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A Time to Speak — Copper Rock Creek 
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

There were times when he would wake up next to her in the middle of the night amazed at how much his life has changed.  He'd take in her scent as a reminder that she really was there beside him.  That all of it wasn't just some dream his mind had made up to get him through the lonely winter months. When he'd gotten so lucky he wasn't really sure, their first encounter had been by chance but it seemed fate wanted them together because it had continued to bring them together.  Emrys wasn't one to question fate and now she was his totally and completely and he wouldn't do anything that could cause him to lose her. The lick she placed across the bridge of his nose sent a shiver through him as she leaned into him just enough, he stood firmly to give her whatever support she needed as he always had.

They were on the same page about having their own family and he couldn't help the grin that crossed his face.  Her thoughts on the matter had started just as his which she shared after he'd told her of his thoughts the say they'd spent on the boulder . “It has and thought right now it does seem far away I want it to and only with you.” He hadn't felt this way about anyone before and so it was only her that he would want to start a family with.  He spoke of how she was with Gent and Raela’s children, the sound of her laugh was one that he had missed. There hadn't been much to bring it out if her as of late. “I notice everything about you,” he said quietly, “I never doubted that you could be so nurturing and seeing you with those children, his happy they made you. I wanted you to have your own, for us to have our own.” he stared into her yellow eyes as she spoke about him and how how she thought he would make a wonderful father. A blush formed on his cheeks as she spoke about him being handsome, “Thank you Jynx, it means a lot that you think that about me. I want to be the best father to your children.”

It was to say the least a risky thing going to their alphas and asking permission to start their family but it was their best option to do it now.  She agreed that it made sense so as she continued to speak on it he felt they had made up their mind about it, he nodded in agreement with her words. “If they say no we aren't any worse of then we were before but honestly is the best thing we can have with them.  Just because we are mates we should continue as we have in the past with them. If they are that then maybe we'll have worried for nothing.”  it was the hope but he'd always been honest and forthcoming with their dark leader, he felt that it shouldn't change because things with Jynx had.

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2017, 11:45 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

"Agreed. Just because things have changed between us for the better, doesn't mean we should act any differently." Her dark lips formed a soft smile as she gazed at her new partner. "If they turn us down, then it's not like it's the end of the world." She shrugged her shoulders, already resigned to whatever decision Gent and Raela would make, when approached. But truthfully, deep down, Jynx believed that she was almost entitled to have a legacy of her own. Both she and Emrys had started out as nobodies, born from lone wolves. And now here they were, established in a pack and well accomplished at what they did. He held the second ranking position, and so had she, until stepping up to fill in for Raela. She believed she had proven herself enough, in her own eyes to be granted the privilege to breed.

"We should approach them in a few days, when Gent is not too busy." She recommended. The breeding season had already begun, and while she was not ready, nor experiencing the symptoms of heat yet, there was only a limited time frame when her hormones took control. But she was grateful for the delay. With the possibility of her being a first time mother, she would be lying if she didn't say she wasn't nervous. A few days to think, to assess their choice and whether to go forward, was healthy. As she had witnessed, being a parent was no easy task. It was life changing. Having come this far in her life already, Jynx felt sure that she was ready to take the next step. "Let's head back. We can take our time." She suggested warmly. Brushing the length of her body up against him, tail raised excitedly, her demeanor hinted at what she had in mind. Alone time with her new love, spent curled up cuddling in a warm, private den.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

They both agreed that their behavior shouldn't change just because their relationship had changed and they were now mates. “No, it wouldn't we would just have to wait until we could,” he said as he looked into her yellow gaze.  Emrys worried that if they couldn't start their family in the notch they might have to go somewhere else. For the time being he would accept whatever verdict was given to them by Gent, his loyalty to the alpha wouldn't allow him to do anything else.  Emrys was also well aware of his place and knew he didn't have to right to have his own legacy.  It didn't stop him from wanting one with Jynx so asking to that they could both have what they wanted most.  He was willing to ask for permission and hope for the best.

He nodded in response to her suggestion about when they should go and speak with Gent, “I think that's best,” he agreed.  He didn't know if that would help their chances but it might help the alpha from feeling too stressed.  A few days would be good for them too, they would have the chance to talk their decision over a little more. “We should, don't want them to start wondering where we are.” He liked the idea of taking their time, it was more time he would have her to himself. A smile crossed his lips when she brushed her body against his, Emrys didn't hesitate to follow her.

(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2017, 02:48 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.