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lotus-eater — Lavender Ethos 
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Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
[Image: D9tiam7.gif]

Okay, so the arrival of a new man had not been an original part of Ayti's plan. The chocolate-furred wolf had been savoring every moment of the girl's approach, excitement building by the second as she leaned in... and then her attention was stolen by the new male. Which, of course, wasn't even a problem for the Casanova. He wasn't particularly competitive, so if this man held possession over the lady, then he wouldn't step too far in on his turf.

Ayti remained on his back as the new man addressed him, and he gave the most charming smile he could muster from his submissive position, his tail wagging back and forth. "Well, there's a lot of me to go around, and you are a handsome devil." He winked at the pale-furred newcomer and rolled onto is stomach to peer up at the both of them. "But I'm not really into hard-asses, so I think I'll pass on that one."

He tilted his head toward Lilya, raising hazel eyes to meet her blue ones. "This guy your boyfriend or something?" he asked, one ear dropping as he tipped his head to the right. "Sorry if I overstepped my bounds. I don't normally go after other guys' girlfriends." He cut his eyes back toward the newcomer - Lach, it seemed - with a smile.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Of course he had only made things worse, because that’s what Lachesis did best. Making everything worse.

Cut it out, Lach!

Normally he would have recoiled at her tone, and apologize profusely for being so overbearing, but he couldn’t. Not now. His foolish streak was only continuing and all he could do was own it, because there was no going back now. He certainly was going to be doing a lot of apologizing once he got Lilya alone…

He remained where he was, his apple-green gaze flitting over to the blue-eyed girl as he tried to mask how frustrated he was with her for leaving his side. His upper lip curled, revealing sharp canines as a low growl hummed through his teeth. But, before he could respond, the dark wolf before him interjected, causing his nose to snap back to it's original position. The leader took a step forward as the younger wolf rolled to his stomach, his nose still wrinkled; teeth still showing. Now was not the time to be cracking jokes—fortunately for this wolf, XIX was still nice even when he was pissed off. “You’re awfully close to my lands, loner, keep your tongue in check,” he spat in response, hackles raised.

When the espresso-coloured wolf spoke once more another growl emitted from his body. He knew exactly how Lilya was going to react so he did not bother responding. XIX was not her boyfriend, or anything for that matter. They were friends and he was acting like a complete idiot because they were friends. Yes, that was precisely why he was acting the way he was. The shadow of doubt gnawed at his thoughts, but he dismissed with an irritated wag of his tail. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys
Sorry! This is Lilya's exit :P She can't take all this boy drama

The situation only seemed to intensify, and she was no longer interested in being around either of them. Then they started talking to each other like she wasn’t even there. Lachesis not even talking to her, but instead to this loner, and the loner asking her a question which seemed more rhetorical than anything. Her tail continued to lash in a frustrated manner until she turned and left, sulking off with another hiss. He was most certainly not her boyfriend… friend? Maybe. Maybe. But, if he kept acting like this than she wouldn’t be able to say even that.

Was he like this with everyone else? She didn’t see him stalking Kisla or Inna or anyone else for that matter so what made her so special? Why did he feel the need to target her? These thoughts raced through her head as she tried to put as much distance between her and Lachesis she could, even if it meant running into someone she really didn’t want to see like the other women of the River. She was muttering to herself but her dialect was shaking the words up and making it hard to understand everything – it was almost incoherent if she were completely honest.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
The man snapped at him to watch his tongue because he was close to his lands. Which, of course, was difficult not to laugh at, but somehow Ayti managed. The chocolate-colored male frowned when Lilya just got up and left, his heart dropping and his gaze following her in concern the entire way out of the Ethos. But, as soon as she was gone, he cleared his throat and looked back up at the other man.

"Shit, I'm sorry, man-" he began genuinely, rising to his paws but keeping his head low so that he wasn't over the pale one. Well, his shoulders and back were, but the gesture was definitely there. He cut himself off when he realize he'd cursed and shook his head. "Uh, I didn't, um, mean to curse again. Force of habit. Not, uh- not what I meant to do." He shifted his weight a bit, feeling slightly awkward. "Didn't mean to, uh, make a move on Lilya, either. Didn't realized this was... whatever... this is."

He lowered himself just a bit, raising his hazel eyes up to meet the other male's greenish ones. "I wouldn't have done anything to her if she didn't want me to, by the way. I'm not that type of guy, y'know?" He cleared his throat again. "We got off on the wrong foot, I think. My name's Aytigin, or Ayti, Delaney. I'm not here to cause you any trouble." He smiled slightly. "Just wrong place, wrong time, I guess."
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“Dammit Val,” he hissed under his breath as the sparrow turned away, disappearing into the trees. A deep frown was etched into his dark lips as his chartreuse gaze followed her tawny figure until it completely disappeared. Only then did he turn his attention back to the espresso-coloured loner, just in time to hear him sputter out more words. The healer snorted in response, his forehead smoothing as he listened to the lacklustre explanation. Didn’t mean to make a move, hmph. It took everything inside of him to not roll his eyes.

He remained composed, despite his claws digging into the soft dirt, as he studied the large male. Wrong place, wrong time was right. Under any other circumstances, Lachesis would have welcomed a loner hovering around his borders. Now he was chasing them away. Idiot. Neither Kisla or Lilya were going to be happy about this…

With his chin and tail still raised high, the healer shrugged in response. “Watch the borders and watch your nose around these river females,” he answered gruffly, his lips falling into a thin line. “They’ve got teeth and claws much sharper than mine.” If the loner wanted to linger XIX would not force him away—Hearthwood needed the numbers. It bothered him how much he cared about this Aytigin getting close to Lilya, but he did not care if he met with the Baranski females.

He was not looking forward to the conversation he was about to have with the blue-eyed sparrow.

“Lachesis Stark,” he answered after a brief pause, his apple-green eyes turning back to the spot where Lilya had disappeared. A sigh rolled off his tongue, brows narrowing darkly. There was a conversation he did not want to happen waiting for him behind the trees and for a fleeting moment, Lachesis actually considered staying to talk to the loner. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
The river man seemed content to stay for a moment, and Ayti would never turn down a good conversation. Hazel eyes brightened at the warning and he tipped his head. "Oh, so there are more river females?" he asked, eyebrows raising. "I've never been too worried about sharp claws and teeth. Trust me, my nose has been on the receiving end of it more than my share." And, oh, wasn't that the truth? The Casanova liked women. It just seemed sometimes that women didn't like him in return.

He raised his chin a bit in acknowledgement of the other man's name. "So that's why she called you 'Lach,' hunh?" he guessed, a smile growing on his lips. "It's a good name, anyway. I dunno what my mother was thinking with my name - who in their right mind gives a pup the name 'Aytigin?'" he teased, ears flicking back and forth. He turned his full attention back to the pale man once again. "It's good to meet you, though, Lachesis. Thanks for not tearing my head off or anything. I won't go around Lilya again." He meant it, too. Other guys' girls were off-limits, as long as the guy was around.

"Now, it's not really any of my business, but..." he began slowly, deciding to choose his words carefully for this part. "If I were you, I'd probably go after her. She's a good girl, and, y'know... can't really just let her leave like that." He smirked confidently. "She didn't seem like she hated you, either. So, maybe, if you hurry, you can make it up to her. Nothing bad ever came from an 'I'm sorry,' right?"

Aytigin punctuated his last sentence with a wink. "You don't seem like a bad guy, Lachesis. You've definitely got a shot there."
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
feel free to archive or add 1 more post <3 @Aytigin

Anger still lapped hungrily at his thoughts while he listened, impatiently, to the newcomer speak. He couldn’t stop himself from rolling his eyes at Aytigin’s comment about more river wolves, his chin lifting slightly. If this loner stuck around he would soon realize he was barking up the wrong pack if he thought he could handle the Baranski women. For a fleeting moment Lachesis almost hoped that the stranger would try and pull a similar stunt with his co-lead, Kisla.

At the mention of his name he nodded softly, though his eyes trailed back to the spot where the sparrow had disappeared. He did not have time for one-sided conversation—he needed to resolve things with Lilya before they got worse. XIX could only imagine how infuriated she was with him and he needed to put out the flames. “You too, Ayti,” he responded dismissively as his apple-green eyes refocused on the brown wolf, his lips curled into a soft frown.

“That’s the plan,” he growled at the male’s words, his brows narrowing darkly. This wolf was giving him relationship advice? He scoffed aloud at the thought. “It’s been an absolute pleasure, but I should really get going.” The ghost took a step toward the trees, his chartreuse gaze still focused on the younger male. He sighed, his head falling slightly to the right. “If you stick around a little longer I wouldn’t mind bumping into you under better circumstances,” he offered before turning on his heels, waving his tail in goodbye before following the sparrow’s trail. He was going to hear it from her…

(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2017, 06:58 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you