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Enter the Damsel — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris



Word Count: 212

The suggestion that she might belong in his pack took Anaia aback.  Maybe she could belong there, but how… then he offered to take her with him.  Away from the Monadnock, at least.  She was both drawn and repelled by the idea.  She owed them too much to abandon them, but at the same time having someone with her would make leaving easier.

She couldn’t suppress the sigh of relief that left her mouth as he nibbled on the back of her ear.  The itching subsided as pleasure coursed through her.  She leaned against his side a little, the contact also helping to relieve the discomfort.

Then he asked about Sara. “She’s… sad, I suppose, but she had a few ideas about what to do so I could leave.” She glanced around again before continuing. “I’m afraid they’ll follow me.” She whispered, like she was telling a secret.  And she was, sort of.  Sara knew, but she had tried very hard to keep it from everyone else.  Hence the avoidance.

“Would your pack even take me?” She asked. With spring coming, they were likely going to have new mouths to feed and from her experience, nobody liked have an additional stomach clambering for food. Least of all someone as useless as Anaia seemed to be.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It had to be her decision to leave her pack and go with him to Fallen Tree Cove where she might have a better life.  He felt Namid would help guide her as would he, like Moonshadow he wouldn't bring her and leave her to her own devices. Maybe like Moonshadow she would become an important part of the pack one day with a little help along the way.

A slight smile played at the corners of his lips as she sighed from the nibbling he was doing at the base of her ear.  For that moment he had given her some small bit of happiness when she seemed to be afraid the whole time they'd been together. The pressure on his side from her leaning on him cause his own sigh to leave him.

He listened as she spoke about her sister, “It seems she supports you leaving and finding a better place for yourself. Maybe she will be happy if she knows you are happy and safe?” It was merely a thought but one he felt she should consider. Then she dropped another one of her fears on him, the fear they would follow her. “I am going there tomorrow, I can ask to take you with me. If they agree then they shouldn't follow and if they don't maybe we can figure something else out.” He had grown to believe that she had to leave her pack, it wasn't fair that she lived so unhappily.

Her next concern was if his pack would take her, “I would have to do some explaining but they are good alphas and I believe they will take you as long as you promise to do what you can for the pack and follow their rules.” Kajika didn't think there would be anything for her to fear once they returned to Fallen Tree Cove.

(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2017, 10:11 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris



Word Count: 221

While Anaia knew her sister would miss her, they hadn’t been reunited for long anyway and would likely easily move on. She’d hoped Sara might come with her if she left, but that wasn’t going to happen.  She loved the Monadnock too much.

The idea of simply asking to leave had never crossed the girl’s mind, and caused her fur to stand on end. She shook her head violently. “You can’t just ask!” She exclaimed.  She wouldn’t even have time to run if she was standing before them and asked to leave. They’d strike her down then and there.

But another thought struck her.  Maybe if this stranger asked to take her, it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe Anaia could slip away with him and not have to worry.  She could hardly remember what it was like not to worry, and her fear had only increased since her conversation with Piety the night before.

She settled back down and tucked her head against the man’s shoulder. More promises would have to be made, but there would be no joining a pack unless there were. “That’s what I promised them.” She moaned. “I can’t seem to do anything right.” She couldn’t seem to stay healthy, either.  First the avalanche, then the burned paw, and now this strange itching inside of her… what would come next?

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He knew what it was like to leave a sister behind but he also knew that it was necessary to ensure your own happiness.  Lately he hasn't been very happy but he has found happiness in the cove, he knew that was where he belonged and it could be that too for the girl next to him. He'd only just met her but he did care what happened to her just as he has with Moonshadow.

She did not seem to take to the idea of just asking very well as he felt her fur raise and then she was shaking her head. “Why can't I?” Asked her with a raised brow. He knew the answer could be no, that her alphas wouldn't let him have her but there was also the chance they would say yes.

“We have to at least try,” he told her, “Knowing what I do I can't just leave you behind.  I have to start back to FallenTree Cove after I meet with your alphas and I would like to bring you with me.” With Moonshadow it had been different he hadn't found her very far from the cove but it had taken him eight days to reach the Lowlands, he couldn't just come back for her. If she was going to be coming with him she had to come with him the next day.

He has told her what would be expected of her once she reached the cove and what she said next he took as her agreeing to come with him. He had to be sure, “So you want me to ask your Alphas if I can take you with me?”  She'd tucked her head into his shoulder as she'd uttered the words and the next thing she said bothered him, “Perhaps you haven't had anyone to help you?” Or maybe she hadn't had the right kind of support, things he knew she would get in the cove.  He placed a kiss on her crown, “I will do everything in my power to help you,” he assured her.

(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2017, 01:21 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris



Word Count: 200

Anaia felt bad for drawing this stranger into her problems.  She should have just gone back and told someone about his presence – still should – but for the first time, she had hope.  Though it made her quiver with fear, she nodded, not trusting her voice to give him permission to ask… for permission. To take her.  Away. From the Monadnock.

His suggestion of lack of help made her feel guilty.  She’d had it; too much of it.  That’s how she’d landed here, in this pack, to begin with. “It’s not that really… I just seem to always mess up and get hurt.”

She wasn’t sure why she was telling him this, but her story just tumbled from her lips. “When I got separated from my birth pack, I got caught in an avalanche and sprained my leg. The Monadnock took me in and healed me… but then I burned my paw on a scouting trip not too long ago.  It wasn’t bad, but… Morganna was less than happy about me using up more of the herbs.” She didn’t want to admit that she appeared to be more of a drain on the pack’s resources than not, but there was no other conclusion.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It was a big thing leaving a pack that had become a home. It he didn't feel that way about her pack for her.  He knew I'd he left the cove for good it would have to be with good reason so he wanted to be sure that he wouldn't be taking her from her pack against her will.  She didn't speak her answer but instead nodded and a smile broke across his face as he placed a kiss on her crown, “I know it’s very scary but you mustn't worry.  You'll be alright.” Kajika hoped everything went off without a hitch but he chose not to voice any worries with the girl.  She didn't need that stress so instead he tucked her a little closer to him with his chin and settled in as she spoke once more.

It wasn't that she hadn’t had enough help but that she would hurt herself after messing something up, “Well maybe there is a reason, something about the territory that doesn't seem to agree with you?” He suggested thinking the mountain might hold a better terrain for her.

Kajika was a little surprised when the girl spoke more about herself, how she had to come to to the pack and  little more about the pack which he learned part of the name was Monadnock. “It's been rough for you but nice of them to take you on here but I don't think about being made you for using the herbs for your injuries is really proper.” It was yet another reason he believed she should come with him.

(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2017, 09:39 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris



Word Count: 239

She wasn’t sure why she was trusting this stranger so much, but he was helping her.  Leaving a lone wolf would be easier than leaving a pack if it came to it.  “Just don’t let any boys get too friendly.  Not all of them have good intentions.” Piety’s warning flashed through her mind, and for a moment Anaia was afraid she’d made a grave error.  But then the dark man rested his chin over her, tucking her in closer to him.  She felt more relaxed than she had in a long time, strange feeling aside.

She still wasn’t sure she believed Piety when she said it didn’t mean she was sick.  But her pack member hadn’t been mad, so she supposed there was that.

“It is very flat here.” She said quietly, agreeing with his statement.  “I was raised in the mountains.”  The idea of returning to one was both very exciting and very worrisome. Last time she’d been on a mountain, she’d nearly died.  But this would be different.  She wouldn’t be lost.

“It was nice of them to take care of you here…”

Guilt crashed over the small woman again.  She owed the Monadnock wolves so much.  They’d saved her, and taken care of her, and here she was sleeping outside the territory with a man she’d never met talking about leaving with him-

It was then she realized she didn’t even know his name.  “I’m Anaia.” She told him.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It was settled that he would ask if he could take the girl back with him to Fallen Tree Cove and hope for the best.  He really had no idea how it was going to go the following day but he knew she couldn't stay in this place.  To ask her to or make her would be cruel and unfair in his mind, she had the right to be happy. Maybe because he could sympathize with her was the reason why he was so adamant about her leaving. Maybe it was her intoxicating scent that filled his nares as he tucked her closer that had him completely out of his mind. Whatever the reason she needed to be somewhere other than Whitestone.

Kajika knew she would have a better life in the cove where she would have the support if her packmates and understanding if her Alpha's.  The dark man wouldn't even be surprised if Namid took her under her wing.

The beta nodded at her comment, “It is very flat here,” and as he mentioned she was raised in the mountains it clicked in his mind, “Maybe you need to return the the mountains where you are more comfortable.” If that were the case then the cove was where she should be and not here on the tundra.

It did however sound the more she spoke about the wolves in her pack that they had taken care of her.  Which he felt might add to her reluctance to leave but he hoped she would see she had to do what was best for herself.  He couldn't imagine what she might be going through but he wouldn't desert her once they had left if all went well.  Like Moonshadow he would take her under his wing and help her to succeed in the cove.

She spoke once more offering her name, “I'm Kajika,” he told her a small smile crossing his features as he rested his head across her shoulders.


(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2017, 09:09 PM by Kajika.)
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