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Just Like Old Times — Kingsfall 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He, too, had wondered if he—and the rest of Hearthwood—would pull through this winter. Their pack was small, but stable. Not growing (yet) but not shrinking either. They had persevered so far and Lachesis had no doubts that they would continue to do so. No amount of snow would stop them from emerging from winter a success. Food was scarce, yes, but with their few numbers they were able to manage off of less food and did not need to hunt as much as larger packs. For once their size worked to their advantage, although he hoped that once spring arrived that would change. He would like to see Hearthwood flourish once more and make Maksim proud. This was still his pack, and the Stark refused to let it fall.

His ears twitched in agreement at the healer’s words, his brows furrowed. “If you ever need anything you are welcome to visit again. I would more than happy to share herbs with you and the Notch,” he added with a slow, friendly wag of his tail. The one benefit of healers was that even if their packs did not get along, they did and they would work together despite their pack’s differences. He was not sure where the river wolves stood with White Fir, but if they needed something medical-wise Lachesis would never refuse to share some of his inventory. The thought of being the cause of someone’s death sent a shiver down his spine.

A smile finally broke his stoic features, eyes soft as they studied the blue-eyed male. “That sounds wonderful.” He had not seen the russet female since their unexpected meeting surrounded by pumpkins. They had left on good terms, for the river king had never felt any resentment toward to former river wolf, and he would like to see her again. Sometimes it took some shuffling around to figure out where one truly belonged. Lachesis had done the same and he could not be angry for the dark agouti for not returning north, to Hearthwood. Plus she had found Emrys, and he was pleased to discover a friendship (and a potential relationship) had blossomed between the two wolves.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

The worries that he had about White Fir Notch making it through the winter were starting to dwindle. They were a tough bunch in the pack that had seen the winter through despite having lost a couple of it's members. The healer saw it as a testament to just how strong the pack was and how well they could work together as a team to ensure the survival of everyone. Despite his short amount of time with them he had fought the same fight with them and he couldn't let them fall.

A smile crossed the healers maw at the offer of help his old friend offered. “Thank you Lachesis your offer is greatly appreciated and while I hope I will not have to take you up on it.” Since that would mean that something terrible had happened, “I'm glad to know we have friends nearby. The same goes for you as well.” He couldn't allow the differences a pack might have with another to interfere in the healing of one in need.

Yet again the white healer found himself smiling in response to something his friend had said. “I look forward to your visit once the weather breaks. Call on me when you're able.” Lachesis had been one of the first wolves he'd met upon entering the lore and had become a quick friend. He looked up to the Hearthwood healer and wanted to share with him what he had made of himself so far. A glance at the sky however told him he needed to be getting back, there was still hunting he needed to get done before night fall.“Well it's been good seeing you again and I've enjoyed this time we’ve had to catch up but I must return to my pack now. I will see you soon.” With that said Emrys turned and began his journey back to White Fir Notch.


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