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Bring On The Night — Swift River 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
Sven was certain now that he had made a friend of Leotie. Even if not all worked out with her pack and his aspirations, he felt resolved that he would still seek her out. So even though there were plenty of blanks left between them, the teen did not feel pressed to rush in filling them in. The details would come in time, through the many future conversations he hoped they would have. Maybe one day, he would tell her about Skoll, or Piety, or Hecate. Or maybe, he would spare her altogether. Time would tell.

Regardless of the consistent vagueness, she told him that she already thought well of him. Sahalie had said it too, several times, that she was confident he was a good wolf. Maybe it was only because they couldn't see as deeply down inside himself as he did, but it still was reassuring to hear, and a thankful smile tugged at his lips.

It fell away as she placed her paw overtop of his, and pressed her muzzle into his fur. Both were unfamiliar gestures, and certainly were far more intimate than he was accustomed to, leaving the boy unsure on how to react. His ears had twisted at her words, the concern she felt laced heavily through each of them. Hurt? He couldn't imagine it happening, and had to wonder why she thought it would be so dangerous. Then again, he'd never witnessed the taking of a rank. While he did not expect Nicolo nor Renier to harm him, he knew they would not be willing to submit.

It did not affect his resolve.

"Don't worry about me," he assured her softly, gingerly and briefly pressing his muzzle against her temple. When he pulled back, he tried to catch her eyes and gave her a grin.

"I'm much tougher than I look."
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

In the tine that they had spent hunting and on the boulder she felt that they had grown closer as friends and she was happy for that. Mostly though she was glad that she had been able to tell him what she hadn’t been able to speak freely about since she had come to the lore. Her worried had been unfounded about him thinking badly about her because of it and maybe that would be the case with her pack. Maybe they would see how far she had come and accept it as a part of her. Triell already knew and he had been very good about it as well but she thought the next member she would tell would be Kerb, she had come to really trust him and felt they were becoming close friends as well.

As Sven had expressed his worries about who he would become and whether it was good or bad she felt she had to let him know that she had not seen bad in him. He had been nothing but kind to her even when he hadn’t known her at all. She felt that if he was bad he wouldn’t have been so kind. She knew that he words might have helped him at least a little by the smile that came across his face.

However the news of his rank challenge worried her because of what she had seen between Aponi and Speiden. She hadn’t seen the whole fight but what she had seen was enough to make her scared for Sven in his. After speaking with Triell she understood more about rank challenges but that didn’t make them any less horrifying to the agouti woman still she did understand why Sven would want to have one. He had to do what he felt was best for him and she would support him in that if he wanted her to.

She nodded into his scruff as he told her not to worry about him before she felt his muzzle against her temple. Then he pulled back and she looked into his eyes as he told her that he was tougher than he looked, “I will remember that,” she told him letting a small smile cross her lips, “But please come to see me when it’s over so that I will know you’re okay, if you can?”

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2017, 02:15 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
The care she was extending to him, so genuine and effortless and, Sven felt, unearned, was incredibly foreign. Yet it was as compelling as it was strange to the affection-starved boy, and her insistence filled his chest with warmth. His tail even gave a few hearty thumps.

"I will," he promised.

"I'm going to be back tomorrow, to meet your alphas. Extend some official statecraft, y'know, from the Ridge to your pack. So if all goes well, you'll see plenty of me in between too, okay?" the assurance rung familiarly through his own ears, and he had to wonder how much of this friendship would repeat the past.

"I'll visit often."
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

She didn't make him promise to come and see her after the challenge, she didn't feel that she had that right but she hoped to one day. It was more important for him to know that she cared and wanted to be sure that he was okay. So when he said that he would come see her a wider smile crossed her features her tail thumping the snow, “Thank you.”

She nodded as he told her that he would be visiting her alphas the following day do that he could extend some statecraft between the packs. She wanted nothing more than for things to go well so that she could see more of Sven. “I don't see how things could go badly,” she stated confident that his visit with the alphas would go well. She didn't think that Triell nor Naira could have a problem with Sven, he'd been good to her and knew he would have a good impression on them.

“I will be looking forward to your visits,” she assured him with a nudge to his cheek.


<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2017, 03:13 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you