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had a dream that you could teach me how to love — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys

The light touch to his cheek had cause him to freeze, which she didn't understand but it wasn't something new to her. She had often felt her touches or closeness has made him a little uncomfortable. She'd accepted that about him and didn't stop instead choosing to show him that they could be a comfort. She was not expecting what happened she she described the kind of friends she saw them being. He'd moved forward, their chests touching as he rested his head on her shoulders. The action cause her breath to catch on her throat as she relaxed into the embrace. As he held her Leotie felt that he had understood her and what he meant to her and his words only confirmed it for her.

“I trust that you won't,” she said quietly afraid to break the moment that she felt deep inside they both needed to repair the damage. Until that day she'd had no reason to distrust him or doubt him, his slight lapse in judgement was forgivable and she would forgive him if it meant holding on to him. She closed her eyes as held her firmly against him feeling safe and she knew she had her friend back.

It was the sounds of his sons that let her know he was crying, it was her turn to give him the same feeling he'd given her only moments before. She pulled him tighter against her squeezing to let him know she was there for him and wouldn't be leaving him. As long as he let her she would always be there for him because that was what friends did.

“I would like that very much and I will be that friend to you,” she affirmed quietly for him as she held him.


<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2017, 02:30 AM by Leotie.)
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