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she's a butcher with a smile — Midnight Plateau 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

Well, it was settled then, wasn’t it? Greer loved Kyna, and Kyna loved Greer, and there was nothing else she needed from the world. Phineas’ death hurt a little less – Aponi’s continual abandonment was not quite as potent, and she knew that whatever came her way, their way, they’d be alright as long as they had one another. Hell, they’d be more than just alright.

The young woman hummed happily as she was blessed with touch and gentle nips both – but suddenly, it was not enough. The strange feelings that had cursed her for the past several days had been muted by the fear and worry of Greer’s appearance, but with that anxiety dampened, the fire just under her skin had roared back to life. She needed the shadow, and it finally dawned on her then, this was the time, wasn’t it? Just as her mother had tried to add to their family before, it was Kyna’s turn to build her family with Greer now.

She hummed again, pausing only long enough to nuzzle the man’s cheek before drawing away. “We should, ah…” A fine time to get shy, surely. “We should do it, then. Finish the bond.”

Make our family.

Her tail gave a friendly wave, her look could only be described as inviting as she nuzzled close again, waiting, waiting for Greer to do his part now that he’d been given permission.

Resources by freepik.com, table by Kydnt
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
good spot to fade here? :B @Kyna <3

Emotions were not something the shadow was familiar with. He typically dismissed them as soon as they bubbled up in his chest and did not know how to handle them once they surfaced. It was why he had always kept to himself, lurking in the shadows. It was where he felt most comfortable, for the spotlight had never suited him. Kyna had been an unexpected ray of light, breaking through the walls that Greer had worked so hard to put in place. But he did not mind. She was worth it. The scarlet girl had always been patient with him and respected the silence that he often shrouded himself in. She never pushed him, just occasionally nudged him in the right direction.

As she hummed the shadow pressed his nose to the spot below her ear, his mercury gaze blinking shut as he was consumed by her. He listened, absently, as she spoke, his obsidian fur blending with hers as he tried to fill the space between them, not fully paying attention until the last few words dripped from her tongue. Finish the bond? At first, the statement blew right over his head, for finding a mate… starting a family… until Kyna, it had never crossed his mind. It was his turn to pull away, his brows narrowing softly; a questioning glance. The gentle wag of her tail was all he needed to wipe all thought of doubt from his mind. This—she—was what he wanted.

Greer did not answer. He knew that he did not need to.

Without further hesitation, the shadow stepped forward, his ears falling against the back of his skull. It was his turn to be shy, despite the ball of desire that burned furiously in his chest. His forehead pushed against her chest before he dragged his muzzle along her side, nipping affectionately as his side pressed against hers. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]