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'Neath the Pale light of the moon — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

While he'd had a specific schedule in mind and wanted to get home he owed it to Anaia to protect her.  It as a responsibility that he took very seriously and now with her paw pads he was going to make sure she didn't become worse off.  He was sure that if it took a little longer than he'd planned Namid and Vespertio would understand. Especially once they saw that he had brought Anaia with him to join FallenTree Cove.  He was curious what the pale female would become in a place like the cove, he thought the chance would be good for her.  The wolves of the cove could help build her confidence and make her stronger.

Instead of staying where the icicles had fallen they both agreed to move on to somewhere else.  It was fine with Kajika since he didn't think he would get much sleep anyway. He wouldn't until he had Anaia home safe. Kajika have her cheek a brush of his muzzle before he started off in the direction of the cove, “It really shouldn't take us that much longer to get there.” He didn't want her to feel bad about her paws becoming cracked.

He turned his head to look at her a moment, “What exactly would you like to know?” He asked looking for her to give him a specific topic to focus on.  He didn't mind sharing what information he could with her if it would help her to become more at ease with her decision.  However he could only share so much.

She still has not made it to the border and asked to join, there would be time until that moment for her to change her mind.  He couldn't take the chance that she would do that and take too much information with her.

(This post was last modified: Mar 29, 2017, 04:33 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris



Word Count: 200

She liked Kajika, she really did.  Even though she didn’t understand his thought process or why he was being so kind to her, she liked that he was patient and she wasn’t afraid of him.  She liked the feeling of being free. He didn’t seem irritated by her questions, and even asked for specifics.  This time was no different.

“Will you tell me more about the alphas?” She timidly asked. What if he thought she was being too nosy and was planning on going back to report what she’d learned? What if he left her behind because he thought she might not be a good addition after all?

She shook those thoughts from her head and scolded herself for being so insecure.  She was the one who left her pack after all, not the other way around.  She had gotten lost the first time; they hadn’t abandoned her.

Still, the fact that Anaia was scolding herself again meant even just the few days she’d been on the road were helping her. The air helped, the change in scenery helped; even the walking, though it was causing a bit of anxiety with her chapped paws.  Still, she wasn’t regretting her decision yet.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

After four days traveling with Anaia Kajika felt that the decision he'd made to offer her a place in the pack wasn’t the wrong one.  While she did seem a little insecure he felt that could be changed after some time in the cove.  If anyone could help her get past that it would be Namid and even Moonshadow.  A smile did cross his lips at the thought of his friend and the confidence she'd showed speaking to him the last months.  He felt Anaia had the same determination that Moonshadow had, no doubt she would pull her weight.

The question she asked in regards to being a little more specific was one he'd expected. “They are both kind and fair.  If you need help with something or just need to talk they are both willing. However they do expect you to pull your weight and have loyalty to them.” He didn't want to sugar coat it for the girl, for her to succeed she needed the reality.

After meeting her alpha he felt that Anaia would be better off in the cove. Namid and Vespy were much friendlier alphas and a lot more understanding.  Kajika wouldn't be surprised if Namid took it upon herself to help the girl with whatever she needed. “I think you’ll really like them both,” he added to his previous statement about Namid and Vespertio.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris

OOC! One or two more posts each then archive?


Word Count: 210

She had to admit the alphas did sound better than her previous ones.  They had to be, if they had a pack member like Kajika who was willing to speak out for them so positively. Anaia was almost looking forward to meeting them and getting a fresh start. She wanted to get on with her life and stop looking over her shoulder.

She nodded as Kajika spoke, not agreeing or disagreeing with his assessment.  “How big is your pack?” She asked.  She had gone from her small family pack to one that was overflowing.  She hoped this one was a little smaller. She didn’t want to be overwhelmed by too many new wolves.  She wanted to meet them slower; being mobbed had always been anxiety inducing for her, but now she was worried if they all came at her at once, she would panic and they would decide she wouldn’t be a good member after all.

“What if they don’t like me?” She mumbled.  What if the alphas accepted her but nobody else liked her? They weren’t likely to keep her around just because Kajika brought her, after all.  She needed to be able to fend for herself, and have more than just the one friend… what if she couldn’t do that?

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
OOC: That works for me.

Talking about his Alpha's was something Kajika didn't mind especially if it helped Anaia to feel more at ease.  He knew this change wasn't easy for her so he understood her need to ask questions.  Being that he was a teacher in the pack questions never bothered him and in fact he welcomed them.  Besides if Anaia knew she was going to a pack with alphas that were very different the. What she was used to she might even feel better about talking to them.  That was the important thing,talking to them, answering what questions were asked of her.

The next question revolved around the size of the pack to which he wouldn't give her specific numbers.  “It's not too big but we have enough wolves to take care of what we need to.” It was a bit vague but if he were honest he couldn't be sure of the numbers. A lot could have happened in his absence which bothered him since he had no way of knowing. He would be home soon enough to ensure everything was indeed okay within the borders of the cove.

A smile crossed his face as she worried about them liking her. “I can't see how they wouldn't like you,” he told her confidently. He knew his packmates and how friendly they were, the only one he worried might not like Anaia was Lunette. Like it has been with him it would probably take the young Vuesain some time to get used to Anaia. “They are all very friendly and all you need is a little time to get comfortable around them.  They will give you that time.” Of that he was very sure about as well, how could he not be?

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
Please see OOC Profile for OOC Preferences, Thank you.
Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris



Word Count: 229

It had been a while since Anaia had been part of a pack that actually cared about her.  She was only just getting accustomed to Kajika’s tone, let alone the idea of others having concern for her anxiety. Still, she wasn’t surprised when he glossed over the pack size.  She wasn’t an official member of the pack yet, after all. He was only being cautious; she could give him that.

He insisted that the others would like her, and she decided not to argue.  He knew his fellow pack mates better than she did, after all.  It was unlikely they would hate her right up front, right?  Would Kajika belong to a pack like that?

Though she had a few other questions, the pale girl decided not to ask them just yet.  She was getting tired again, and she wanted to think for a little while. She simply nodded as he finished speaking, keeping her eyes ahead of them in the darkness.  What would it be like to be back on a mountain? What would it be like to belong to a family that cares again? Kajika had said he was a teacher, right? So what would she be? She had to have something to offer.

With that came a whole new level of anxiety.  She would figure it out later.  For now, she needed to focus on walking.


"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]