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keep chaos at bay. — Poison Path 
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Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
A surprise, she thought bitterly. Surprise! Suddenly, you’re pregnant. Enjoy taking care of that litter. Shit, and imagine if it was more than one?

Oh, sure, she liked Namid’s children just fine. Liked looking after the trio just about more than she did anything else, but things change, and sometimes, it wasn’t for the better. The only thing that felt solid was the trail beneath her feet, the churn of snow – it wasn’t as good as the sun-warmed earth, but it was the only thing that tethered her to the world at all. It was a short string, that kept her tangled inside legs and limbs, and she kept churning forward as she stared onward with fading embers, twins in life, and twins as they slowly dimmed.

No no no no no.

It was like a mantra, but it was not loud enough to drown out the sound of Kajika calling after her. The wanna be scout slowed, halting as she glanced over her shoulder. One leg was held up as she rested, ears plastered against her head as she waited for the inevitable. Would he yell and scream? Or would he simply tackle her to the ground and take what he wanted?

You're not the lowest anymore and what you think does matter, your opinion matters especially to me. That not how it has to be anymore.

Your opinion matters, Des. I’m going to ask the alphas for puppies without asking you, Des. Feh! She was such an idiot to even consider believing such things. Lowest of the low. What did they get? What did they say? Did it matter if it held no baring? “So talk,” she gasped, eyes ringed with white. “Say your words.” They were only words, after all.
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
We can fade with your next post unless she has something to say to him then she can call him back. Sorry he got a little wordy.

He'd messed up it seemed by going to Vespertio and Namid before speaking to her or perhaps he had messed up in the fact that he hasn't fully explained himself when he'd told her.  Maybe he should have just told her before making any advances on her.  Whatever he should have done didn't matter now because the damage had been done and all he could do was hope she would give him the chance to repair it.

He had already lost her once and that had not gone well for him, he wasn't prepared to lose her again. Unfortunately he was coming to the conclusion that maybe things couldn't be fixed between them and that he might have to let her go. He had not moved on from her but he was starting to feel more and more that she had from him.  If that was the case he had to let her live her life and move on himself, it was something he didn't want to think about but had been on his mind more since their talk after her return. Still he had to try, to show her he did care more than he ever thought possible.

When she ran he followed to try and get the one last chance he felt he had to make it better with her.  If nothing else they could hopefully be on good terms with each other  for the pack. When she turned to face him it was clear she was angry with him he stopped abruptly a few feet from her.  She was willing to listen, he wanted to get it all out before she changed her mind.

“First I'm sorry for upsetting you and I should have gone about this differently.  When I went to Namid and Vespertio I didn't know if you would want to have the chance to be a mom or not.  I remembered how much you loved Namid's pups and thought it might be something that would make you happy. I'm not going to force you into having pups I would hope you know me better than that I just thought I would make that option available to you if it was something you wanted,”

he explained before pausing for a moment to let it sink in.  “I am going away for two weeks, it's a scouting trip for the pack.  It's something I need to do.  I'm sorry to be leaving so soon after your return and if I could I would stay.  Maybe while I'm gone you can think about this if you want and if you don't that's okay too. Whatever you want Des, it's always whatever you want. Again I'm sorry this happened.”

Kajika didn't know that there was much else he could say to make it better so he gave her a nod, “I should be going, I'll miss you Des and I will come to see you when I return. You can give me an answer then or not but know I was only doing what I thought would make you happy.  I guess I will see you when I get back.” With that he made a step toward her before thinking better of it and turned to leave back up the path in the direction of Oak Tree Bend.

(This post was last modified: Mar 19, 2017, 12:45 AM by Kajika.)
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