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don't go chasing waterfalls — Zephyr Rill 
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
healing Dem 5/3

Inna wasn't stupid she knew that Lachesis was important in making sure that Lorcan would be okay where her brother was concerned. The problem she knew lay in the fact that Lachesis was close with Aleksei. She believed if Lorcan could earn the healers trust and show how much having the former Whitestone wolf within Hearthwood he might have Lachesis in his side. Especially since she didn't think that their leader knew Lorcan could be the father of her children. “That trust will have to be very strong. Lachesis has been there for all of us he is more like family to the Baranksi's,” she explained hoping she was making herself clear. “But if you can get him on your side or at least give him no reason to doubt you then Alek might not be able to stir up trouble.” Inna wondered when it had all turned to plotting against her brother. It was a stupid question really, if he hadn't chastised Lorcan then she wouldn't feel the need to act in such a way. Now that Lorcan was in Hearthwood trying to start over and be there for her and their children she could not let her brother ruin that for him. She couldn't let him be taken from his children.

She laughed as he stated he wasn't afraid to try the sweetgrass along side her, his amusement was clear. He soon caught up to her, not a difficult task at this point, she wasn't as fast as she once was. He then explained to her what exactly the plant did for a mother when giving birth. “Well I don't suppose you will be needing that,” she stated good naturedly but she couldn't help the next laugh that left her which was a little longer. “Now Lorcan I couldn't possibly do that. Who else would I have to help look after the children,” she jested because that was exactly what it was. She never expected anything from him except what he was comfortable with. However she did not miss his little hint which had also caused a smile to form across her features. “You don't know how happy it makes me to know you will be there. To see them be born,” she said quietly. It was important to her because it was something that only happened once and she believed he needed to be there.

The longer they played together she was reminded of what they’d had on the mountain, the happiness she has felt as they played and rested with each other. How much she missed it and for that short time he had been hers but she also remembered what he'd said about his former packmate, Piety. She had to remain cautious, not get caught up in him and wind up hurt. While she collected the plant for Lachesis Lorcan waited and when she’d joined him he had nipped her ear before running away. Of course she couldn't let him get away with it but again she wasn't fast enough which she voiced and he slowed to allow her to catch up. She bumped him when she finally did come up beside him as he looked around.

The distance they had traveled since starting out had brought them along the river to the point it was now just a bubbling stream. She placed the Arnica on the ground and moved to lap some of the water before her attention was drawn from her drink back to Lorcan as he asked her if she smelled something. She scented the air for what he was smelling and she thought she might, “The sweet scent?” She asked not knowing that it was the vanilla scent of the Sweet grass they were looking for. Then he told her that it was the scent of the plant they were looking for. “Then we should look here for it,” she stated as she began to look around at the different plants. Each one she rested her eyes on didn't seem to have the characteristics of the plant he'd described. Until finally a small spec of yellow caught her eye just a little further down the creek. She moved toward it and inspected the plant when she reached it. The sweet smell seemed to be coming from it, “I think I really found it this time,” she called to him.

(This post was last modified: Apr 12, 2017, 02:15 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan nodded in understanding to Inna’s warning, a solemn expression sweeping across his features for just a moment. Of course it would make sense that Lachesis had greater trust in his other subordinates over himself, but Lorcan hoped that he had never given the male a reason not to trust him – none that the leader knew about anyway. If he could keep what had transpired between him and Inna a secret, he couldn’t see any reason why the leader could not grow to trust him just as much as the other Hearthwood subordinates.

Laughter filled the air as him and Inna joked about him taking the sweet grass. His laughter became quiet though when she joked about who else would look over their offspring. Charcoal lips pressed together and a subtle frown creased his forehead. He hoped that the wolves of Hearthwood would accept his children as their own, but the fear that they would not was always there in the back of his mind. The fact that Inna had not been chased out of the territory was a good sign that the pack was willing to accept the illegitimate puppies, but who knew what was to happen once they were faced with the pressure of feeding numerous tiny mouths.

Her delight of the idea of him being there when their pups were born snapped him out of his moment of dread and caused a soft smile to form on his lips. “I promised you I would be there, didn’t I?” He responded, nuzzling into her neck, before stepping back to take in her swollen form. “I wonder how many there are in there?” He mused, golden eyes narrowing in on her stomach.

When they stumbled across the stream Lorcan had caught a whiff of the sweet grass immediately. Excitedly he called over to Inna before he continued to sniff around in search of the plant. Glancing back to her, he nodded to confirm that the sweet vanilla scent was that of the sweet grass, before he continued tracking it down. The scent was coming from further down the stream, but he hung back, pretending to inspect an area of dense foliage as Inna gradually made her way towards it. He’d let her find it, besides the best way to learn was through trial and error.

Not long after she had headed past him in the direction of the scent, Inna called out to him. Wandering over casually, a smile pulled across his lips at the sight of sweet grass she had successfully found. “Well done.” He said warmly, tail swaying behind him as he moved in to sniff at the delicate yellow flowers. “Let’s harvest as much as we can and then head back.” He suggested before he began delicately breaking off the plants half way down the stems and collecting them between his jaws.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

She felt helpless to protect Lorcan from Alek especially in her condition but there were so many things that stood in her way. She knew that if she publicly stood up for him their secret would be out. She couldn't physically fight her brother in her condition but the thought of putting him in his place was one that had crossed her mind. So Lorcan was left to take care of himself in this but she would give him what information he needed to do that. She didn't like putting Lachesis in the position that he might have to go against Aleksei. She hated what it had become but Alek couldn't leave it it alone so it left her no choice if she wanted her children to know their father and he them.

One thing that she liked about her friendship with Lorcan was that everything came so easy with him the teasing and playing but also just talking to him. There was another thing too, he always seemed to know what she needed when she needed it. Their joking quickly stopped as she tried to joke about who would take care of their children. She saw the change in Lorcan and knew she should've known better because it was a sore subject with both of them. Like Lorcan she wanted their pups to grow up along since the others to be born but Inna couldn't be sure that is what would happen.

She had told him that she wanted him to be at the birth and to hear him hint at it the way he had. It made her happy that there might be a chance that he could be looking forward to it. “You did, I haven't forgotten and you have been keeping up with your promises,” she agreed as he nuzzled into her neck. She then brushed her face along the side of his neck as he asked about the number of pups growing inside her. She turned her head to join him in looking at her stomach, “I don't know but I have been wonderful that myself.” Sometimes she lay on her den wondering how many children she would have. Her mother hadn't ever had any more than three in her litters.

Lorcan had been right that they wouldn't find any Sweetgrass so close to Hearthwood. It almost as soon as they came upon the stream they smelled the scent, which Lorcan confirmed, of sweet grass which led to them looking around the area. Inna had traveled a little further down stream then Lorcan had so she had been the first to find it. This time though she had been very thorough in her investigation of the plant, she didn't want to make the same mistake twice. She looked the plant over and smelled it and then when she was completely certain she called for Lorcan.

Inna's tail wagged happily behind her as a large smile crossed her inky maw, she was proud that she had found it at last. Even more so that she had recognized it without any help from anyone. “Thank you,” she said watching as he moved in to sniff the plant before nodding at his suggestion.She watched him start to harvest before joining him.


(This post was last modified: Apr 12, 2017, 06:19 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.