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Hidden in gold — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

By no means was Askan weak, but dammit this red menace wasn't getting any lighter. Growling in frustration he kicked it up a notch and yanked her harder, uncaring of how much he was tearing up her leg. She'd be lame for a while anyway, so it wasn't as though he was doing all that much damage. For all the trouble she had caused she deserved to limp about, in fact it was the least she deserved. With the wanna-be-thief being such a lard-butt, Askan didn't exactly notice that he wasn't alone until it was too late.

Until Lorcan spoke up and broke the relative silence.

Vermin? Well that was putting it strongly, but then again he couldn't find it in himself to disagree. She was just that. Dropping her leg, Askan looked Lorcan's way and titled his head a little at the sardonic grin on his face. For one reason or another, Lorcan truly didn't like her, and despite the obvious antagonism between them at least they could agree on this. She was a little shit, a waste of space. The words that truly caught his attention came after though and the Selwyn blinked in surprised. She was a Whitestone wolf? She didn't really smell like it, nor did she look like one. She was skinny and the scent that clung to her was her own.

"She was one of yours?" He crinkled his nose at that.

What sort of fool would let her join their pack? Were they blind and stupid?

Still, not that the Rye wolf would want to admit, Lorcan's words were intriguing. And a little rest wouldn't hurt, she wasn't going to wake up any time soon.

"Help her again? Why the fuck would you in the first place? First time I met her she attacked me for no damn reason then got all pissy when I stopped her from ripping my throat out." He remembered with a scow. Of course she'd paint him as the bad guy, everyone always did.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Scout demonstration 2/3
“Yes.” He confirmed, nodding his head slowly as his golden eyes crawled across the limp body of his ex-pack mate. “She was chased out of our territory about a month ago.” He added, observing how bedraggled the fiery vixen looked now.

Russet ears perked up at Askan’s second question and for a brief moment he eyed the Rye wolf suspiciously, slightly concerned and unnerved by the lack of hostility that, up until now, had never failed to radiate off the dark male. For now the Whitestone healer kept a neutral stance and kept a safe distance back from the crime scene, putting enough distance between him and his nemesis so that he could dodge an attack if such action was required.

Charcoal lips parted to answer the question, but Askan continued and the words that followed left Lorcan feeling curious. A frown etched across between his brows as he remembered back to the day he had first encountered Zahira at the fjord. “When I first found her at the fjord, she had a nasty wound to her shoulder. She could barely walk, so I offered her my assistance.” He called, gazing down at the fiery haired woman. “She found her way to the monadnock and joined shortly after.” He added, glancing back up to Askan with a questioning stare.

“I assume you made sure your pack did not make the mistake of taking pity on her?” He asked, curious if that reason she was being dragged unconscious through the snow.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Just as he thought then. Even the Whitestone wolves found her intolerable, after a while anyway. By no means was he singing their praise, Askan was the last wolf who would ever do that, he'd rather be dead, but even he had to say that the the wolves of the Whitestone didn't deserve to have to deal with her bullshit. Nobody did. And thinking that, it was really tempting to just off her here and now. The world would be a damn better place if he did, but he was adamant not to dance to her tune. There was no way that he was going to do what she wanted, if anything this little display here was his way of sticking up the middle finger at the bitch and her desires. She wanted a warriors death? Well tough shit, she wasn't going to get it from him.

"Didn't chase her far enough." Askan muttered, more to himself than Lorcan.

That said, he supposed it was better that he was the one who dealt with her, rather than anyone else. Before they fought- if you could even call it that- Askan known full well who he was dealing with and what she was like. The same couldn't be said for anyone else who hadn't met the foul bitch, for all the Selwyn knew this nameless, faceless stranger might have succumbed to her teeth.

When the healer went onto explain how he'd met her, Askan scoffed in contempt. Typical, he was such a softie, of course he would have fallen for her false words and fluttering eyelashes. What a pussy. Anyone else would have seen her for what she was, but not him. Apparently he was blind and stupid. Go figures.

"Should have left her to die. Would have saved me a whole lot of trouble. And fuck no, we didn't do that. She was stealing from our caches, I caught her right in the act. Dragged her out of our lands, then she got it into her head she wanted me to kill her." He scoffed, looking down at her in disdain. "She doesn't deserve that, an easy way out. She can limp the fuck off for all I care."

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Scout demonstration 3/3

Lorcan scoffed at Askan’s muttered response, though the expression wasn’t intended to be rude. No, in fact, the Whitestone wolf couldn’t help but agree with his Rye Field neighbour. Lorcan would not have expected Zahira to have hung around the lowlands after her rather sharp exit from the monadnock. If anything he thought it more sensible for her to head for the treeline. At least out there a loner, such as herself, would find shelter.

A single white brow rose up in question when Askan suggested a harsher response, but it was true. If he had never helped her all those months ago perhaps she would have never made it to the monadnock. Perhaps Piety would never have received those scars. Russet ears pressed back against his head momentarily, but then he remembered that back then, she had simply been a stranger in need of help. “If I knew of the trouble she would go on to cause back then, perhaps I would have.” He responded in contemplation.

What Askan told him next caught him by surprise. Golden eyes widened in genuine shock. How Zahira thought she could get away with stealing food from their neighbours, Lorcan had no idea and now the whole situation also made a lot more sense. “If she really wanted to die she could have just jumped off the monadnock..” The agouti mused with a frown before glancing down at her. 

“Well it looks like you have it all taken care of.” He turned back to look at Askan with a polite nod. “I’ll leave you to it.” He added as he moved to head into the cover of the trees. With any luck he would find a rabbit to catch.

-Lorcan exit-
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2017, 06:31 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Hindsight was a bitch wasn't it? There were a whole lot of things Askan would have done differently if he had the chance. But this? Askan had no regrets, and he certainly wasn't sorry about kicking her ass all those months back. If anything he wished he'd been a little more thorough, ensured that she was in no state to cause trouble for anyone. It was a shame, for sure, but there was nothing that could be done now. He figured it was time he just swept all of this mess under the rug.

At least maybe now Lorcan would think about who he treated, it was a decent lesson, the sort that needed to be learnt. From Askan's recollection, the healer had changed though. Just like before he was bolder, his words sharper and his eyes focused. By no means was Askan going to congratulate him on growing a pair, but he felt as though they had come to an impasse. That this was something they could agree on. And wasn't that important when it came to building bridges? Make no mistake, he had no intentions of trotting off into the sunset with Lorcan at his side. But he knew full well that it would make Drestig's life a little easier if he wasn't picking fights with their neighbours at every chance he got.

Still, Askan hated this arrogant, poncy bastard. But not quite as much as Zahira, so there was that he supposed.

"Hmph." Askan grunted in acknowledgement. Maybe one day Craw would consider jumping off that big rock of theirs. Then again maybe not. Like Askan would be so lucky

Askan didn't need Lorcan's help, nor would he ever ask for it, so when the healer announced that he was off, Askan merely shrugged in response. He'd rested enough, he didn't want to spend all day lugging her about. The sooner he threw her out, the better.

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2017, 06:58 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]