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Only Exception — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
She met Borden's smile with one of her own, letting them all take their time.Of all her children she was not surprised this was the hardest for Trisden. Time had been the enemy making a wait of hope change into a meeting of question, and unsteadiness. She could see her taking in him in, but couldn't read her empty expression. It was never a good sign if she was quiet, and it tugged at Jayse's chest. She held her ground hoping to spot a change, a clue what was going behind her amber eyes. The lift of her chin seemed the only portrayal of the girl she had raised, and who was the leader of her siblings. She was aware of the question that soon lingered in her gaze. <i>How was this their father?</i> She understood, but was not sure if she could answer. Or not now. She did not know why he was broken either instead of the strong leader he had been.

She returned a soft gaze with a slow blink, trying to convey she could answer her questions some other time. She almost thought she might speak or move, instead she returned to her state of nothing. She supposed it could be much worse. She had feared Trisden would be angry, and easily chew Borden up one side, and down the other. She knew she often took Elettra's lead. At least none of them had seen the dark lady's anger lash out. Still no words she felt would make this easier, she smiled and it was one of real happiness. Maybe it would do it's part in assuring her, and Lettie and Hocus this was a start for a new beginning.

After a short moment for them to look between each other Hocus was the first to come forth. Her white tail brushed along the ground, happy to see her oldest take the initiative.Her smile would widen, a gentle laugh vibrating her throat at his comment in tune with Lettie's giggle. He certainly was starting to surpass her in size, and it humored her how he realized this. Arlette followed in line, showing her affection in her meek and mild way. Peering from the corner of her eye she could tell Borden was taking it in stride, but handling it well considering. It warmed her heart when he brushed his nose to them, as she often did. At his gentle voice she was surprised, and her ears twitched, taking in her daughter's reaction to this. One day maybe she would accept it, and maybe she would not. For now at least they were all together, the future open in it's options.

(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2012, 05:16 PM by Jaysyek.)
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