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the man from jupiter — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
@Laike this post is kinda poopy

Her words cut him like a knife and immediately she felt remorseful, she hadn't meant to hurt him, no matter how small his sudden backtrack of words made her bite her lips. Instinct flooded her with the desire to console him, make this moment disappear, but he was smooth enough to rectify the situation for which she was grateful. "That is a coincidence." she nodded, awkwardness flooding her. Why did she have to be so awkward?! She cleared her throat, tail thumping behind her in a rhythmic motion, "so we're all alone...together." another awkward moment, and so obvious that she rolled her eyes at her own stupidity. She was really starting to shoot herself in the foot during this entire meeting.

 When he settled to his haunches she felt a sigh of relief wash over her, happy that finally they were at the same level, and the nerves seemed to disappear to a more comfortable and tolerable level and after a deep sigh, she spoke. "You don't make me uncomfortable, not at all." she assured him, not wanting him to leave her so suddenly when things were beginning to heat up between them. At least she had hoped it was.
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva
i loved it <3 @Rory

He smiled softly at her agreement and her next words caused something in his stomach to flutter and do flips all at once. "Well I mean, if we're together we're not really alone, right?" He spoke carefully and slowly to make sure his words got out clearly. Laike was concerned that his words might jumble or he might say something he didn't mean. He liked her so far. He was overly nervous about messing something up because what would she think of him if he made a giant fool of himself?

"Good." His voice was still soft and a bit breathy. Even though he kept himself calm on the outside he felt his heart violently beating inside of his chest. Between her scent and their combined awkwardness, the large male wasn't sure how long he'd last before he simply exploded from nerves. "I'm glad you decided to approach me." The Artemevia gave her a kind smile. "I haven't had a chance to be very social in a while so this is all rather nice." His orange eyes had a hint of warmth in them. "I hope you feel the same." Laike's tail swished across the ground beneath him in a slow, steady rhythm.
[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
If she could tell, from looks alone, what the male was thinking she'd be floored. The nervousness he kept bottled up resembled her own, though her facade was slowly beginning to crumble and every so often she would have to remind herself to breathe calmly and watch her words. She had no interest in seeming like a wolf with little knowledge in front of him, especially considering how well he was presenting himself around her. She inhaled deeply, "You have a way with words," and she chuckled, the kind that school girls emit when their crush finally says something to them regardless if it was a joke or not, and she felt as if her words were beginning to jumble. Another deep inhale, she gathered her composure. "I'm glad to have found you too @Laike . You seem very handsome." her eyes grew wide, and a flood of heat overcame her when she realized how she'd complimented him, that had been entirely too flirty and she was certain that he wouldn't forget it. She meant to only compliment his genuineness.

"I'm sorry, I'm not usually like this I promise. It's just, it's been a while since I've spoken to someone like you." by someone she meant overbearing, older male who happened to occupy the same space as her. It was pure coincidence that had brought them together and she hoped that it would pull them apart just long enough for her to gather her bearings--she was losing herself. "I'll just shut up now..." and she looked to her paws, a look of embarrassment crossed her face. How silly she was beginning to look in front of him!
(This post was last modified: Mar 16, 2017, 07:57 AM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva
His chest felt like it was tightening before expanding and repeating all over. It was like every time she spoke he was caught off guard. Laike certainly didn't think he had a way with words but by god, if she wanted to think so then she could. "Thank you, Rory." His voice was low and whispery. Both compliments had him feeling a little fuzzy and he tried his best to disregard it. Laike wasn't a man to simply give into his instincts but it seemed the world was trying to convince him otherwise.

A smile pulled on his lips. "You have nothing to apologize for." He wondered if her words were true or if the real cause of her words were thanks to the hormones. His smile faded with her next words. The large Artemieva gave her a kind look. "I don't want you to shut up. I'm loving every moment of talking to you." His tail swayed across the ground beneath them. Getting wrapped up in some female had not been in his mind when he scaled the mountain. It didn't seem like it was a waste of any of his time, though. He never had much experience with this kind of thing but he thought he was doing rather well so far.
[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
She shrunk before him, too nervous to open her eyes even as the warmth of his voice and kind words flooded her, leaving her temporarily speechless. This moment was strange, the most strange of all, and for a moment she wished nothing more than to disappear and leave this mountain and Laike behind, the uncomfortable butterflies were returning too frequently and it was beginning to make her nauseous. She shuddered, inhaled deeply to calm her heavily beating heart, and opened her eyes slowly as if opening them too fast would harm her and make this meeting go further south than it already had. Her tail thumped once behind her from nervousness and her dry mouth finally opened to produce a weak, awkward chuckle "I think I'm sick Laike," she confessed, finishing quickly, "it's probably the mountain gases, yeah that's it." she attempted to convince herself and the male counterpart at her side. Lifting to all fours, her knees and paws felt unrecognizable as each footfall felt like they were moving in slow motion and without direction.

She had no idea where she was going but the movement felt good, it made her feel less vulnerable and the closeness between them was lengthened by a few feet when she settled near a jagged rock that jutted out from the side of the mountain and into a sharp point, it was as if she were cutting this meeting abruptly to an end and awkwardly she attempted to apologize. "I don't want you to catch this." she started, shaking her head with ears pulled close to her narrow skull. Without much warning she actually felt sick as butterflies came flying through her gut once more and she gagged trying to keep them grounded. goddammit stop! she scolded her uncooperative stomach, wishing for nothing but this ride to stop. It just had to. "I'm sorry." she looked toward the male who was causing this commotion in her body, it was taking every ounce not to lean into him affectionately and make this meeting more worthwhile but fright kept her at bay. She didn't want this, it was nothing like her to be so bashful and shy, and if Laike actually knew her he would vouch for this strange behavior on all levels. 
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva
He was not ready for her next words. She thought she was sick. Maybe she was but if Laike knew anything about life it was not a sickness that overcame the female. He listened as she blamed it on the mountain. The male bit his tongue unsure if she knew what was going on but didn't want to admit it or if she was truly clueless. Was it his place to try and explain? Was it even his place to openly explain what was going on between them might be nothing more than mere hormones flying about? No. He didn't think it was.

His orange eyes watched as she tried to move about. The distance between them grew but a scent was still there nonetheless. He got to his own paws but didn't move near her. "It's okay." He whispered softly. Laike knew he had to be better than the males that stooped to a bit of fun and didn't think of consequences. "I hope you feel better." Even if his tones didn't display sadness it certainly grew somewhere in his chest. "I really hope to bump into you again." A weak smile wiggled onto his face as his tail swayed easily. He took his time to turn around and begin his walk away. There was no shame as his head occasionally turned to look back over his shoulder. Maybe he would bump into the mysterious Rory again when the time was right.

-Laike exit-
[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
She'd blown it, the hard pounding in her chest and tightness in her belly made her want him closer yet further at the same time, her dry mouth made it nearly impossible to speak. She'd felt this before during her first year of going into heat and it had been much worse then this, but lucky for her she'd been all alone those few weeks and left to ward off the feelings without the advances and distraction of a male counterpart but this year was different, as they usually are. She inhaled deeply, taking in her scent and that of the male all in one whiff before and ignoring the shiver that went down her back when she felt the urge to lunge toward him and allow him the opportunity to do as he wished with her. Lucky for Rory, and Laike for that matter, they were both too nervous and inexperienced to perform the natural act of courtship and for a moment Rory felt her heart leap in her chest in excitement, she had survived another year without a litter.

This also meant she was without a mate, once more, and potentially but too hard to love. She released the air she was holding when he increased the distance from her and for a moment she wondered if anything she could potentially say would bring him back toward her. It didn't take long before she realized that the male was probably more interested in getting his space than further entertaining her and she accepted that. At least he voiced potentially seeing her another time, and a weak smile crossed her mouth before she spoke. " I'm sure we will!" and just like that, as if he performed magic, he was gone. She lingered at her spot for a moment or two longer before cursing herself for not following suit; how in the hell was she going to get down?

-Fade to black-
(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2017, 04:49 AM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!