she wanted to have that chance.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2017, 03:53 PM by Leotie.)
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

He was rather pleased to hear that she was interested in becoming a scout. "Treyah might like to go with you on some trips. I'm sure you know her better than me but, she seems like an explorer." His ebony lips raised a kind smile. The two would make a fine traveling pair. Leotie was kind and smart but Treyah was bold and able to think fast. He still had a lot to learn about the wolves he was now calling family.

His head nodded in understanding. It didn't sound like a way to live at all. Back in the Clan he knew he could leave but picked not to every time the option was there. That, though, was a much different situation than wanting to leave and knowing you couldn't. The tawny male figured that would drive anyone to go the lengths to leave where they were. Kerberos was glad he hadn't experienced anything like that and he could only hope he never would. "I guess it's good you got out while you could." His words filled with a tender kindness. It seemed she (and of course the rest of her crew) had been through a strange situation. One that he could never see himself in.

Kebreros chuckled softly at her words. "Not very exciting ones I'd assume." He figured if you lived like that your memories could all melt together and feel like one day. He wondered if anyone truly liked leaving such an organized but rigid life. He slowly rose to his paws and stretched out his body in a bowing position. "Want me to help out with your work? I mean, I did pull you away from it and two wolves are better than one."

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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

While she hadn't given much thought to what time she might like to take up when she told Kerb she thought she might be a scout. Well it just seemed to be the right choice, it sounded right in her head and she felt it was something she would be good at. She knew she would have to speak with Triell about it especially since she wasn't all that confident she knew what all was involved. “I will have to see if she might come along. I wish I could say I knew her better but taking her along will give me the chance to get to know her better.” Leotie didn't like that she didn't know the young Tainn better than she did. Now was her chance though and she aimed to take it.

With the bend behind her Leotie meant to make a better life for herself in the Draw. She wanted to feel free to go out scouting or hunting away from pack lands. She wanted to get the chance to meet wolves outside of her own pack and establish relations with them. She felt that by following Triell she had a whole new world opened up to her. “Yes, I'm glad that I saw my chance and took it instead of cowering out of it as I have done in the past.” As always Triell had given her something that others hadn't and she would be forever grateful to him for that.

Leotie nodded her head in agreement to his statement, “It had gotten to the point it was the same thing everyday there for me but here it's much different.” She had made so many good memories since coming to the Wildwood that no matter what feelings may still linger about the bend she couldn't have any regrets. “Sure, I would like that very much. It will get done much sooner with the two of us and them maybe we can go on a hunt,” she said when he offered to help her with her work.


<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2017, 09:01 PM by Leotie.)
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