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star of the morning comes looking — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

There had been plenty of times knowing the future of a situation would have probably changed her course of action. What he said in regards to her comment gave her something to think about. “Hmm, I suppose it would be weird to just have the knowledge of what would happen.” She also did agree with what he said next, “I think they would too because they would know exactly what to say it do to get what they wanted. There certainly wouldn't be any surprises.” Some surprises in life were very good, had she not got lost from her human den and Oak Tree Bend she may not have made the decisions that led her to be in Charred Ash Draw. Perhaps had Triell not surprised her that day she was trying to fish she wouldn't have grown to trust him as she did so would not have followed him. “It is funny how things turn out sometimes,” she mused aloud.

Becoming a clutz was definitely not in the plan for the agouti woman if she had anything to say about it. “You may not mind too much but I couldn't imagine being a burden to the pack. Doing my part is very important and I hate that I can't do more now.” She had been reduced to doing border patrols only because everything else put too much stress on her foot. “Yes, this incident,” she indicated her foot, “Has made me sort of rethink things. I mean I still want to be a scout but maybe having some medical knowledge wouldn't hurt especially if I'm away from home. I know of one pack somewhat close by, I've met one of the wolves from there but I don't know if they have a medic.” She hadn't had the chance nor had she thought about it. Perhaps when Sven came for their hunt she could ask. “Exchanging for food is a good idea,” she agreed as it might help them to be more inclined to help. She nodded when he mentioned spring and summer would be best, “Yes I expect it would with the plants having emerged and the prey returned.” She smiled when he thanked her, “You're welcome, maybe we could look into it together and as you said some of the other packs might be willing to help for a trade.”

Leotie nodded to confirm that it had been only a few days and he seemed confident that she didn't have anything to worry about. “That's one less thing to worry about as long as I can resist the urge to jump in a mud puddle,” she joked though it was a very serious matter. She of course had no plans of doing any such thing and if she did happen to end up getting it too dirty she would be sure to clean it out well.

He was very reassuring that she was not harming the pack by being unable to help as much as she usually would. It brought a smile to her maw though she still had some worries she did feel better about having to recover. “It is what we do, through thick and thin,” she agreed before giving him a quizzical look at his question. Leotie was curious what this favor was he needed but there was no question of whether or not she would do it. “Anything, what is it that you need?” Resting her head against him was not only a comfort but also her way to show just how much she appreciated him being there and helping her.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2017, 06:10 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel

"It is funny how things turn out sometimes."

A weary, lopsided smile painted on his face. He had never heard something so true before. He wouldn't have exactly used the word funny but he assumed it was as close as he could get without rambling on and on to find that word he needed. "It indeed is." He chimed softly to the blue-eyed woman.

"Fair enough. Not also sure how kindly Naira and Triell would be towards a clutz." Kerberos joked in a teasing manner. He listened kindly as she kept chatting. Even if they kept talking about the same thing it never seemed to grow dull or repetitive. "I'd love to look into it together. I met a Renier from Willow Ridge which isn't too far from here I assume. Perhaps we could start our ventures there." The Rigel suggested with a soft shrug. Renier seemed kind enough which led him to believe the pack couldn't be all that bad.

She had a good sense of humor Kerberos realized. He thoroughly liked that too. "Just don't let Treyah or Reiko corral you into mud wrestling." He gave a wolfish wink with a small, sly grin. The two kids weren't really all that bad with making messes. Sure, Reiko and himself might get a little messy hunting but that was bound to happen.

He was a tiny bit shocked by her acceptance before he even addressed what it was. But he swallowed the small lump in his throat while she rested on him. "Could you keep your eyes on Mae for me? I've been traveling a lot and haven't had much time with her and I just feel sort of bad. Maybe you could even talk to her? Like girl to girl, ya know?" He didn't exactly know how that worked but he figured it might have been better than how he usually joked with her. Weren't girls supposed to be more open and sensitive? Although Kerb did know he was a sensitive man so he guess it differed from wolf to wolf.

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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

When she made her statement about how things worked out she thought of every decision and event that had led her to where she was now. She didn't mean the injury to her foot but with her pack mates in Charred Ash Draw. Has someone told her when she had first gotten lost she would end up with this group of wolves happy with the way her life had turned out she would have thought them crazy. Kerb agreed with her, “I suppose in the end it's going to work out how it works out and we have to deal with that.” She was once again reminded of when she'd told Serach she was leaving.

“Um, I'm not sure about that either so things could go very south very fast,” she said continuing their joking manner. What if they didn't take kindly at all and asked her to leave? Leotie huffed at the thought, she wasn't going to become a clutz so it didn't matter. “Great! Whenever you're ready to get started I would love to come along if you don't mind. I have also met Sven from Willow Ridge. We spoke a little but that was before we had become a pack.” She had yet to see the pale furred man but she was hoping he would keep his promise. “I think it would be a very good place to start.”

Leotie laughed when he told her to not let the children drag her into any mud puddles, she doubted that would happen but it was still funny to think about. “I don't know Reiko can be hard to resist sometimes,” she stated a wide smile crossing her features. After their little exploration together Leotie had discovered once she'd gotten to know the young Tainn she really liked him.p>

When her tawny pack mate asked her about doing him a favor she didn't hesitate to accept after all what he'd done for her. He had always lent his ear and helped where he could and now comforted her when she really needed it. How could she not accept and she was not surprised as he laid his favor out. It showed how much he cared for her, “Of course I would be happy to I think we are due for a little girl bonding anyway,” she said giving him a quick nudge on the cheek before returning her head to its previous resting place. “Don't worry about her Kerb, I will keep a very good eye on her for you,” she reassured him.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2017, 09:16 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
@Leotie feel free to fade with your next post if you'd like <3


He listened with interest. Sven from Willow Ridge. He would store that name away in his brain for future use. Anyone who was on good terms with Leotie was good in Kerberos' book. Really anyone who was kind towards someone in his pack was fine with the tawny Rigel. "Perhaps we can plan a trip towards the end of this month." He noted softly. He needed to go scout out other packs anyway. Could kill a few birds with one stone while he was it.

Kerberos laughed along with her. The boy was indeed charming and hard to resist when he asked for something. Rarely did Kerberos tell the Tainn boy no when he asked about scouting, patrolling, or hunting. If he did say no it was for an extremely good reason.

He felt the nudge on his cheek and smiled warmly. "Thank you so much, Leotie. If it helps any she really likes hunting, sparring, and exploring. I know you have an injured paw, though so don't feel the need to do those things. I'm sure just chatting about them might help her warm up some." Her reassurance was accepted and thanked for with a small nudge to her chest before he settled his head down. "Care to nap before I head out to the grove?" He whispered softly. It would be a wonder if one of the kids didn't come pounce on them or drag them off to work together.

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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

She felt that with him knowing Renier and her knowing Sven she felt they might have a successful trip to Willow Ridge. If that went well perhaps some of the other visits might go just as well, that was the hope anyway. “I think that would be perfect by then my foot should be better and I will be able to travel further.” Since her paw already seemed to be getting better she was confident that by the end of the month she would be healed enough to go with Kerb to Willow Ridge. It would give her the chance to see how it held up on a long journey and to see Sven again.

Leotie was pleased that Kerb had asked his favor of her and she felt that her and Maera really did need to catch up anyway. “You don't have to thank me, I'm glad to do this for you. Marea’s nice and I've been meaning to check in with her anyway. That does help and I'm sure we will find something to do despite my paw.” Leotie tried to reassure him that things would go well with Maera. The agouti woman had no doubt as she had gotten along well with her before when they had spoken. The nudge to her chest brought a content smile to her face and when he asked if she wanted to nap, she nodded. “I should probably get some sleep anyway,” she said mirroring his tone. Laying her head across her front paws she let her eyes slip closed.


<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2017, 10:56 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you